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Does Katara love Aang? The Ending

After seeing the new trailer, wich ship ( you think ) will happen?

  • Avatar of da2021011995


    [461]Nov 15, 2007
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    WiseLad wrote:
    Atu_1 wrote:
    da2021011995 wrote:
    Atu_1 wrote:
    If not for Katara's look things would be way too easy with little to no complication. Just because Katara had an expression doesn't mean Zutara is going to happen.

    I never said that though, I mean the debating is about her expression.
    true. others have though.


    "her expression is PROOF that she doesn't love Aang, now with Zuko joining, there is a great chance Zutara will happen, much higher than Kataang"

    a doubter(but not zutarian)or even a reasonable kataangian, maybe even some realistic Zutarians who know how usually writers work in their writings

    "her reaction could be read many different ways, it doesn't put as definitive proof that she loves Aang, but it still can mean in later episodes that it was the moment where she realizes she loves him; Zutara can still have a chance, but chances as of right now are in favor of KatAang"

    a crazed kataangian

    "this is the coffin in the nail, it proves katara's love; now there is not even a remote chance for Zutara"

    WOw O_O that was exactly the way us shippers act and say...
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  • Avatar of WiseLad


    [462]Nov 15, 2007
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    the 312 superspoiler is true

    Mai and Ty could be some of the people who infiltrated and are very secretly part of the white lotus group
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  • Avatar of da2021011995


    [463]Nov 15, 2007
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    WiseLad wrote:


    the 312 superspoiler is true

    Mai and Ty could be some of the people who infiltrated and are very secretly part of the white lotus group

    O_______O They can't be. Its toooo unreal... I bet Ursa is in it though, any way, back to topic.
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  • Avatar of merdok2005


    [464]Nov 15, 2007
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    Wow the last one for me lol

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  • Avatar of da2021011995


    [465]Nov 15, 2007
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    merdok2005 wrote:

    Wow the last one for me lol

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  • Avatar of merdok2005


    [466]Nov 15, 2007
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    da2021011995 wrote:
    merdok2005 wrote:

    Wow the last one for me lol



    "her expression is PROOF that she doesn't love Aang, now with Zuko joining, there is a great chance Zutara will happen, much higher than Kataang"

    a doubter(but not zutarian)or even a reasonable kataangian, maybe even some realistic Zutarians who know how usually writers work in their writings

    "her reaction could be read many different ways, it doesn't put as definitive proof that she loves Aang, but it still can mean in later episodes that it was the moment where she realizes she loves him; Zutara can still have a chance, but chances as of right now are in favor of KatAang"

    a crazed kataangian

    "this is the coffin in the nail, it proves katara's love; now there is not even a remote chance for Zutara"

    The last one is me...

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  • Avatar of da2021011995


    [467]Nov 15, 2007
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    merdok2005 wrote:
    da2021011995 wrote:
    merdok2005 wrote:

    Wow the last one for me lol



    "her expression is PROOF that she doesn't love Aang, now with Zuko joining, there is a great chance Zutara will happen, much higher than Kataang"

    a doubter(but not zutarian)or even a reasonable kataangian, maybe even some realistic Zutarians who know how usually writers work in their writings

    "her reaction could be read many different ways, it doesn't put as definitive proof that she loves Aang, but it still can mean in later episodes that it was the moment where she realizes she loves him; Zutara can still have a chance, but chances as of right now are in favor of KatAang"

    a crazed kataangian

    "this is the coffin in the nail, it proves katara's love; now there is not even a remote chance for Zutara"

    The last one is me...

    From you to many...
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  • Avatar of ChibiMaddiChan


    [468]Nov 15, 2007
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    ::Sighs:: I'm doing this because I'm bored and don't have a shipping preference when it comes to Katara. Pretty much, I'm neutrual and could careless who Katara ends up with: as long as it makes sense, I won't complain.

    And I'll try to be as fair as possible:

    Reasons why Kataang Will More than Likely Happen:
    -The "Main Guy gets the Main Girl" cliche`.
    -It's obvious that Aang already likes Katara
    -They've kissed. Possibly twice. (Daydreams not included.)(In the Cave of Lovers is a big Maybe but it is now a fact in DOTBS.) I don't care who looked like what ever the fact, I'll discuss that below, the point is that it happened.
    -Almost 2 and 1/2 seasons worth of proof that the ship will happen, most notably in Season 3 thus far. Some examples:
    1. The Cave of Two Lovers was full of them.
    2. The Fortune-Teller though can be taken like a double-edge sword.
    3. Avatar Roku ending up with a girl that "didn't pay him the time of day" and telling Aang to stick with it (and being the Avatar doesn't hurt either). Hmmm...
    4. The Headband: that's the first time (that I can remember) Katara, even if it was subtle, showing jealousy toward Aang showing another girl attention. Then dancing, blushing, and oddly close moments insued.(Note: When Sokka made note of them dancing, it was obvious by her tone and the way she looked that she was a little jealous.)
    5. And more that I don't feel like posting because this post will already be long enough.
    -It's obvious that Katara cares deeply about Aang, but rather it's because she literally seems him like a little brother or because she cares and like Hermione Granger until way later in the books (to those that couldn't notice early) she didn't show more obvious hints, is beyond me at this point. (Note: she's never said and/or called him 'little brother' or the like either. It's simply assumed, just like her 'liking' him if you want to say so.)
    6. Aang + Hair = Pretty darn nice to look at.

