That's not so true.?? They probably put him down there for the same reason several people have claimed they put Katara down there instead of in a normal cell.?? In a normal cell, word might have gotten back to the Earth King about a fire bender being in the city, and that may have??potentially threatened Azula's cover to the Earth King.Also, as a person in favor of the "Aang did not die" idea:
A) If Aang really did die, then the Avatar line could potentially have ended.?? However, because he came back to life, it is no longer a 100% certainty.?? Granted, Roku did only say "If you die in the Avatar State".?? He didn't say anything about coming back to life, but then, he probably didn't foresee revival.?? There is still a chance that he will not be the last Avatar.?? I mean, the Avatar line didn't always have that power behind it.?? There had to be a "first" Avatar at some point, right??? Even if this particular line has ended, maybe there will be another Avatar anyways.?? ^_^
B) I'm not a regular-regular to this Avatar forum, so I can't say that I've seen many other of your source-feeds, PoolDude.?? Nor do I understand the conditions under which you obtain these tidbits.?? However, since you cannot label your source, I cannot accept this without question.????I'm not saying this out of a stubborn-ness to keep my own idea alive.?? I am not doubting the validity of your source, I just cannot accept it without all the information.?? Until they confirm it in the show or I hear about it from the creators/writers, I will not completely disown my own idea just yet.
And once again, I'm willing to take on all debate against my opinion.?? Also, because I'm sitting here watching Avatar reruns to kill time, does anyone else find it entertaining that when Katara went to the tea??house with Momo, she asked for "a table for two"??? I thought it was funny.