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Create your own Fake Avatar* Bloopers 2

  • Avatar of C1991


    [2421]Sep 4, 2007
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  • Avatar of tico1125


    [2422]Sep 4, 2007
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    Azula_sis93 wrote:

    Another one of College Days; Avatar Style.

    *the Monday after the concert*

    Katara: Oh, that concert was so much fun!

    Azula: Yeah, except for whoever bumped into me.

    Mai: Causing you to bump into me, causing me to bump into Katara, and causing Katara to bump into Ty Lee.

    Ty Lee: What she said.

    Katara: Well, besides that. Anyway, have you seen Toph lately? I tried to call her on the phone and she didn't answer.

    Ty Lee: When did you call her?

    Katara: About an hour before the concert. I didn't really try again yesterday; I got caught up in schoolwork and applications.

    Azula: Applications? Where are you thinking about going? The three of us are heading for Emory.

    Katara: You're heading for Emory? I've been considering it, but I don't know...

    Mai: What?

    Katara: Well, I wanted to avoid Sokka as much as I could; he's in James Madison University. In Virginia, you know?

    Azula: Oh, don't worry; Emory's three states away.

    Katara: Where's the applications? I'm joining up!

    Ty Lee: That was a pretty quick change. Anyway, I don't know where Toph is.

    Azula: Hold on. I'll ask Aang if he's seen her.

    Katara: Okay.

    *Azula walks over to sophomore locker area* *she walks up to Aang*

    Azula: Hey, Aang, have you seen Toph?

    Aang: *blushing* Uhhhh...ummmm...

    Toph: *pushing Aang into a locker* I'm right here. Why?

    Azula: Oh. Well, Katara said she tried to call you on Saturday at around six. Where were you?

    Toph: Twinkle Toes and I had some business to do.

    Azula: I see. Well, I gotta head off to classes. See you later, Toph.

    Toph: Bye.

    Aang: Ouch....Toph, can you let me out please?

    Toph: *locking locker door* Did I hear something?

    Aang: Toph! What are you doing?

    Toph: That's for giving me a heart attack at that concert! 'My heart burns for Azula'...give me a break! And here I was thinking it was Katara!

    Aang: Well Katara's kind of cute...

    Toph: Twinkle Toes, you're an idiot!

    *Toph storms off*

    Aang: Hey! HEY! TOPH!

    *at the end of the school day* *the seniors are at their lockers*

    Azula: Well, that's normally how you get the application for it. Mind you, Katara; Emory's high up in the status and brains. Also the money.

    Katara: I might be able to managea scholarship.

    Ty Lee: That would be great! *looks at homework pile* Tonight's going to be a long night.

    Azula: Yeah, it is. Well, anyway, I gotta go, guys. I promised Zuko that I'd watch Star Wars EpisodeV with him.

    Mai: Zuko's at your house?

    Azula: Yeah, didn't I tell you guys? He's on fall break.

    Katara: I wish our fall break would come soon.

    Ty Lee: Yeah, well, you can't win everything.

    *girls split up* *meanwhile at the sophomore locker area*

    Aang: A little help! Anybody? Somebody! *bangs on locker door*

    *student opens it up*

    Student: Are you okay?

    Aang: Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks.

    Student: No problem.

    *student walks off* *Toph walks towards her locker, right beside Aang*

    Aang: Yikes! *runs off*

    *At Azula's house*

    Zuko: Let's get some popcorn!

    Azula: All right, but hurry up! I've got homework!

    Zuko: No problem, Azula!

    *Zuko runs off to get popcorn* *Ozai walks in*

    Ozai: Azula, don't you have homework?

    Azula: Yes, father, but Zuko wanted me to watch Star Wars Episdode V with him.

    Ozai: Episode V, eh? I like that movie.

    Azula: You want to watch it with us?

    Ozai: Sure.

    *Zuko comes back in with two bags of popcorn*

    Zuko: Father? You're watching as well?

    Ozai: Yeah, I am. I'll get popcorn for myself, though; go ahead and start the movie.

    *Ozai walks off* *Zuko starts movie as Azula turns the lights off* *movie starts*

    Zuko: I LOVE Star Wars!

    Azula: Yeah, me, too!

    Zuko: "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."

    Azula: If I needed a narrator, I'd ask for one, Zuzu.

    Zuko: Don't call me that!

    *Azula and Zuko get into an argument throughout the whole intro*

    Zuko: Now look what you did! We missed the entire intro!

