gummiqueen wrote: |
I just had a thought (no wai!!! ). The summary for this season on itunes or something said that Aang and Zuko find out about their shared past, which is probably Ruko and Suzon (sp?) being friends turned enemies yadayadyada. It would make sense (to me anyway) that at the end of "The Beach," Zuko would desert the FN, what with him breaking up with Mai (and I'm not saying that as a Zutarian. I can't stand that girl ever since I saw REturn to Omashu), and (possibly in the next episode) run into the gaang. Aang and Zuko find out about past and he joins or something. This probably won't happen, but it's speculation. *eats a marshmellow* |
'The Avatar and the Fire Lord' is about Avatar Roku and Fire Lord Sozin.
So many people think/hope Zuko will join Aang, but it'll never happen.