    Reasons Why Zutara Will More than Likely Happen:
    -The "Opposites Attract" Cliche`
    -They both care about/bonded (slightly) over their mother and at least, had an understanding.
    -You can argue that it looked like they might kiss in the season 2 finale.
    -Zuko is hotter than Aang, more so withhis new hair.PERIOD, GET OVER IT.
    -They're around the same age.
    -Zuko might join the Gaang which would give him a chance to bond more with Katara because I can't possibly see that relationship coming dead out of no where, that'd be dumb, esp. after wasting the time building up almsot the whole show Kataang.
    -Did I mention Zuko was amazingly hot? I did? Just checking.
    -(Note: I'll probably get this wrong but I never understood how this was honest proof to begin with because after watching and rewatching I just didn't see it...) The Waterbending Scroll??
    -Zuko not denying Katara was his girlfriend.
    -The personalities have been in relationships before so we know that it can work.

    Reaons Why Kataang Could (Will) Fail:
    1. Aang's age but I find this to be a weak argument. First of all, you have to take into account what day and age the story is set in, then the culture, and finally, how the show in general feels about 'age'. Technically, Aang is OLDER than Katara but that's way besides the point. Most people don't find a problem with dating someone younger. ( ::cough:: Some of us can look @ our own parents. Even relationships or friends relationships.)

    2. Does Katara honestly like Aang. Again, there is way more to go on that she probably does, even if it's not as open or honest, but then again, you can look at the relationship and go on to say that it's more of a 'sister to brother' love than anything else. (Though I don't kiss or get jealous of my brother, sorry.) You can also look at how she treated/liked Jet compared to Aang thus far. . .but then again, it was more of an instant crush on Jet (that lingered till he uh, died) rather than knowing someone you considered a friend and realized you liked more than just one. Again, Hermione Granger is pretty much a mirror to Katara in a lot of instances and if you want, I'll be glad to post them. It's not who she ended up with that was important, but how and the way she ACTED.

    3. One of them dies. XD

    4. Aang ends up liking/looking at someone else, which would either draw Katara's feelings out, too little too late, they end up together, or she really does see him as a brother and it doesn't matter.

    Reasons Why Zutara Could (Will) Fail:
    1. Hands down #1 reason is because there is really little proof compared to Kataang.

    2.Thinking that Katara will just except and/or forgive Zuko with open arms in one episode and they'll end up together or at least inch more toward it by the next. We love to compare this to Jet here but let's consider the circumstances:
    -Katara ALREADY LIKED JET. Or at least, had a crush on him. She was very hurt by his betrayal but those feelings lingered, as Toph pointed out. Katara forgave him (a bit late in the game but did) because he proved himself. Now look at Zuko and be honest with yourselfs:
    -He's chased after a person she cares about, however she cares about him, from the beginning.
    -Countless times, he's almost hurt her, Aang, and her own brother.
    -When she let her guard down for two seconds and gave him the benefit of the doubt DESPITE all that, he turns around and betrays what little trust she gave him then, complete with Aang almost getting killed in the process because he helped Azula.
    -It's obvious that Katara (for good reason) has anger towards the Fire nation (she lashed out at him because of that in the cave...) and after the events in DOTBS, I doubt ANY of them will trust Zuko, and she'll probably be front runner for that again (speaking of Jet) save Toph being able to tell he's lying. However, this is also a double edge sword now: remember that Azula told an OBVIOUS lie and Toph couldn't detect it. We now know that the ability has a weakness and if the show pays attention to detail like they have been, this could and might come up.
    -Not to mention now that her father, and others she cares about have been captured by the firenation, the 'trust' issue is really going to be sticky with Zuko more than ever, not just for her, but for everyone involved. (What if Haru sticks around? Or any of them that's not part of the original gaang? Why would they have any reason to trust him?)

    3. There has been no HONEST proof that either of them like the other, only grasping at WTF straws and major assuming. We've seen Zuko react and interact with two girls (the girl and BSS and Mai) and kiss both. He went out of his way to say the girl from BSS 'wasn't his girlfriend' and such and while we didn't get to see him and Mai get together, we saw him react slightly same way when Azula pulled that prank on him and Mai. We've seen Katara have a crush on Jet and we've seen hints at Aang. But never obvious, indisputable, proof for one another.

    4. Um MAI? Whether you like it or not, they are/got together. And who's to say just because Zuko left that's the end of them? (Heeeello ending to Spiderman & Harry Potter and theHalf Blood Prince! Hey, we don't know WHAT he said in that letter.)He didn't look too happy about leaving her behind in the first place and even at least, if he couldn't find it in him to say goodbye face to face, left her a letter of explination. Who says Mai won't go after him? Who says he doesn't still care about Mai? They're relationship obviously works: while almost sickeningly so, it does. We already know why Mai is so 'anti-emotion (which is sad by the way) and that she's liked Zuko since they were children. We know that Zuko apparently likes her back, otherwise, why bother being with her in the FIRST PLACE? Face it: until one or the other outright say it's over and mean it, they're probably here to say. And unless Zuko is...one of THOSE guys...Katara won't even be in the picture.

    Contradicting and/or Oddities for Proof of Said Ship(s):

    The (Now Infamous) Kiss: (Kataang Moment):
    The kiss happened. That'as all the Kataang supports how to say. (And dance around about as they say it). However, those ever diligent Zutara fans try to take this as THEIR moment. How? Why: look at Katara's face AFTER the kiss?! What could that mean? It must OBVIOUSLY mean she doesn't like him. Right? So who does the moment belong to?