    Azula: Well, fine then! Blame it on me, don't you? You always try to blame it on me!

    Zuko: Always? Give me a break.

    Azula: No, I WON'T give you a break ZUZU!


    Azula: Now look what you did! Luke's already been found by Han!

    Zuko: Oh, that's my fault now, is it?

    Azula: Yes it is!

    Zuko: Now look who's blaming who!

    *Ozai walks back in the room*

    Ozai: I'm back!

    Azula: Oh, pointing a finger, eh?

    Zuko: I'm not pointing any finger!

    Azula: Now HAN and Luke have been found! Shut up!

    Zuko: YOU shut up!

    Ozai: Guys, really-

    Azula: I won't shut up until you do!

    Zuko: Well I'm not shutting up!

    Azula: I know that! Your mouth is too big to close!

    Zuko: WHAT WAS THAT????

    Ozai: Now, guys, we shouldn't be-

    Azula: You heard me, ZUZU! I said YOUR MOUTH IS TOO BIG TO CLOSE!!

    Zuko: Why you little-

    Azula:Now look what you did! The Empire's already got their AT-ATs on Hoth!

    Ozai: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!

    Zuko andAzula:

    *Ozai sits down on couch between Zuko and Azula*

    Ozai: Am I going to have to start this over?

    Zuko: Sure!

    Azula: No! I've got homework!

    Zuko: Hey, so do I, you know!

    Azula: Is yours due tomorrow!

    Zuko: No, but college studentstrump high school students!

    Azula: No, people with more brains trump people with less brains!

    Zuko:Then I guess my opinion still stands.

    Azula:Zuzu, you're pathetic! You can't even catch on to cues!

    Zuko: Now we're on Bespin??

    Azula: Look what you did!!

    Zuko: Luke and Darth Vader are fighting!

    Ozai: Shut up! This is my favorite line...

    Darth Vader: No, Luke. I amyour father.

    Ozai and Luke: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Zuko and Azula: WTF?

    The scene at home was funny. you lost me with the scene at school.

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  • Avatar of Azula_sis93


    [2423]Sep 22, 2007
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    In honor of Avatar: SEASON THREE!! "The Awakening", here's another College Days; Avatar Style!

    *Wednesday at school*

    Katara: Hey, guys!

    *Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai stop walking and turn around*

    Katara: I'm having this big sleepover at my place. You guys are invited! Go ask your parents about it!

    Ty Lee: A sleepover? YAY!

    Mai: I think I'll be able to make it.

    Azula: I'm not sure...Zuzu's coming home this weekend, so...*thinks about Zuko* never mind. I'll make it.

    *bell rings* *they all head off to class*

    *at Azula's house*

    Ozai: No.

    Azula: Come on, dad; Zuzu's not THAT important.

    Ozai: He's only staying one day, Azula. You'll live.

    Azula: *growls You're impossible.

    Ozai: Don't worry, Azula; this whole teenager thing will pass.

    Azula: Are you kidding me? I'm not angry because of hormones; I'm angry because Zuzu's coming home! He does nothing but distracts me, he's a complete idiot, and he'sa waste of time!

    Ozai: Are you finished?

    Azula: Yes.

    Ozai: One day. If this is a whole weekend sleepover, you can join them on Saturday.

    Azula: Fine.

    *Friday at school*

    Katara: So, everybody ready?

    Ty Lee and Mai: Yep!

    Azula: I'll see you tomorrow then.

    Katara: See you then.

    *at Katara's house*

    Ty Lee: Hey, look, Mai! Sokka's here!

    Katara: Oh, yeah; I forgot.

    Sokka: What's that supposed to mean?

    Mai: ...do you want an answer, or do you just want to imagine an answer?

    Katara: You mean you're not high on cactus juice?

    Sokka: Nope! I'm cactus free!

    *Katara rolls her eyes and turns tv on*

    Mai: Why don't we get out of the news channel?

    Ty Lee: Ooooooh! Give me the remote!!!

    *Ty Lee grabs remote and starts flipping channels at a high speed*

    Katara: Ty Lee, stop! How are we supposed to know what channel it is?

    Ty Lee: Okay, stopping now.

    *Ty Lee stops flipping channels* *suddenly, a familiar voice sounds from the tv*

    Familiar voice: Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived in harmony. But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

    Katara: Hey, that's MY voice!

    Mai: Now THIS is interesting.

    Ty Lee: I thought this was some lame show.

    Sokka: What channel is this?

