Ok, tactical plan 1.0, with plan B 1.0:
The book has spoilers, so there will be 2 groups now:
A) Those who are impatient and decide to read it.
B) Those who want to watch the darn episode instead.
Now, it may seem that everyone would join the first one, and the few that remain on the second one will have to leave because of the other group, that is not the case.
In the end, it is a book, AKA, n00bs and newbs wont find it as easly, so not so many threads with spoilers on the title, so that only leaves the good users to work with.
Anyone who reads the book, just discuss it on a "Official Sozin's Comet Book Discussion and Theory Thread" and leave everything else spoiler-less.
Now, this is 35% strategy and 65% theory, so if i am wrong with the quantity of users giving spoilers, us in group B will have to leave, until July...
If that happens, everyone on group A must promise to PM any sort of news to us in group B, like if a new ep gets leaked, PM anyone you think doesn't know.
Ok, that is all, also remember, 3 days out to support SgtHydra.