LMFAO, it's just as cliche` as the Kataang ship. The "Ying/Yang" ship: two people who hate/dislike each other at first, later become romantically involved. That crap happens in tons of shows as well (Anymone remember Maxine and Kyle from In Living Single? That 1993/94 show?) Heck, the movie 'Romancing the Stone'? I mean honestly, you can't get upset if a ship where the only proof was people reading way too much into scenes and completely ignoring actual scenes that happened didn't sail. If the crap didn't work in Harry Potter and it wasn't going to work here, and just because it didn't doesn't mean (in both cases) that it was 'bad writing'. Had the ship sailed, THAT would have been bad writing. "Let's make all these ridiculous references to a completely different ship, including hand holding, goofy akward glares with blushing, kisses, realization moments...only to go completely WTF left field and ship one of the characters with someone else!"
Now I could understand if they'd spent as much time, effort, and scenes honestly shipping Zutara and then the ship didn't sail. Like evidence that one or the other honestly liked the other, whether it be scenes like with Katara, where blushing and such occured or with Aang when he outright said it. (It was OBVIOUS in Avatar if someone liked another person, all the digging, reading between the lines, and assume wasn't needed 99% of the time.) But honestly (for example): just because Katara hugged Zuko because she helped him does NOT = in love. Good lord, if that's the case then Katara is a **** along with a few "other" issues since she hugs quite a few people.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Zutara fans (or the sane) ones, but come on. There was no bad writing going on, just common sense. And common sense dictates that when you spend a lot of effort making two characters seemingly like each other (and obviously so), then ship one of the characters with another person entirely when not even half the effort, let alone the same amount, wasn't applied. (Not to mention when said other person is in another relationship that obviously hasn't ended and pretty much only ended in reguards to protect the other person.)