    Ty Lee: *looks* Nickelodeon.

    Katara: If this show didn't have my voice, I'd change the channel.

    *at Azula's house*

    Zuko: I'm home!

    Ozai: Welcome back, Zuko. How's school been going?

    Zuko: All right, I guess.

    Azula: *watching the tv* Hey.

    Zuko: Is that all I get? Don't I get a kiss?

    Azula: If it's a kiss of death.

    Zuko: Well, fine. I'll give you a kiss.

    *Zuko leans over and is about to kiss Azula*

    Azula: *jumps away* AH!

    Ozai: Azula, what are you watching?

    Azula: *turns up the volume* Any channel that is loud so I don't hear Zuzu's voice.

    Zuko: Hey!

    tv: But I believer Aang can save the world.

    *Avatar music comes on*

    Azula: Huh? Aang? That's the name of the tenth grade kid. Let's see what this is about...

    Ozai: *sits down beside Azula* What's this?

    *Zuko sits beside Ozai*

    Azula: I don't know...

    Zuko: "Book three: Fire"? What is that?

    Ozai: "The Awakening"...hm...

    *at Aang's house*

    Aang: Man, I've got a load of homework...

    *Aang turns on tv*

    Aang: *sighs* Might as well watch one show before my freedom is taken away from me. I wonder if they've got Avatar: The Last Airbender on...I heard it's a good show...

    *at Katara's house*

    tv Sokka: The universe just loves to prove me wrong.

    Sokka: I know exactly what you mean! Hey, Katara, this guy thinks like me!

    Ty Lee: Are you sure he didn't have cactus juice?

    Katara: I'm sure; this is how he normally acts. *faces Sokka* Sokka, that's YOU on tv, you dingbat.

    Sokka: I'm on tv? I'M A MOVIE STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mai: Oh boy...

    *at Azula's house*

    tv Ozai: Welcome home.

    Ozai: They show my face!

    Zuko and Azula: YAY!

    *at Aang's house*

    tv Ozai: Welcome home.

    Aang: OMG! OZAI HAS A FACE! I thought Koh stole it or something...

    *phone rings*

    Aang: Huh? *answers phone* Hello?


    Aang: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! *slams phone down* Man, that girl's everywhere...that's why I love her so...*gets dreamy eyed*

    *the end of the episode comes*

    Aang: Man, that character named Aang's a dope! I mean, HELLO-O, you don't go running out into the ocean to fighta whole fleet of Fire Nation ships when you're HALF DEAD!!! COME ON!!! I wonder why he has my name though...

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  • Avatar of Irishmagic223


    [2424]Sep 22, 2007
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    Azula_sis93 wrote:

    In honor of Avatar: SEASON THREE!! "The Awakening", here's another College Days; Avatar Style!

    *Wednesday at school*

    Katara: Hey, guys!

    *Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai stop walking and turn around*

    Katara: I'm having this big sleepover at my place. You guys are invited! Go ask your parents about it!

    Ty Lee: A sleepover? YAY!

    Mai: I think I'll be able to make it.

    Azula: I'm not sure...Zuzu's coming home this weekend, so...*thinks about Zuko* never mind. I'll make it.

    *bell rings* *they all head off to class*

    *at Azula's house*

    Ozai: No.

    Azula: Come on, dad; Zuzu's not THAT important.

    Ozai: He's only staying one day, Azula. You'll live.

    Azula: *growls You're impossible.

    Ozai: Don't worry, Azula; this whole teenager thing will pass.

    Azula: Are you kidding me? I'm not angry because of hormones; I'm angry because Zuzu's coming home! He does nothing but distracts me, he's a complete idiot, and he'sa waste of time!

    Ozai: Are you finished?

    Azula: Yes.

    Ozai: One day. If this is a whole weekend sleepover, you can join them on Saturday.

    Azula: Fine.

    *Friday at school*

    Katara: So, everybody ready?

    Ty Lee and Mai: Yep!

    Azula: I'll see you tomorrow then.

    Katara: See you then.

    *at Katara's house*

    Ty Lee: Hey, look, Mai! Sokka's here!

    Katara: Oh, yeah; I forgot.

    Sokka: What's that supposed to mean?

    Mai: ...do you want an answer, or do you just want to imagine an answer?

    Katara: You mean you're not high on cactus juice?

    Sokka: Nope! I'm cactus free!

    *Katara rolls her eyes and turns tv on*

    Mai: Why don't we get out of the news channel?

