Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
kat503 wrote: |
I belive it's because he isn't constently detaching his emotions like Azula. He just detaches them for bending lightining. Also, he isn't as far off the deep end as Azula. At least that's my take on it. |
fudgemonkey10 wrote: |
What was the outcome at the CC regarding Avatar? Any news? |
Hey if anyone has any questions about the cartoon panels of CC on Sunday just quote me and ask.
I live in San Diego and I saw it. Daa Bradley Baker was there. (Appa and Momo)
JandSman wrote: |
Are they making a spinoff i heard they were but have they confirmed it |
JandSman wrote: |
Did they say there will not be a spinoff |
powmaster wrote: | ||
There was no spinoff announced. |
well, actually. heres the DL:
the original western air temple episode was suppose 2 b different than the 1 they aired. apperently the original was too "violent" for nickolodeon 2 show which is y avatar took so damn long to get back on the air after the invasion episodes.
quick summary was basically they get 2 the western air temple. nd they strt exploring it, they find a ton of lemurs like momo and they find the sectret room tht every air temple has. inside of it they find a bunch of stuff, i 4get wat tho. then toph says tht theres a hidden room within the secret room,, she felt it bc well, yea its toph she can feel ne thing. she opens it with her earthbending nd they find huge mosaics. there was this 1 tht was suppose 2 b a map 2 a hidden sanctuary tht all airbenders go too, which gave ang a lot of hope tht some of his people r still alive. then they also found another mosaic tht showed a way to get the avatar state back. and a 3rd mosaic tht showed the ultimate form of airbending, which was climate control.
nd oh yea, zuko shows up says tht hes good blahblah u kno tht part basically, they dnt trust him nd hold him captive. then azula shows up with the airships nd atks, her nd ang fight on 1 of them nd she was about 2 take out ang when zuko saves angs life nd then they begin 2 trust him nd the airship blows up with azula on it. nd they all fly away on appa. nd throughout the whole episode you were suppose 2 see a shadowed figure following them around the whole time nd as soon as they fly away the figure comes out of the shadows with a staff nd they turn it in2 a glider nd fly towards appa, ero another airbender!.
2bad they didnt keep with the original story line, thts y a lot of thngs dnt make much sense, like y did iroh get all buffed if he didnt relly do ne thing amazing during the last 4episodes nd all tht.
so maybe in the epilouge or a new avatar project theyll do a large recap on the airbenders.
so yea, lol let me know wat ya think!
a friend told me it true?
Well I heard something about an epilouge episode or episodes with the current gAang. Is it true?
powmaster wrote: | ||
Thanks for posting here. Mike and Bryan showed a fake Book 4: Air trailer at the Avatar Panel (see it on youtube, it is hilarious). Fans asked about Ursa (creators said they wanted to answer that question in the future), the live-action movie (the first movie should closely follow the first book), and a soundtrack (they said they are trying to work out a deal with Nick). The big announcement was an MMORPG coming in September. |
Jakelong630 wrote: | ||||
sarahlilly wrote: |
Hello all. So. my question is kind of answered already in the original post of this thread but there is still some confusion on my part. This is regarding Azula's age. Since her age is never actually mentioned in the show (not that I remember anyway but please, correct me if I am mistaken) I always assumed that she was older than Zuko. The original post states that Zuko is 16, Azula is 14 and Mai is 15. Most of the Avatar info I've seen in various places on the net seem consistent in suggesting that Mai is about a year older than Azula. However, based on info from the show, shouldn't Mai be around 17 or 18? Thus making Azula 16 or 17? Epispde 305: 'The Beach'. Ty Lee says to Mai "You were an only child for 15 years". So Mai was an only child (for 15 years) until little brother, Tom Tom came along. We meet little Tom Tom in episode 203, 'Return to Omashu'. In 'Return To Omashu' Azula does mention Tom Tom's age...Since it's been a long while since I've seen this episode, I can't remember if it's 2 or 3. So if Tom Tom is at least 2, and took away Mai's "only child" status when she was around 15, then Mai should be around 17, maybe even older. I hope I am not over-analyzing this. Please set me straight if I am. I also hope this hasn't been discussed already. This thread alone has 160 pages and there's just no way I can read through them all at this time. I've checked other threads but most with an answer say Azula is the younger sister. Thanks for taking the time to read this and all info is greatly appreciated, |
speechless8582 wrote: | ||||||
Jakelong630 wrote: | ||||||||