    My personal view:
    To be honest, I think it's pretty funny that this even came up as a moment and I have to give it to Zutara for pointing this out. (Minus the one poster trying to compare the kiss to rape. That. Was. Silly.) However, I must also tip my hat off to Kataang for defending the moment with some pretty good arguements. (And ones that make good sense.) For instance, just look at the conversation they were having before the kiss? Maybe if her face had happened while they were just talking about something silly or nonsense like or even when she was in an absurdly happy mood. But the conversation was rather bleak and Aang took the chance and kissed her. Hey, if he dies, she knows how he feels.
    It's so easy to write that face off as her say, realizing that he might have done that BECAUSE he thought he might die. (He was just talking about that), not because it was Aang kissing her. (If that was the case, why have so many obvious 'too close to my lips for comfort' moments in the past? And what REALLY happened in the Cave of Two Lovers? What if this wasn't their first kiss?) It's obvoius she was surprised by the action (it was kinda out of no where) but it was also obvious (and let's stop trying to over look it people) that not only did she blush or not pull away (erm, Aang, ended the kiss, not Katara) but she leaned RIGHT INTO IT. That's it NOT the reaction of a person who doesn't want to be kissed, even if caught by surpise, She could have easily pulled away (and eased the hurt feelings by completely pretending to be OMG shocked) or simply explained to Aang, then and there nothing would and could never happen. But she DIDN'T. He wasn't forcing her to continue the kiss and her feeling that much pity isjust...kinda sad really, becausethat means the Kataang momentspreviously would make NO sense. And that's a very strong point to be noted, whether you want to or not.

    So I say the moment goes to Kataang: not only can they properly argue the point with Katara's face--and be completely right--, but the kiss even spoke for it's own defense.

    The Waterbending Scroll Incident? (Zutara)
    I personally hate to say it, even if the poster was being very sarcastic, but it sums up how I feel about this moment: where on Earth did this moment come from? Zuko telling Katara to do something and Katara pretty much telling him to drop dead, DOES NOT equal= They must have sexual tension/be in love. I think I definately missed something here.

    The Fortune-Teller: (Kataang)
    Or as a like to call it, a 'double edge sword' contradiciton. Now: the moment that is most remembered is when Sokka makes mention that Aang is a powerful bender, to which Katara remembers what Madam Woo said about her marrying 'a strong bender' and to which they go pretty heavy on her realizing the possible connection.
    However, Zutara followers made a good point: she also told Aang that he wouldn't have love in his life, hence why she made his up.
    Here's the double edge sword in all this though:
    She also told Aang that he would have to make his OWN destiny in the end, meaning that what she said may or may NOT happen at all. So which one is it? That's she's completely right about everything? Or that in the end, the lesson learned is that anyone can alter and change their own destiny? (Hell, look at Zuko in relation to his family and the firenation?) Because if that's the case, then Kataang could argue (and I think they have at one point)that it still won't be Zuko since he's not that (and never has been that according to Zuko Alone) strong of a firebender. (Though he owns your soul with blades.) Remember how Sokka tried to disprove that she was right all the time but the old guy still found ways where her prediction was true? What if it's more like the truth is what you can see in it? Kinda like 'every cloud has a silver lining' type of thing? You could just as easily say she was wrong about the volcano as the guy could say she was right. So just how much stock SHOULD we take in what Madam Woo said to begin with when it comes to Aang and his love life? Or Katara and whether she'll end up with a strong bender? (Because you can argue that it automatically excludes Zuko then since he's not that powerful and her words were 'a very powerful'.I think Toph, Katara, Aang, Azula, and Iroh have him beat.)
    Besides: who's to say that she didn't make some of it up? She was getting annoyed with Katara, what if she just started saying crap to get her to leave her alone?
    To me, that moment was seemly meant to be a Kataang moment but I find it ironic that you can hurt both ships if you try to discredit the moment. Hmm.

    Was Exactly Happened Here? > (Zutara)
    And here's the moment that finally made me arch an eyebrow that Zutara might actually could have a slim of a chance: that darn moment with the two in the cave. Sure, it's got nothing on the ridiculous amounts of proof of Kataang but still...it happened. They bonded over their mothers and losses, Katara offers to heal Zuko's scar andtouched Zuko's face , they inched closer, their faces where this close apparent and--Aang appears, Katara goes running to him and Aang gives the best 'Stay away from my woman' look I think I've ever seen.

    But really...what was that part about? Where they going to kiss? The music did soften up quite a bit to the so called 'love' theme of the show (yes, I did notice that) and the two where alone. Forshadowing of a future kiss? (Or relationship?) Or just a teasing moment from the stupid writters just to piss people off and mess with our heads?

    There's not much going against this other than 'they weren't going to kiss' and the moment was overexaggerated. I serously doubt it though.

    To be honest, it's looking pretty much Kataang now. Countless, a possible kiss, daydreamed kiss and now, an actual kiss. Even the previous avatar told Aang to simply stick with it and your get results.

    And I will openly say that some of the reasoning for Zutara (Or okay, the ones the delusional, silly fans of the ships come up with and that's not all of you but a lot of you do exist, let's face it. But at least some intellgent shippers exist among you and my sanity thanks you...) is outright laughable, if not almost pee-on-myself inducing funny. But I can also say that while there really hsn't been any strong proof, more so that neither really have shown any evidence that they like one other (other than arguably the moment in the cave), if Zuko joines the group, let's face it. Something is going to happen eventually. The creators and writters know this istoo good of a chance to pass up(though I do hope they don't focus too much time on it because there is WAY too much going on for this to turn into Avatar Creek) for it not to happen--or it's getting blown out of pocket and he's joining simply and only to really help Aang and possibly teach him firebending (It REALLY sould have been Iroh but hey, who's to say that's NOT where he's going?) with him and Katara at least becoming friends--after she eventually gets ove not trusting him.
    But I doubt it. Why go through the trouble of teasing people, saying (if they didn't I didn't read the book) saying that she would end up with one of them and putting Zuko joining into motion if this WASN'T going to come up?