    Ty Lee: Ooooooh! Give me the remote!!!

    *Ty Lee grabs remote and starts flipping channels at a high speed*

    Katara: Ty Lee, stop! How are we supposed to know what channel it is?

    Ty Lee: Okay, stopping now.

    *Ty Lee stops flipping channels* *suddenly, a familiar voice sounds from the tv*

    Familiar voice: Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived in harmony. But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

    Katara: Hey, that's MY voice!

    Mai: Now THIS is interesting.

    Ty Lee: I thought this was some lame show.

    Sokka: What channel is this?

    Ty Lee: *looks* Nickelodeon.

    Katara: If this show didn't have my voice, I'd change the channel.

    *at Azula's house*

    Zuko: I'm home!

    Ozai: Welcome back, Zuko. How's school been going?

    Zuko: All right, I guess.

    Azula: *watching the tv* Hey.

    Zuko: Is that all I get? Don't I get a kiss?

    Azula: If it's a kiss of death.

    Zuko: Well, fine. I'll give you a kiss.

    *Zuko leans over and is about to kiss Azula*

    Azula: *jumps away* AH!

    Ozai: Azula, what are you watching?

    Azula: *turns up the volume* Any channel that is loud so I don't hear Zuzu's voice.

    Zuko: Hey!

    tv: But I believer Aang can save the world.

    *Avatar music comes on*

    Azula: Huh? Aang? That's the name of the tenth grade kid. Let's see what this is about...

    Ozai: *sits down beside Azula* What's this?

    *Zuko sits beside Ozai*

    Azula: I don't know...

    Zuko: "Book three: Fire"? What is that?

    Ozai: "The Awakening"...hm...

    *at Aang's house*

    Aang: Man, I've got a load of homework...

    *Aang turns on tv*

    Aang: *sighs* Might as well watch one show before my freedom is taken away from me. I wonder if they've got Avatar: The Last Airbender on...I heard it's a good show...

    *at Katara's house*

    tv Sokka: The universe just loves to prove me wrong.

    Sokka: I know exactly what you mean! Hey, Katara, this guy thinks like me!

    Ty Lee: Are you sure he didn't have cactus juice?

    Katara: I'm sure; this is how he normally acts. *faces Sokka* Sokka, that's YOU on tv, you dingbat.

    Sokka: I'm on tv? I'M A MOVIE STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mai: Oh boy...

    *at Azula's house*

    tv Ozai: Welcome home.

    Ozai: They show my face!

    Zuko and Azula: YAY!

    *at Aang's house*

    tv Ozai: Welcome home.

    Aang: OMG! OZAI HAS A FACE! I thought Koh stole it or something...

    *phone rings*

    Aang: Huh? *answers phone* Hello?


    Aang: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! *slams phone down* Man, that girl's everywhere...that's why I love her so...*gets dreamy eyed*

    *the end of the episode comes*

    Aang: Man, that character named Aang's a dope! I mean, HELLO-O, you don't go running out into the ocean to fighta whole fleet of Fire Nation ships when you're HALF DEAD!!! COME ON!!! I wonder why he has my name though...

    Genius. The beginning was ok, but that last part with Aang had me laughing wicked hard

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  • Avatar of littlefarrie


    [2425]Sep 22, 2007
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    Season 3 Episode 1 The Awakening

    Scene- Aang's in the middle of the sea and Yue was floating towards him.

    Aang: GAAAH!!! G-G-GHOST!!!!!! *bends away*

    (Yue helped makes big wave)


    Director: CUT! Aang! That wasn't in the skript!

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  • Avatar of littlefarrie


    [2426]Sep 22, 2007
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    Season 3 Episode 1 The Awakening

    Scene- Aang's in the middle of the sea and Yue was floating towards him.

    Aang: GAAAH!!! G-G-GHOST!!!!!! *bends away*

    (Yue helped makes big wave)


    Director: CUT! Aang! That wasn't in the skript!

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  • Avatar of crazy17


    [2427]Sep 22, 2007
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    The Awakening:

    Ozai: I am proud of you, Zuko.
    Zuko: O_O *gets up and feels Ozai's forehead. It's cool*
    Ozai: What are you doing?
    Zuko: Just checking to see if you're not talking out of sickness or whatever. Continue.

