shishkabob999 wrote: |
6) That Duncan won BECAUSE people decided on it, not because it would be better for the story |
Honestly, Beth winning would've just been a complete rehash of Owen's victory in the first season.
Also i have to ask, is anyone else having trouble viewing the alternate ending on cartoon network? Everytime I try to click it, it shows the "Best of Courtney" video.
MabinogiFan wrote: |
I KNEW IT! I'm happy! And alternate ending or not, Duncan is still the winner. Wonder how Hayden is handling this... |
Hayden's probably screaming his head off with Beth not winning.
Excellent ending imo, I even liked the Beth version (not as much, but it wasn't bad, other then Brady disappearing after hugging Beth). But still, incredibly happy Duncan won, that makes one official winner I like, and one winner I didn't. The only part I really hated about the episode was Courtney probably getting back together with Duncan, I was hoping Duncan would stick it to her and she'd be left on the set crying/freaking out.
Oh, and finally Noah gets a line in TDA! Even if it is just 2 words, I was happy to hear him talk once. Kinda confused me why he was so happy for Beth winning in her version though. He was one of the last I was expecting to get up and cheer with her, and he ended up being one of the first 5 to do it, and then trying to help her up after she fell.
Just watched the alternate ending...I actually liked it better than the original. lol
It was more realistic with how Duncan and Courtney got backed together. Although, with the canon ending, I can see how Duncan can "lose" the money just like Owen did. I'm betting, as a twist, Duncan is going to be forced to keep to his word of what he planned to do with his money, essentially donating it all.
facebookfan wrote: |
All the characters were funny, and Noah talked (even if it was only two words) for once. |
shishkabob999 wrote: | ||
I like how he said two words in passing and we're all flipping out. xD Really proves what a fan favorite he is. |
MabinogiFan wrote: | ||||
Despite that we haven't seen a lot of him and he's a background character. |
shishkabob999 wrote: | ||||||
Which is WHY it's so amazing. He's probably got more fans than Geoff, Trent, or Justin, who have been on both seasons... wait, maybe this is why the season 1 losers are coming back. =P |
As much as I like Duncan, he didn't deserve the million bucks. Beth was the MVP of the competition.
I loved the alternate ending, and I thought Brady's appearance was hilarious!
What I don't get is how the contestants voted. Geoff and Bridgette didn't vote, which leaves the other 13:
Izzy voted for Explosivo
Justin voted for Beth
Courtney's vote was too blury to read
Harold probably voted for Duncan
Trent proably voted for Beth
Lindsay voted for Beth
DJ voted for Beth
Owen: Duncan
Heather: Duncan
So it's weird- Gwen and Leshawna could have voted for either.
Assuming that they both voted Duncan to win, it still doesn't make sense-