    But it's not to say it's still going to happen: Katara and Zuko could very well kiss, and still nothing comes out of it. What if it's a passion of the moment kiss and ends up, by both sides, being seen as a mistake? This could be a great moment (if not) for Katara to explain how she really feels about Aang (though I honestly believe that if she honestly hated the previous kiss with Aang and doesn't see him like that, this will be hinted at or come up long before then). She might get confused on who she wants and somehow ends up deciding, making it a coin toss (though I honestly believe for this ship to make more sense and have a bit more credibilty, they should have built it up with obvious, concrete hints in season two, and more than just that one moment in the cave. Like Kataang.) This could also be the writters way of giving Zutara their moment but still have Kataang together. And then there's still Mai that could very well be an issue.

    In the end, we'll just have to wait and see. But I hope they hurry up and get on with it (even though they'll probably drag it out until the friggin season finale) because I wouldn't mind finding a thread that didn't branch off into this ship war. And half of the time, it has NOTHING to do with the ships...go figure. >:/

    I personally, ship anything with Sokka because Sokka is a pimp and could end up great with anyone. Go Sokka! XD

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  • Avatar of PenguAvatar


    [469]Nov 15, 2007
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    ChibiMaddiChan wrote:

    ::Sighs:: I'm doing this because I'm bored and don't have a shipping preference when it comes to Katara. Pretty much, I'm neutrual and could careless who Katara ends up with: as long as it makes sense, I won't complain.

    And I'll try to be as fair as possible:

    Reasons why Kataang Will More than Likely Happen:
    -The "Main Guy gets the Main Girl" cliche`.
    -It's obvious that Aang already likes Katara
    -They've kissed. Possibly twice. (Daydreams not included.)(In the Cave of Lovers is a big Maybe but it is now a fact in DOTBS.) I don't care who looked like what ever the fact, I'll discuss that below, the point is that it happened.
    -Almost 2 and 1/2 seasons worth of proof that the ship will happen, most notably in Season 3 thus far. Some examples:
    1. The Cave of Two Lovers was full of them.
    2. The Fortune-Teller though can be taken like a double-edge sword.
    3. Avatar Roku ending up with a girl that "didn't pay him the time of day" and telling Aang to stick with it (and being the Avatar doesn't hurt either). Hmmm...
    4. The Headband: that's the first time (that I can remember) Katara, even if it was subtle, showing jealousy toward Aang showing another girl attention. Then dancing, blushing, and oddly close moments insued.(Note: When Sokka made note of them dancing, it was obvious by her tone and the way she looked that she was a little jealous.)
    5. And more that I don't feel like posting because this post will already be long enough.
    -It's obvious that Katara cares deeply about Aang, but rather it's because she literally seems him like a little brother or because she cares and like Hermione Granger until way later in the books (to those that couldn't notice early) she didn't show more obvious hints, is beyond me at this point. (Note: she's never said and/or called him 'little brother' or the like either. It's simply assumed, just like her 'liking' him if you want to say so.)
    6. Aang + Hair = Pretty darn nice to look at.

    Reasons Why Zutara Will More than Likely Happen:
    -The "Opposites Attract" Cliche`
    -They both care about/bonded (slightly) over their mother and at least, had an understanding.
    -You can argue that it looked like they might kiss in the season 2 finale.
    -Zuko is hotter than Aang, more so withhis new hair.PERIOD, GET OVER IT.
    -They're around the same age.
    -Zuko might join the Gaang which would give him a chance to bond more with Katara because I can't possibly see that relationship coming dead out of no where, that'd be dumb, esp. after wasting the time building up almsot the whole show Kataang.
    -Did I mention Zuko was amazingly hot? I did? Just checking.
    -(Note: I'll probably get this wrong but I never understood how this was honest proof to begin with because after watching and rewatching I just didn't see it...) The Waterbending Scroll??
    -Zuko not denying Katara was his girlfriend.
    -The personalities have been in relationships before so we know that it can work.

    Reaons Why Kataang Could (Will) Fail:
    1. Aang's age but I find this to be a weak argument. First of all, you have to take into account what day and age the story is set in, then the culture, and finally, how the show in general feels about 'age'. Technically, Aang is OLDER than Katara but that's way besides the point. Most people don't find a problem with dating someone younger. ( ::cough:: Some of us can look @ our own parents. Even relationships or friends relationships.)

    2. Does Katara honestly like Aang. Again, there is way more to go on that she probably does, even if it's not as open or honest, but then again, you can look at the relationship and go on to say that it's more of a 'sister to brother' love than anything else. (Though I don't kiss or get jealous of my brother, sorry.) You can also look at how she treated/liked Jet compared to Aang thus far. . .but then again, it was more of an instant crush on Jet (that lingered till he uh, died) rather than knowing someone you considered a friend and realized you liked more than just one. Again, Hermione Granger is pretty much a mirror to Katara in a lot of instances and if you want, I'll be glad to post them. It's not who she ended up with that was important, but how and the way she ACTED.

    3. One of them dies. XD

    4. Aang ends up liking/looking at someone else, which would either draw Katara's feelings out, too little too late, they end up together, or she really does see him as a brother and it doesn't matter.

    Reasons Why Zutara Could (Will) Fail:
    1. Hands down #1 reason is because there is really little proof compared to Kataang.

