-Note that i recenly aquried reality bending-
*I make my self a portal into the avatar land*
Me:Ohmygod Zuko!
Zuko:Who the hell are you?!
Me:Im your biggest fan.I luv you.*takes a step towards him*
Zuko:Noooooooo stay back!!!!
Me:No one will ever hert you again. *while i was busy se- I mean following zuko i forgot to close the portal and thousands of zuko fangirls/boys rush through*
fangirls/boys:OMG ZUKO!!!!! *zuko is trampled to deaf*
fangirl/boy 1:Uh...what do we do now?
fangirl/boy 2:Uh....Find someone to blame?
fangirl/boy:Yes we must find someone to blame! *a fight breaks out*
Me:*looks at dead zuko*Um....*shifty eye*OOOOOhhhhhh Sooookkkaaaaa!!!! *fighting stops*
fangirls/boys:Yes we must find Sokka!
fangirlboys:*puts on "We Heart Sokka" shirts*Were coming Sokka!
Me:*bends reality so a giant wave of milk crashes down on the fangirls/boys and they drown*
Me:I dont like competition.
(so that wasnt exactly a blooper.srry)
Edited on 08/10/2007 8:42am