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Season 3 Discussion Thread....SPOILERS allowed...

  • Avatar of LunaGirl196


    [881]Jul 6, 2010
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    DC-Dude wrote:

    ^Most of us think that.

    Being spoiled about the eliminations doesn't make me less intrigued to watch. Like last night, it was REALLY dramatic to see DJ almost be voted off.

    Yeah and even though I like the guy I want him to leave so he can stop harming animals and himself and then feel bad about it (Poor Guy).

    Anyways Zeke's appearance was creepy, Harold sacrificing himself with a toy lightsaber cause of Alejandro was sad and hi-larious, Team Amazon is starting to get a plot also I LOLed when Gwen, Heather, and Courtney froze up when they were asked about their video (Since that's happened to me a lot), Sierra in this episode was kind of creepy (Especially in the beginning), Cody did a very good job in this episode and I'm really starting to like him again, Noah's lines in this episode were really funny like when he told Owen to wait until the city was done, Harold and Tyler's exchange about Japanese game shows was entertaining, Harold being upset about Chef's outfit at the beginning reminds me of oh so many anime fans, and them showing the trailer for the second season in Japan and Courtney complaining about the dubbing was a nice touch as well.

    Overall I really liked the episode though I saw a clip at the end of Duncan landing in Egypt though did they show that before? Cause I never saw it.
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  • Avatar of ultimatekey


    [882]Jul 7, 2010
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    Harold's drop of shame video is on CN video.
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  • Avatar of lastmarshmallow


    [883]Jul 7, 2010
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    On the wikia page for Slap Slap Revolution, Team Victory is shown riding a bobsled without Bridgette, pretty much confirming her elimination in Yukon. It also says that LeShawna is leaving in that episode, so what are they going to do with Lindsay and DJ afterwards? My guess is that they are going to be split up and placed on the other two teams, with DJ going to Team Amazon( to add another male voice) and Lindsay going to Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot( to create tension between Tyler and Alejandro). Just a thought, although I'm really not sure what else they *could* do.

    On another note, Team Victory chose the worst name ever for their team XD.

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  • Avatar of pixarprincess


    [884]Jul 7, 2010
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    I STILL can't over those team names- Team "Victory" is pure irony, and Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot... Self explanitory.

    And to make it funnier, the person who GAVE it that name switched teams, so their just left with an embarrassing name!

    At least they're doing better than Victory.
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  • Avatar of jfsredhead16


    [885]Jul 7, 2010
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    on the cartoonetwork website it showed a sneak peak of the yukon episode. And in the sneak peak eziekl again made a cameo

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  • Avatar of TDIrocks61294


    [886]Jul 7, 2010
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    That was a great preview, and I really want to see the episode. It was interesting to see Noah hug Bridgette.

    Edited on 07/07/2010 3:22pm
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  • Avatar of XiaolinPrincess


    [887]Jul 7, 2010
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    I thought this was going to be a good season, but it has started off really badly. Because this is a precursor to how the rest of the series is, I resign from watching the Total Drama series.
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  • Avatar of DC-Dude


    [888]Jul 7, 2010
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    ^Are you and I watching different TV shows? Because I think TDWT is excellent and is really good at capturing the essence of all characters. For example, every character has their role now. Characters like DJ and Owen who were somewhat boring in TDA are now useful and very entertaining to watch.

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  • Avatar of TDIrocks61294


    [889]Jul 8, 2010
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    DC-Dude wrote:

    ^Are you and I watching different TV shows? Because I think TDWT is excellent and is really good at capturing the essence of all characters. For example, every character has their role now. Characters like DJ and Owen who were somewhat boring in TDA are now useful and very entertaining to watch.

    Agreed. Everyone is getting lines in each episode too.

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  • Avatar of Zoe_Kay


    [890]Jul 8, 2010
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    I may sound a bit odd, but I am 100% team Zeke. I mean with that apperance they could make such a good like "side" storyline xD

    I really want him to win.

    I'm a little bit sick of this "Leave and Come Back" thing the writers keep doing. Like in season 1, Izzy and Ava left and came back. Season 2, Izzy (3 times), and this season Zeke and Duncan (In the trailers for future episodes you can catch a glimpse of him kissing Gwen, which can be a great storyline as well).

    The whole "singing" thing is getting on my nerves too. Too many shows have singing in them, so I think that kinda sucks (but it is pretty cute when I have mute on).

    The team names are hilarous and so are most of the characters (besides Sierra. UGH, she get's on my nerves)

    Really great season so far !

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  • Avatar of Runner555


    [891]Jul 8, 2010
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    It is funny. Way before all of these spoilers everyone wanted Bridgette to win. Honestly I am hoping that the only spoilers we got which were the eliminations will be it. And I agree that when LeShawna is gone DJ and Lindsey will go to other teams. Or maybe they will do a challenge like they did in TDA in which whoever wins picks the teams except the part of the double elimination. But even though some of my favs are gone I love this season.
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [892]Jul 9, 2010
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    I don't know if DJ and Lindsay will go to new teams, even if it would make sense. They are still seen walking around together in the Amazon/Peru.
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  • Avatar of DC-Dude


    [893]Jul 9, 2010
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    Runner555 wrote:
    It is funny. Way before all of these spoilers everyone wanted Bridgette to win. Honestly I am hoping that the only spoilers we got which were the eliminations will be it. And I agree that when LeShawna is gone DJ and Lindsey will go to other teams. Or maybe they will do a challenge like they did in TDA in which whoever wins picks the teams except the part of the double elimination. But even though some of my favs are gone I love this season.