    2.Thinking that Katara will just except and/or forgive Zuko with open arms in one episode and they'll end up together or at least inch more toward it by the next. We love to compare this to Jet here but let's consider the circumstances:
    -Katara ALREADY LIKED JET. Or at least, had a crush on him. She was very hurt by his betrayal but those feelings lingered, as Toph pointed out. Katara forgave him (a bit late in the game but did) because he proved himself. Now look at Zuko and be honest with yourselfs:
    -He's chased after a person she cares about, however she cares about him, from the beginning.
    -Countless times, he's almost hurt her, Aang, and her own brother.
    -When she let her guard down for two seconds and gave him the benefit of the doubt DESPITE all that, he turns around and betrays what little trust she gave him then, complete with Aang almost getting killed in the process because he helped Azula.
    -It's obvious that Katara (for good reason) has anger towards the Fire nation (she lashed out at him because of that in the cave...) and after the events in DOTBS, I doubt ANY of them will trust Zuko, and she'll probably be front runner for that again (speaking of Jet) save Toph being able to tell he's lying. However, this is also a double edge sword now: remember that Azula told an OBVIOUS lie and Toph couldn't detect it. We now know that the ability has a weakness and if the show pays attention to detail like they have been, this could and might come up.
    -Not to mention now that her father, and others she cares about have been captured by the firenation, the 'trust' issue is really going to be sticky with Zuko more than ever, not just for her, but for everyone involved. (What if Haru sticks around? Or any of them that's not part of the original gaang? Why would they have any reason to trust him?)

    3. There has been no HONEST proof that either of them like the other, only grasping at WTF straws and major assuming. We've seen Zuko react and interact with two girls (the girl and BSS and Mai) and kiss both. He went out of his way to say the girl from BSS 'wasn't his girlfriend' and such and while we didn't get to see him and Mai get together, we saw him react slightly same way when Azula pulled that prank on him and Mai. We've seen Katara have a crush on Jet and we've seen hints at Aang. But never obvious, indisputable, proof for one another.

    4. Um MAI? Whether you like it or not, they are/got together. And who's to say just because Zuko left that's the end of them? (Heeeello ending to Spiderman & Harry Potter and theHalf Blood Prince! Hey, we don't know WHAT he said in that letter.)He didn't look too happy about leaving her behind in the first place and even at least, if he couldn't find it in him to say goodbye face to face, left her a letter of explination. Who says Mai won't go after him? Who says he doesn't still care about Mai? They're relationship obviously works: while almost sickeningly so, it does. We already know why Mai is so 'anti-emotion (which is sad by the way) and that she's liked Zuko since they were children. We know that Zuko apparently likes her back, otherwise, why bother being with her in the FIRST PLACE? Face it: until one or the other outright say it's over and mean it, they're probably here to say. And unless Zuko is...one of THOSE guys...Katara won't even be in the picture.

    Contradicting and/or Oddities for Proof of Said Ship(s):

    The (Now Infamous) Kiss: (Kataang Moment):
    The kiss happened. That'as all the Kataang supports how to say. (And dance around about as they say it). However, those ever diligent Zutara fans try to take this as THEIR moment. How? Why: look at Katara's face AFTER the kiss?! What could that mean? It must OBVIOUSLY mean she doesn't like him. Right? So who does the moment belong to?

    My personal view:
    To be honest, I think it's pretty funny that this even came up as a moment and I have to give it to Zutara for pointing this out. (Minus the one poster trying to compare the kiss to rape. That. Was. Silly.) However, I must also tip my hat off to Kataang for defending the moment with some pretty good arguements. (And ones that make good sense.) For instance, just look at the conversation they were having before the kiss? Maybe if her face had happened while they were just talking about something silly or nonsense like or even when she was in an absurdly happy mood. But the conversation was rather bleak and Aang took the chance and kissed her. Hey, if he dies, she knows how he feels.
    It's so easy to write that face off as her say, realizing that he might have done that BECAUSE he thought he might die. (He was just talking about that), not because it was Aang kissing her. (If that was the case, why have so many obvious 'too close to my lips for comfort' moments in the past? And what REALLY happened in the Cave of Two Lovers? What if this wasn't their first kiss?) It's obvoius she was surprised by the action (it was kinda out of no where) but it was also obvious (and let's stop trying to over look it people) that not only did she blush or not pull away (erm, Aang, ended the kiss, not Katara) but she leaned RIGHT INTO IT. That's it NOT the reaction of a person who doesn't want to be kissed, even if caught by surpise, She could have easily pulled away (and eased the hurt feelings by completely pretending to be OMG shocked) or simply explained to Aang, then and there nothing would and could never happen. But she DIDN'T. He wasn't forcing her to continue the kiss and her feeling that much pity isjust...kinda sad really, becausethat means the Kataang momentspreviously would make NO sense. And that's a very strong point to be noted, whether you want to or not.

    So I say the moment goes to Kataang: not only can they properly argue the point with Katara's face--and be completely right--, but the kiss even spoke for it's own defense.

    The Waterbending Scroll Incident? (Zutara)
    I personally hate to say it, even if the poster was being very sarcastic, but it sums up how I feel about this moment: where on Earth did this moment come from? Zuko telling Katara to do something and Katara pretty much telling him to drop dead, DOES NOT equal= They must have sexual tension/be in love. I think I definately missed something here.

    The Fortune-Teller: (Kataang)
    Or as a like to call it, a 'double edge sword' contradiciton. Now: the moment that is most remembered is when Sokka makes mention that Aang is a powerful bender, to which Katara remembers what Madam Woo said about her marrying 'a strong bender' and to which they go pretty heavy on her realizing the possible connection.
    However, Zutara followers made a good point: she also told Aang that he wouldn't have love in his life, hence why she made his up.
    Here's the double edge sword in all this though:
    She also told Aang that he would have to make his OWN destiny in the end, meaning that what she said may or may NOT happen at all. So which one is it? That's she's completely right about everything? Or that in the end, the lesson learned is that anyone can alter and change their own destiny? (Hell, look at Zuko in relation to his family and the firenation?) Because if that's the case, then Kataang could argue (and I think they have at one point)that it still won't be Zuko since he's not that (and never has been that according to Zuko Alone) strong of a firebender. (Though he owns your soul with blades.) Remember how Sokka tried to disprove that she was right all the time but the old guy still found ways where her prediction was true? What if it's more like the truth is what you can see in it? Kinda like 'every cloud has a silver lining' type of thing? You could just as easily say she was wrong about the volcano as the guy could say she was right. So just how much stock SHOULD we take in what Madam Woo said to begin with when it comes to Aang and his love life? Or Katara and whether she'll end up with a strong bender? (Because you can argue that it automatically excludes Zuko then since he's not that powerful and her words were 'a very powerful'.I think Toph, Katara, Aang, Azula, and Iroh have him beat.)
    Besides: who's to say that she didn't make some of it up? She was getting annoyed with Katara, what if she just started saying crap to get her to leave her alone?
    To me, that moment was seemly meant to be a Kataang moment but I find it ironic that you can hurt both ships if you try to discredit the moment. Hmm.

