daveshanFromGMU wrote: | ||
Well, while we are deciding, here are a few things to consider: 1. It's not written by Mike or Bryan. 2. It's an adaptation. 3. According to the decription, it will be first-person narratives and the narrating character will change chapter-by-chapter. 4. It will have a Q&A section with Mike and Bryan.
Going by this, I'm saying no, unless the interview section contains spoilers, I don't think the book should be taken as the outcome for the battle or the shipping. Seriously, even if there is a ten minute make-out scene between Zuko and Katara in which they confess their undying love for each other, I'm still not going to take it as legit. |
Won't stop the noobs from posting spoilers...
I suggest someone make a book spoiler thread now and then torture anyone else who makes a duplicate thread.
And when I say torture, I mean go all out on them.
Slave Labor Camp time. Gotta go...