the_mental_teen wrote: | ||
Um......she is on crack? God, I thought everyone knew that!
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
the_mental_teen wrote: | ||
Um......she is on crack? God, I thought everyone knew that!
5Cartooner9 wrote: |
Iroh: It's a long, long way to Ba Sing Se, but the girls in the town, they f*** you like a clown. They kiss soo sweet that you really got to meet! The $luts from Ba Sing SEEEEEEE!! Directer: Iroh, that's not your'e line. Iroh: Soo, it's true. |
15 out of 10!!?? I know it's a sick blooper, but it's really really funny sick blooper!
Princess_Sasuke wrote: | ||||
Um......she is on crack? God, I thought everyone knew that! |
5Cartooner9 wrote: |
Iroh: It's a long, long way to Ba Sing Se, but the s in the town, they f*** you like a clown. They kiss soo sweet that you really got to meet! The $luts from Ba Sing SEEEEEEE!! Directer: Iroh, that's not your'e line. Iroh: Soo, it's true. |
ardron wrote: | ||
No wonder you got moderated so many times. |
this is still going? wow. i thought it died a long time ago. but, i do have a blooper-thingy!
(this takes place on toph and aang's honeymoon)
aang: uhh.... what now?
toph: who cares? as long as we don't go and do something stupid. like when you got us captured by the fire nation!
aang: just forget about it! it was one bad trip, get over it!
toph: yeah, try 5. first, we got captured by the fire nation, then that little girl chased us all over kyoshi island, then appa got stuck in a tree, then.....
aang: alright, alright! we've had some bad trips, but i promise this one's going to be different.
*5 hours later, in a swamp*
toph (mocking): 'this time's going to be different, i promise!' yeah, this is different. instead of being captured or being chased by a toddler, now we're stuck in a swamp with smelly swamp benders eating bugs bigger than my head! boy, is this fun!
(i don't know if this has been used yet but here it goes)
Azula and her group come walking up to Aang and friends in a dark alley looking for a fight
Sokka: my friend Aang here has great power, he'll kick all your butts, he'll make you wish you were never born.
Azula steps forward and shoots a lightning at Aang, Aang falls.
Sokka??shows a??surprized look
Director: cut, your supposed to??punch him out, not kill him, Katara get in here and??bring him back with your special water.
camera turns to see Katara healing Zuko's face.
Katara: oops, sorry, i didn't expect that, cant we find another Avatar.
Director slaps himself in the head.
Aang: i'm alive (as Azula is about to shock him back to life with her lightning bolts, pointing to where the lightning bolt went through the armpit of his clothes)
Director: nevermind, but next time be ready, take 2
(they get it right).
Toph: when's my second personality scean.
Director: that's the next scean, just don't kill the dude, he's still on rent (pointing to Iroh spraying mouth wash into his mouth for the next scean)
(yes this is a spoof of Heroes)
Sorry, but I forgot my FOD yesturday. But here is today's. Remember, only one a day, except special occasions.
This one is long, but funny.
dumbTVnut wrote: |
Ok I whent to work for 3 hours and every second I could not get this out of my mind, so here enjoy: |
Aang: Happy Nature Day.
Katara: Aang, why don't you have any clothes on?
Aang: Today is Nature Day, a day where you celebrate what nature has blessed you with by relieving yourself of man made confines.
Sokka: Ok, thats more of Aang than I what I wanted to see.
Ty Lee walks in, naked
Ty Lee: Happy Nature day.
Ty Lee: I feel so liberated, and cart wheeling is so much easier. (Starts cartwheeling)
Sokka: ??Homina homina homina...
Katara hits Sokka in the back of the head
Katara: Alright, thats enough, get dressed and stop this Nature Day stuff??before it gets out of hand.
Aang: Oh lighten up Katara, what's the worse that could happen.
Iroh & Aunt Wu: Happy Nature Day.
ChrisVisagie wrote: |
Aang: Happy Nature Day. Katara: Aang, why don't you have any clothes on? Aang: Today is Nature Day, a day where you celebrate what nature has blessed you with by relieving yourself of man made confines. Sokka: Ty Lee walks in, naked Ty Lee: Happy Nature day. Sokka: Ty Lee: I feel so liberated, and cart wheeling is so much easier. (Starts cartwheeling) Sokka: Katara hits Sokka in the back of the head Katara: Alright, thats enough, get dressed and stop this Nature Day stuff??before it gets out of hand. Aang: Oh lighten up Katara, what's the worse that could happen. Iroh & Aunt Wu: Happy Nature Day. |
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!?? *scrubs brain with hot water, soap, and steel wool*
10/10??for creativity!??
i've got one, but you need to see a video
director: ok, lets see how the season 4 begining is going
editor: ok here it is
director: O_O
editor: did you like the edition?
edmasterchaos wrote: |
i've got one, but you need to see a video director: ok, lets see how the season 4 begining is going editor: ok here it is director: O_O editor: did you like the edition? |
mellomuse wrote: |
Here's an old one I'd put on Dongbu Feng.?? Sorry if these are lame: Episode 1-13 The Blue Spirit The scene in Zhao's Fortress where the Blue Spirit pins the FN soldier's alarm horn to the wall with a dagger, then??incapacitates him with a water bucket.
iceroyale wrote: | ||