    Was Exactly Happened Here? > (Zutara)
    And here's the moment that finally made me arch an eyebrow that Zutara might actually could have a slim of a chance: that darn moment with the two in the cave. Sure, it's got nothing on the ridiculous amounts of proof of Kataang but still...it happened. They bonded over their mothers and losses, Katara offers to heal Zuko's scar andtouched Zuko's face , they inched closer, their faces where this close apparent and--Aang appears, Katara goes running to him and Aang gives the best 'Stay away from my woman' look I think I've ever seen.

    But really...what was that part about? Where they going to kiss? The music did soften up quite a bit to the so called 'love' theme of the show (yes, I did notice that) and the two where alone. Forshadowing of a future kiss? (Or relationship?) Or just a teasing moment from the stupid writters just to piss people off and mess with our heads?

    There's not much going against this other than 'they weren't going to kiss' and the moment was overexaggerated. I serously doubt it though.

    To be honest, it's looking pretty much Kataang now. Countless, a possible kiss, daydreamed kiss and now, an actual kiss. Even the previous avatar told Aang to simply stick with it and your get results.

    And I will openly say that some of the reasoning for Zutara (Or okay, the ones the delusional, silly fans of the ships come up with and that's not all of you but a lot of you do exist, let's face it. But at least some intellgent shippers exist among you and my sanity thanks you...) is outright laughable, if not almost pee-on-myself inducing funny. But I can also say that while there really hsn't been any strong proof, more so that neither really have shown any evidence that they like one other (other than arguably the moment in the cave), if Zuko joines the group, let's face it. Something is going to happen eventually. The creators and writters know this istoo good of a chance to pass up(though I do hope they don't focus too much time on it because there is WAY too much going on for this to turn into Avatar Creek) for it not to happen--or it's getting blown out of pocket and he's joining simply and only to really help Aang and possibly teach him firebending (It REALLY sould have been Iroh but hey, who's to say that's NOT where he's going?) with him and Katara at least becoming friends--after she eventually gets ove not trusting him.
    But I doubt it. Why go through the trouble of teasing people, saying (if they didn't I didn't read the book) saying that she would end up with one of them and putting Zuko joining into motion if this WASN'T going to come up?

    But it's not to say it's still going to happen: Katara and Zuko could very well kiss, and still nothing comes out of it. What if it's a passion of the moment kiss and ends up, by both sides, being seen as a mistake? This could be a great moment (if not) for Katara to explain how she really feels about Aang (though I honestly believe that if she honestly hated the previous kiss with Aang and doesn't see him like that, this will be hinted at or come up long before then). She might get confused on who she wants and somehow ends up deciding, making it a coin toss (though I honestly believe for this ship to make more sense and have a bit more credibilty, they should have built it up with obvious, concrete hints in season two, and more than just that one moment in the cave. Like Kataang.) This could also be the writters way of giving Zutara their moment but still have Kataang together. And then there's still Mai that could very well be an issue.

    In the end, we'll just have to wait and see. But I hope they hurry up and get on with it (even though they'll probably drag it out until the friggin season finale) because I wouldn't mind finding a thread that didn't branch off into this ship war. And half of the time, it has NOTHING to do with the ships...go figure. >:/

    I personally, ship anything with Sokka because Sokka is a pimp and could end up great with anyone. Go Sokka! XD

    Whoa ho! *high fives you*
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  • Avatar of ChibiMaddiChan


    [470]Nov 15, 2007
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    merdok2005 wrote:
    da2021011995 wrote:
    merdok2005 wrote:

    Wow the last one for me lol



    "her expression is PROOF that she doesn't love Aang, now with Zuko joining, there is a great chance Zutara will happen, much higher than Kataang"

    a doubter(but not zutarian)or even a reasonable kataangian, maybe even some realistic Zutarians who know how usually writers work in their writings

    "her reaction could be read many different ways, it doesn't put as definitive proof that she loves Aang, but it still can mean in later episodes that it was the moment where she realizes she loves him; Zutara can still have a chance, but chances as of right now are in favor of KatAang"

    a crazed kataangian

    "this is the coffin in the nail, it proves katara's love; now there is not even a remote chance for Zutara"

    The last one is me...

    LMFAO! Wow! that is how the shippers sound! (I'd be the doubter one probably)

    ::high fives you right back:: YEAH! BEING BORED ROX! XD

    Edited on 11/15/2007 4:39pm
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  • Avatar of da2021011995


    [471]Nov 15, 2007
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    ChibiMaddiChan wrote:

    ::Sighs:: I'm doing this because I'm bored and don't have a shipping preference when it comes to Katara. Pretty much, I'm neutrual and could careless who Katara ends up with: as long as it makes sense, I won't complain.