    (Zutarians are gonna kill me for this. XD)
    Zuko: *walks into his room to find Mai in his bed...waiting for him* AAH! Mai! What are you doing in my bed?!
    Mai: *in a sexy voice* What do you think?
    Zuko: O_____o *rips off clothes* H*** YEAH! *jumps Mai and they...do stuff*
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  • Avatar of AnimangaTwins


    [2428]Sep 22, 2007
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    Sokka: Are you sure this stuff is legal?

    Director: Yes, Sokka, it's FINE!

    Sokka: I-I think I read about this stuff once and i-

    Katara: YOU READ?!!??o_O

    Sokka: Like I said....I just don't think this stuff is safe...or legal.

    Director: JUST DRINK IT! Look, Momo drank it. He's been drinking it since the middle of season 1.

    Sokka: Knew there was something wrong with that thing.Well, I really don't think this is legal

    Aang: Look, I'LL drink it! 'gulp'

    Sokka: Well?

    Aang: S-sokka. I love you (kisses Sokka)

    Sokka: AGHHH!

    Katara(reading cactus jiuce bottle): "Warning! May cause vomiting,blackouts ,illusions of circle birds, drowning in your own spit, or thinking your gay Ooooookay...I always knew Momo was gay....Did Appa have some too? I wonder....Hmmmmmm

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  • Avatar of newworldman11


    [2429]Oct 3, 2007
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    Life! Life to the blooper thread!!!
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  • Avatar of newworldman11


    [2430]Oct 3, 2007
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    Katara: I like your hair.

    Aang: I have hair! *looks down pants*

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  • Avatar of Nakkie34


    [2431]Oct 3, 2007
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    season 3 episode 2 the headband

    aang: Take my hand.

    "katara and aang start dancing"

    After a while the other kids start wactching.

    Katara: aang, they're all looking at us

    aang: Don't worry it's just you and me

    "they continue dancing"

    Aang does a highkick and Kicks katara straight in the teeth.

    KATARA: WTF you %#&# %SS F%CE

    Aang: I'm sorry, can we do it over?

    Katara: Over, There's Gallons of blood coming out of my nose!

    Aang: I was just expressing myself, i like you.

    KATARA: What, you like me and you kick me. First you say you'd rather die than kiss me in the cave, and then you kick me straight in the friggin face while we're dancing romanticly. What's wrong with you?

    "KATARA Walks away angry"

    Aang: we'll i still have On ji ( girl in fireschool )


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  • Avatar of Atu_1


    [2432]Oct 3, 2007
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    newworldman11 wrote:

    Katara: I like your hair.

    Aang: I have hair! *looks down pants*

    That's freakin' funny. The above blooper is funny too.
    Edited on 10/03/2007 8:23am
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  • Avatar of iwantnaughtyboy


    [2433]Oct 3, 2007
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    Book three chapter 2

    Aang: I was just going to show her some movements.

    On-ji(girl from the fireschool): What kind of movements?

    Aang: Oh, you know, I'd be over you and stuff like that.

    On-ji: Oh, I think I like that *starts to make out with aang*


    On-ji: You're an airbender?!?!? KILL HIM!!!!!

    Director: CUT! CUT! CUT!! Onji, don't you read the script?

    On-ji: This isn't for real?


    Zuko: We could have come back together. You could have been a hero.

    Uncle: Why be a hero when I could be a jailbird!! I get all the tea I want!

    Zuko: Who cares about tea, Uncle?

    Uncle: HOW DARE YOU DISS THE TEA!!!!!! *shooks lightning*

    Zuko: Ow....what I didnt think you could shoot lightning....

    Uncle: Look I can shoot lightning!!

    Zuko: You're not Uncle... you're azulla!!

    *Azulla takes off outfit*

    Azulla: Yes I am!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Zuko: What are you doing in jail?

    Azulla: Uncle fattie told me if I was in jail, someone would like me...

    Zuko: Uh, okay...

    Azulla: do you like me zuzu?

    Zuko: no

    Azulla: Then who will love me?

    *out pops sokka*

    Sokka: I LOVE YOU!!!!

    Azulla: seriously who will love me......

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  • Avatar of twinsthatrule


    [2434]Oct 3, 2007
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    Katara: Come on you need a bug.

    Anng: What? Don't you mean come on you need a hug?

    Katara: God D$%# it I did it again

    Director: Come on Katara it's not that bad Katara: Yes it is I do everything perfect! (runs of crying)

    Anng: I'll be in my D#$@ trailor drinking coffee.

    Director: Yeah all we need is a coffee break, Sokka! No more cactus juice!

    Sokka: But I (hic) love it you ba$&*#@.

