At least Katara would stay on-topic about her being annoying. -_-
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
At least Katara would stay on-topic about her being annoying. -_-
weqrwer wrote: |
At least Katara would stay on-topic about her being annoying. -_- |
masterofaeons wrote: | ||
That's only because the only topic Katara knows is herself. |
masterofaeons wrote: |
They can't de-power her. All they can do at this point is have everyone else catch up to her. So Toph doesn't need much more in order to catch up (maybe she regains her vision and becomes immortal?), Sokka needs to get like Yuu Yan good (the archers from S1's Blue Spirit, for those of you without the DVD set or a good memory) and probably get a magic weapon that can shoot out mini-Legolas and Sephiroths that can fight by his side (I'm so kidding). Aang needs to master his elements and become do deftly powerful that Zuko and Azula are no longer threats. Powerwise, Katara should be topped. There's "not having a glass roof" and then there's "affirmative Mary-Suing". I'm pretty sure that the show's creators were mean to women in thier youth and made Katara as an apology to thier first girlfriend, who they saw as weak and wishy-washy. |
They could lop off an arm. That would certainly limit her power and make her more interesting as a character. But, it might be too dark for a kid's
It doesn't look like Katara's powewrs are going to stop any time soon. In the third season promos and trailers, she's shooting giant water canons from her arms, stopping tsunamis, and growing a beard and mastering all of the other elements (well, that last part is just a theory).
But, yeah, she's just leagues ahead of everyone, including the Avatar himself, and there's no promise of an end. They might as well just change the title to "Kataara: the Best EVERYTHING!" and send her out to defeat Ozai.
simsfreak098 wrote: |
why do people keep making do you like,hate,ec. threads. they are so point-less! but to stay on topic, no i do not think katara is annoying. |
Seriously, why is Katara always so "sensitive" about her parents? Sokka doesn't constantly lament the tale of his dead mother to every newcomer, nor does he openly mope about his dad's departure, even though he seemed just as or more attached to his father. Back with Bato when awaiting word of their father's location, she was eager to see her father, too; no evidence of a grudge at all.
I would have expected that she and her mother were close (as they did household chores together) while Sokka and his father would be close (as they trained together). This would explain why she's always going on about the death of her mother, and why Sokka doesn't bring it up nearly as much. So, I figured that she would be happy to see her father, just not as happy as Sokka. Apparently, she just holds a monopoly on parental relationships and sadness over the loss of a loved one.
Is this "emotional vulnerability" supposed to make us feel more sympathetic towards her? It just comes across as whiny and immature to me, especially compared to just about every other character in the series. (Aang doesn't go on about the genocide of his people; Toph doesn't mention missing her parents all of the time; Sokka is mentioned above; Iroh doesn't tell everyone and their mother about the death of his son)
Also, I love how they took out another few minutes out of the series to show how pretty she is in a Fire Nation sports bra. So much for toning it down.
I went back and read my original post... dang, I was really p***** with Katara!
The reason I truly disliked Katara was because after season two, her flaws vanished!
She used to be romance crazy and obsessed with being a Waterbending master. Now she is a master (or at least good enough to be considered one) so that flaw is gone, then her romance crazed side vanished as well... leaving only her good traits behind so they could keep growing and growing and GROWING!
Katara never stops improving or getting better. Its only worse now that she has that exposing FN outfit (in contrast to everyone else we've seen in Avatar) and of course those swimming/ Waterbending scenes.
The only remaining flaw in Katara would be her aggressive side... but whenever she gets aggressive, her anger is justified. When she fought with Toph in "The Chase" it was Toph that unintentionally started their spat. Katara was mean to Jet because he lied to her, tried to get rid of Sokka, and kill an innocent EK town for his deranged goal so her rudeness to him was justified, not to mention that no one pointed out her bad attitude.
Katara wasn't a bad person before (despite what I've said before) but she is just a good person all around with no real flaws to her character. She's always sweet, motherly, powerful, and pretty and no bad traits besides her justified aggressiveness.
UGH. Was it just me, or did that last episode leave a particularly bad taste in your mouth? It was probably the little bit of vomit that forced it's way up my throat halfway through the episode.
Apparently, everyone but Katara is a heartless jerk, Katara is TEH BEST WATERBENDER EVAR now, and she's, once again, remarkably pretty. She's only angry when standing up for what is right, and she's only sneaky when it's for the greater good.
Really, can they make it any worse? I suppose they could give her a couple more love interests, or give her another super special power like using the moisture in the air or in her body to levitate herself, or pull a hillbilly and start bending all of the plants and trees (she can already bend water she can't see), or create giant water monsters like the Sea Spirit from season one's finale.
foamingmonkey wrote: |
UGH. Was it just me, or did that last episode leave a particularly bad taste in your mouth? It was probably the little bit of vomit that forced it's way up my throat halfway through the episode. Apparently, everyone but Katara is a heartless jerk, Katara is TEH BEST WATERBENDER EVAR now, and she's, once again, remarkably pretty. She's only angry when standing up for what is right, and she's only sneaky when it's for the greater good. Really, can they make it any worse? I suppose they could give her a couple more love interests, or give her another super special power like using the moisture in the air or in her body to levitate herself, or pull a hillbilly and start bending all of the plants and trees (she can already bend water she can't see), or create giant water monsters like the Sea Spirit from season one's finale. |
Well said, well said. You took the words right from my mouth.
*spoiler below* Highlight it too read.
Katara does bend the moisture in the air. She was trapped in a wooden box with a vent overhead and she was sweating a lot. She concentrated and then formed a slash with the water in the air/sweat.
Katara seems to be turning into a bonafide Mary Sue, not a character who is too good to be realistic, but a true too perfect reality bending Mary Sue.
avrurakinninami wrote: |
I like the balance idea, Zuko + Katara = perfect balanced couple |
Zuko would need someone to deal with his constant emo angst. I think any of the Joo Dees are mindslessly blissful enough to smile through his worst temper tantrums and fits of the female dog variety.
Katara would need someone to counter her utter perfection. Someone ordinary and fatally flawed would be perfect, like the Crazy Foaming Mouth Guy.
TheNextAvatar wrote: |
i personally have a short temper..............if i was aang or anyother person there, i would have left katara there to her precious village without another thought. she was just so....bee-yatch-y. i think the creators gave her too much emotion? they should reduce her silly emotion...i mean shes 14, not some anonying little 10y.o. with a conscience.... |
I think the biggest problem isn't that she's filled with emotion (otherwise, what would define a character?), it's that she's pretty much the only one in the Aang-Gaang who has any emotion, and she has enough of it to supplement for everyone else. She's the one who's always outraged over some injustice (she was furious with Jet, Master Pakku, her father, the factory), the one who's saddened most with some tragedy (the death of her mother, the departure of her father [both in comparison with Sokka's emotions on the subjects]) and the most compassionate with others (Aang when he first came out of the iceberg, and when he saw the genocide of his people, when he lost Appa, the Earthbending village with Haru, the river village).
It's not that emotion is a bad thing, it's just that they dumped all of the emotion onto one character. None of the other characters ever seem to have as much emotion as Katara. Compared to Katara, everyone else is practically a robot.