    And I'll try to be as fair as possible:

    Reasons why Kataang Will More than Likely Happen:
    -The "Main Guy gets the Main Girl" cliche`.
    -It's obvious that Aang already likes Katara
    -They've kissed. Possibly twice. (Daydreams not included.)(In the Cave of Lovers is a big Maybe but it is now a fact in DOTBS.) I don't care who looked like what ever the fact, I'll discuss that below, the point is that it happened.
    -Almost 2 and 1/2 seasons worth of proof that the ship will happen, most notably in Season 3 thus far. Some examples:
    1. The Cave of Two Lovers was full of them.
    2. The Fortune-Teller though can be taken like a double-edge sword.
    3. Avatar Roku ending up with a girl that "didn't pay him the time of day" and telling Aang to stick with it (and being the Avatar doesn't hurt either). Hmmm...
    4. The Headband: that's the first time (that I can remember) Katara, even if it was subtle, showing jealousy toward Aang showing another girl attention. Then dancing, blushing, and oddly close moments insued.(Note: When Sokka made note of them dancing, it was obvious by her tone and the way she looked that she was a little jealous.)
    5. And more that I don't feel like posting because this post will already be long enough.
    -It's obvious that Katara cares deeply about Aang, but rather it's because she literally seems him like a little brother or because she cares and like Hermione Granger until way later in the books (to those that couldn't notice early) she didn't show more obvious hints, is beyond me at this point. (Note: she's never said and/or called him 'little brother' or the like either. It's simply assumed, just like her 'liking' him if you want to say so.)
    6. Aang + Hair = Pretty darn nice to look at.

    Reasons Why Zutara Will More than Likely Happen:
    -The "Opposites Attract" Cliche`
    -They both care about/bonded (slightly) over their mother and at least, had an understanding.
    -You can argue that it looked like they might kiss in the season 2 finale.
    -Zuko is hotter than Aang, more so withhis new hair.PERIOD, GET OVER IT.
    -They're around the same age.
    -Zuko might join the Gaang which would give him a chance to bond more with Katara because I can't possibly see that relationship coming dead out of no where, that'd be dumb, esp. after wasting the time building up almsot the whole show Kataang.
    -Did I mention Zuko was amazingly hot? I did? Just checking.
    -(Note: I'll probably get this wrong but I never understood how this was honest proof to begin with because after watching and rewatching I just didn't see it...) The Waterbending Scroll??
    -Zuko not denying Katara was his girlfriend.
    -The personalities have been in relationships before so we know that it can work.

    Reaons Why Kataang Could (Will) Fail:
    1. Aang's age but I find this to be a weak argument. First of all, you have to take into account what day and age the story is set in, then the culture, and finally, how the show in general feels about 'age'. Technically, Aang is OLDER than Katara but that's way besides the point. Most people don't find a problem with dating someone younger. ( ::cough:: Some of us can look @ our own parents. Even relationships or friends relationships.)

    2. Does Katara honestly like Aang. Again, there is way more to go on that she probably does, even if it's not as open or honest, but then again, you can look at the relationship and go on to say that it's more of a 'sister to brother' love than anything else. (Though I don't kiss or get jealous of my brother, sorry.) You can also look at how she treated/liked Jet compared to Aang thus far. . .but then again, it was more of an instant crush on Jet (that lingered till he uh, died) rather than knowing someone you considered a friend and realized you liked more than just one. Again, Hermione Granger is pretty much a mirror to Katara in a lot of instances and if you want, I'll be glad to post them. It's not who she ended up with that was important, but how and the way she ACTED.

    3. One of them dies. XD

    4. Aang ends up liking/looking at someone else, which would either draw Katara's feelings out, too little too late, they end up together, or she really does see him as a brother and it doesn't matter.

    Reasons Why Zutara Could (Will) Fail:
    1. Hands down #1 reason is because there is really little proof compared to Kataang.

    2.Thinking that Katara will just except and/or forgive Zuko with open arms in one episode and they'll end up together or at least inch more toward it by the next. We love to compare this to Jet here but let's consider the circumstances:
    -Katara ALREADY LIKED JET. Or at least, had a crush on him. She was very hurt by his betrayal but those feelings lingered, as Toph pointed out. Katara forgave him (a bit late in the game but did) because he proved himself. Now look at Zuko and be honest with yourselfs:
    -He's chased after a person she cares about, however she cares about him, from the beginning.
    -Countless times, he's almost hurt her, Aang, and her own brother.
    -When she let her guard down for two seconds and gave him the benefit of the doubt DESPITE all that, he turns around and betrays what little trust she gave him then, complete with Aang almost getting killed in the process because he helped Azula.
    -It's obvious that Katara (for good reason) has anger towards the Fire nation (she lashed out at him because of that in the cave...) and after the events in DOTBS, I doubt ANY of them will trust Zuko, and she'll probably be front runner for that again (speaking of Jet) save Toph being able to tell he's lying. However, this is also a double edge sword now: remember that Azula told an OBVIOUS lie and Toph couldn't detect it. We now know that the ability has a weakness and if the show pays attention to detail like they have been, this could and might come up.
    -Not to mention now that her father, and others she cares about have been captured by the firenation, the 'trust' issue is really going to be sticky with Zuko more than ever, not just for her, but for everyone involved. (What if Haru sticks around? Or any of them that's not part of the original gaang? Why would they have any reason to trust him?)

    3. There has been no HONEST proof that either of them like the other, only grasping at WTF straws and major assuming. We've seen Zuko react and interact with two girls (the girl and BSS and Mai) and kiss both. He went out of his way to say the girl from BSS 'wasn't his girlfriend' and such and while we didn't get to see him and Mai get together, we saw him react slightly same way when Azula pulled that prank on him and Mai. We've seen Katara have a crush on Jet and we've seen hints at Aang. But never obvious, indisputable, proof for one another.