    That's true- we all expected Bridgette, Noah, Izzy and Cody to make it very far- but we now know that not all of them are going as far as we hoped.

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  • Avatar of peopie1111


    [894]Jul 9, 2010
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    I may be the only one, but I actually love Sierra! For a new character she's on my top five favorites list.... Of course I like Bridgette better, but sadly there's evidence that she gets eliminated early...

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  • Avatar of stephdumas


    [895]Jul 10, 2010
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    I don't know if some of you had saw the preview clip of episode 4 on CN video. But we see Noah trying to cuddle with Bridgette until she reminds to him she have a boyfriend and Owen said to Noah "you can count on me". We might see some upcoming"Nodgette" or "Bridgoah"(Bridgette-Noah) fics soon there only one fic on FF.net of them compared to the "Codette"(Bridgette-Cody), Bridgette-Harold ones.

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [896]Jul 10, 2010
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    No Owen clearly said: You can cuddle me buddy.
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  • Avatar of MabinogiFan


    [897]Jul 12, 2010
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    Bridgette's gone.
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  • Avatar of facebookfan


    [898]Jul 12, 2010
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    Zoe_Kay wrote:

    I may sound a bit odd, but I am 100% team Zeke. I mean with that apperance they could make such a good like "side" storyline xD

    I really want him to win.

    I'm a little bit sick of this "Leave and Come Back" thing the writers keep doing. Like in season 1, Izzy and Ava left and came back. Season 2, Izzy (3 times), and this season Zeke and Duncan (In the trailers for future episodes you can catch a glimpse of him kissing Gwen, which can be a great storyline as well).

    The whole "singing" thing is getting on my nerves too. Too many shows have singing in them, so I think that kinda sucks (but it is pretty cute when I have mute on).

    The team names are hilarous and so are most of the characters (besides Sierra. UGH, she get's on my nerves)

    Really great season so far !


    I'd like to see Zeke come back for sure and STAY for a couple episodes and have decent plot. same with Bridgette.

    I'd want Duncan to return because he had so much screen time and character development, and I don't want-if he does return-to be like Owen (who should be eliminated soon) and then end up getting in the top five. I'd hate to see that and hopefully it won't happen.
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  • Avatar of LunaGirl196


    [899]Jul 13, 2010
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    facebookfan wrote:
    Zoe_Kay wrote:

    I may sound a bit odd, but I am 100% team Zeke. I mean with that apperance they could make such a good like "side" storyline xD

    I really want him to win.

    I'm a little bit sick of this "Leave and Come Back" thing the writers keep doing. Like in season 1, Izzy and Ava left and came back. Season 2, Izzy (3 times), and this season Zeke and Duncan (In the trailers for future episodes you can catch a glimpse of him kissing Gwen, which can be a great storyline as well).

    The whole "singing" thing is getting on my nerves too. Too many shows have singing in them, so I think that kinda sucks (but it is pretty cute when I have mute on).

    The team names are hilarous and so are most of the characters (besides Sierra. UGH, she get's on my nerves)

    Really great season so far !


    I'd like to see Zeke come back for sure and STAY for a couple episodes and have decent plot. same with Bridgette.

    I'd want Duncan to return because he had so much screen time and character development, and I don't want-if he does return-to be like Owen (who should be eliminated soon) and then end up getting in the top five. I'd hate to see that and hopefully it won't happen.

    I get what you mean by Duncan personally I just want him to kiss Gwen have Courtney learn her lesson and have him and Courtney together again later so that the love triangle can finally end.

    Anyways as to this episode I loved seeing Courtney being whipped (I think it's karma for what she did to the Grips in Ocean's 8 or 9) and for once complaining about something that is competely understandable (She has a point this time), Bridgette kind of upset me throughout the episode (Upset meaning mad), Alejandro's hot latin blood joke was bound to pop up sometime, Whatever gross things Owen did throughout the episode I looked away and muted my T.V., Sierra was being even more of a creeper in this episode, The song was okay, Team Victory failed horribly, Izzy is appearantly dumb now (She can't tell the difference between a speaker and a bioharzard sign), DJ cried his eyes shut, I thought they weren't going back to Canada, and Bridgette's "ALEJANDRO'S EVILLLL!!!!" line probably was ignored by her team (Well at least till Leshawna firgures it out as she drops).

    I saw the preview for the next episode and appearantly some more rivalry (Or romance) is going to take place between Alejandro and Heather (Yay!) and apearantly it's going to be triathlon of sorts (Climbing up the staue of liberty, racing boats through the sewers, and probably some running).
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  • Avatar of pixarprincess


    [900]Jul 13, 2010
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    Sadly I don't think too many people will figure out Alejandro's evil until it's too late- as in when thery're about to jump. (Poor Bridgette... loved the song though)

    BTW, about Sierra- do you guys think she's Indian-Canadian or something? I'm curious. I ask this because I was watching this music video for an upcoming "Phineas and Ferb" episode where they're obviously somewhere in India, and some of the female dancers sorta looked like our Sierra- similar skin tone, hair braid(s) (Except they're black, not purple, but Sierra most likely dyed her hair like that), and body form. And the similar animation doesn't help.


    WARNING: The song is super catchy; it could get stuck in your head- FOREVER! (Or not, depending on your sanity.)
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