    Director: I need a vacation

    Toph: You need one? No I do!
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  • Avatar of C1991


    [2435]Oct 3, 2007
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    *a few days beforethe awakening*

    *in Aang's room*

    Aang: *wakes up* Katara? What are you doing here... where are your clo- *gets banged on head and falls back into unconsciousness*

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  • Avatar of goosegirl829


    [2436]Oct 3, 2007
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    A few hours after he got shot by Azula. He slowly opens his eyes and sees....

    House: You took a pretty bad fall I was told.

    Ang: Who are you?

    House: Hes going to need surgery! And I'm house.

    Ang: What?!?

    House: Lets make this as painful as possible


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  • Avatar of theredrobin


    [2437]Oct 3, 2007
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    Scene from the Awakening

    Aang: Roku?

    Roku: You haven't failed, Aang.

    Aang: But the whole world thinks I'm dead again. They think I've abandoned them. And I'm losing this war.

    Roku: If anyone is to blame for the state of the world, it is me. I should have seen this war coming and prevented it. You inherited my problems and my mistakes. But--

    Aang: Wait just a goddam minute. You mean to tell me I'm stuck to deal with all this s*** while I'm still in the mind-set of a twelve year old because you couldn't do your job yourself? Well **** you, Roku. **** you!

    *screen is cut off*

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    [2438]Oct 3, 2007
    • member since: 03/01/07
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    lols, good ones.
    lol, next time you die you can bring yourself back to life.

    i posted this in another thread, but i think this is a better place for it.

    firebending teacher: (after aang fails miserably at a complex move) okay aang, let's try something a little easier, i want you to burn me.
    *moments later*
    aang: yo mamma's so ugly, she begged koh to steal her face!
    aang: oh, you meant burn as in burn with firebending, oops! *insert embarrased smiley here*
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    [2439]Oct 3, 2007
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    newworldman11 wrote:

    I'm back! After about... 20 minutes. Heres a pretty gory and long one.

    Aang a Zukomeet up in a bar.Aang asks, "Did your hear the news -Sokka is dead??!!!"

    "Woah, what the hell happened to him?"

    "Well he was on his way over to my house the other day and when he arrived outside the house he didn't brake properly and boom - He hit the curb, the car flipped over and he crashed through the sunroof - Went flying through the air and smashed through my upstairs bedroom window."

    "What a horrible way to die!"

    "No no, he survived that, that didn't kill him at all. So, he's landed in my upstairs bedroom and he's all covered in broken glass on the floor. Then, he spots the big old antique wardrobe we have in the room and reaches up for the handle to try to pull himself up. He's just dragging himself up when bang, this massive wardrobe comes crashing down on top of him, crushing him and breaking most of his bones."

    "What a way to go, that's terrible!"

    "No no, that didn't kill him he survived that. He managed to get the wardrobe off him and crawls out onto the landing, he tries to pull himself up on the banister but under his weight, the banister breaks and he goes falling down on to the first floor. In mid air, all the broken banister poles spin and fall on him, pinning him to the floor, sticking right through him."

    "Now that is the most unfortunate way to go!"

    "No no, that didn't kill him, he even survived that. So he's on the downstairs landing, just beside the kitchen. He crawls in to the kitchen, tries to pull himself up on the stove, but reached for a big pot of boiling hot water, whoosh, the whole thing came down on him and burned most of his skin off him."

    "Man, what a way to go!"

    "No no, he survived that, he survived that! He's lying on the ground, covered in boiling water and he spots the phone and tries to pull himself up, to call for help, but instead he grabs the light switch and pulls the whole thing off the wall and the water and electricity didn't mix and so he got electrocuted, wallop, 10,000 volts shot through him."

    "Now that is one awful way to go!"

    "No no, he survived that..."

    "Hold on now, just how the hell did he die?"

    "I shot him!"

    "You shot him? What the hell did you shoot him for?"

    "He was wrecking my house."

    Lol that was a good one me.
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    [2440]Oct 3, 2007
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    katara: is there anything you need?
    aang: i need to redeem myself, i need my honour back.
    director: cut! okay who gave aang zuko's script?!
    zuko: i had the wrong script? hmm i was wondering why my first line was 'twinkeltoes, that's gotta be you!'
    toph: wait, if zuko has my script, whose do i have?
    toph: (reading out script) i just asked if you were cold, i didn't want your whole life story.

    director: (whilst all of this is going on) hmm, we can edit this into the episode, aang, how good are you at zuko impersonations?
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