alagaesian wrote: |
Gwent didn't get anything but a chance to go to Owen's party with Trent. Unfortunately, due to Owen's impulsiveness and the cheese-cellar thing, they might not have a party unless Duncan/Beth decides to fork over 10-15% of the cash. |
I'm guessing that Duncan would then have to pull an Owen in order to even things out, because I mean let's face it: Duncan has performed several antagonistic getsures and has gotten away with it. And the worst that has happened to him is that he's been pantsed by Harold. That bruises the ego, maybe, but that sort of thing pales in comparison to what Heather recieved for punishment. So something else has to happen to Duncan if he plans to walk away with the money.
MabinogiFan wrote: |
Can you guys do us all a favor and DON"T post any spoilers? I heard there was a leaked image that shows the winner, and I DO NOT want to see it. So please don't post it. Don't even talk about it. |
MabinogiFan wrote: |
Can you guys do us all a favor and DON"T post any spoilers? I heard there was a leaked image that shows the winner, and I DO NOT want to see it. So please don't post it. Don't even talk about it. |
shishkabob999 wrote: |
Also, double post, but CN just showed another Beth-centric commercial with no apparant Duncan counterpart... saying she just might take it.Now I'm even more certain she's winning. |
alagaesian wrote: | ||
Oh, THAT commecial. There's actually a Duncan version of it. You can see it on the CN TDA webpage. But, from the looks of the commercials, it is pretty obvious that Beth is the protagonist out of the two of them. |
lastmarshmallow wrote: | Beth is A Duncan is B I think this should pretty much quell all doubts that Duncan will win. Why would CN show us the poll results if they didn't intend to follow them? |
Oh, when have I heard that before? Oh, that's right! I MENTIONED IT ON A DIFFERENT THREAD!
But kudos for the link, dude!
HaydenAvery wrote: |
well a new preview showed up. eva will be speaking. |
DC-Dude wrote: | ||
Oh, when have I heard that before? Oh, that's right! I MENTIONED IT ON A DIFFERENT THREAD! But kudos for the link, dude! |
Yeah, I know. That's how I found out about it. You didn't provide a link so I decided to post one here.