    4. Um MAI? Whether you like it or not, they are/got together. And who's to say just because Zuko left that's the end of them? (Heeeello ending to Spiderman & Harry Potter and theHalf Blood Prince! Hey, we don't know WHAT he said in that letter.)He didn't look too happy about leaving her behind in the first place and even at least, if he couldn't find it in him to say goodbye face to face, left her a letter of explination. Who says Mai won't go after him? Who says he doesn't still care about Mai? They're relationship obviously works: while almost sickeningly so, it does. We already know why Mai is so 'anti-emotion (which is sad by the way) and that she's liked Zuko since they were children. We know that Zuko apparently likes her back, otherwise, why bother being with her in the FIRST PLACE? Face it: until one or the other outright say it's over and mean it, they're probably here to say. And unless Zuko is...one of THOSE guys...Katara won't even be in the picture.

    Contradicting and/or Oddities for Proof of Said Ship(s):

    The (Now Infamous) Kiss: (Kataang Moment):
    The kiss happened. That'as all the Kataang supports how to say. (And dance around about as they say it). However, those ever diligent Zutara fans try to take this as THEIR moment. How? Why: look at Katara's face AFTER the kiss?! What could that mean? It must OBVIOUSLY mean she doesn't like him. Right? So who does the moment belong to?

    My personal view:
    To be honest, I think it's pretty funny that this even came up as a moment and I have to give it to Zutara for pointing this out. (Minus the one poster trying to compare the kiss to rape. That. Was. Silly.) However, I must also tip my hat off to Kataang for defending the moment with some pretty good arguements. (And ones that make good sense.) For instance, just look at the conversation they were having before the kiss? Maybe if her face had happened while they were just talking about something silly or nonsense like or even when she was in an absurdly happy mood. But the conversation was rather bleak and Aang took the chance and kissed her. Hey, if he dies, she knows how he feels.
    It's so easy to write that face off as her say, realizing that he might have done that BECAUSE he thought he might die. (He was just talking about that), not because it was Aang kissing her. (If that was the case, why have so many obvious 'too close to my lips for comfort' moments in the past? And what REALLY happened in the Cave of Two Lovers? What if this wasn't their first kiss?) It's obvoius she was surprised by the action (it was kinda out of no where) but it was also obvious (and let's stop trying to over look it people) that not only did she blush or not pull away (erm, Aang, ended the kiss, not Katara) but she leaned RIGHT INTO IT. That's it NOT the reaction of a person who doesn't want to be kissed, even if caught by surpise, She could have easily pulled away (and eased the hurt feelings by completely pretending to be OMG shocked) or simply explained to Aang, then and there nothing would and could never happen. But she DIDN'T. He wasn't forcing her to continue the kiss and her feeling that much pity isjust...kinda sad really, becausethat means the Kataang momentspreviously would make NO sense. And that's a very strong point to be noted, whether you want to or not.

    So I say the moment goes to Kataang: not only can they properly argue the point with Katara's face--and be completely right--, but the kiss even spoke for it's own defense.

    The Waterbending Scroll Incident? (Zutara)
    I personally hate to say it, even if the poster was being very sarcastic, but it sums up how I feel about this moment: where on Earth did this moment come from? Zuko telling Katara to do something and Katara pretty much telling him to drop dead, DOES NOT equal= They must have sexual tension/be in love. I think I definately missed something here.

    The Fortune-Teller: (Kataang)
    Or as a like to call it, a 'double edge sword' contradiciton. Now: the moment that is most remembered is when Sokka makes mention that Aang is a powerful bender, to which Katara remembers what Madam Woo said about her marrying 'a strong bender' and to which they go pretty heavy on her realizing the possible connection.
    However, Zutara followers made a good point: she also told Aang that he wouldn't have love in his life, hence why she made his up.
    Here's the double edge sword in all this though:
    She also told Aang that he would have to make his OWN destiny in the end, meaning that what she said may or may NOT happen at all. So which one is it? That's she's completely right about everything? Or that in the end, the lesson learned is that anyone can alter and change their own destiny? (Hell, look at Zuko in relation to his family and the firenation?) Because if that's the case, then Kataang could argue (and I think they have at one point)that it still won't be Zuko since he's not that (and never has been that according to Zuko Alone) strong of a firebender. (Though he owns your soul with blades.) Remember how Sokka tried to disprove that she was right all the time but the old guy still found ways where her prediction was true? What if it's more like the truth is what you can see in it? Kinda like 'every cloud has a silver lining' type of thing? You could just as easily say she was wrong about the volcano as the guy could say she was right. So just how much stock SHOULD we take in what Madam Woo said to begin with when it comes to Aang and his love life? Or Katara and whether she'll end up with a strong bender? (Because you can argue that it automatically excludes Zuko then since he's not that powerful and her words were 'a very powerful'.I think Toph, Katara, Aang, Azula, and Iroh have him beat.)
    Besides: who's to say that she didn't make some of it up? She was getting annoyed with Katara, what if she just started saying crap to get her to leave her alone?
    To me, that moment was seemly meant to be a Kataang moment but I find it ironic that you can hurt both ships if you try to discredit the moment. Hmm.

    Was Exactly Happened Here? > (Zutara)
    And here's the moment that finally made me arch an eyebrow that Zutara might actually could have a slim of a chance: that darn moment with the two in the cave. Sure, it's got nothing on the ridiculous amounts of proof of Kataang but still...it happened. They bonded over their mothers and losses, Katara offers to heal Zuko's scar andtouched Zuko's face , they inched closer, their faces where this close apparent and--Aang appears, Katara goes running to him and Aang gives the best 'Stay away from my woman' look I think I've ever seen.

    But really...what was that part about? Where they going to kiss? The music did soften up quite a bit to the so called 'love' theme of the show (yes, I did notice that) and the two where alone. Forshadowing of a future kiss? (Or relationship?) Or just a teasing moment from the stupid writters just to piss people off and mess with our heads?

    There's not much going against this other than 'they weren't going to kiss' and the moment was overexaggerated. I serously doubt it though.

    To be honest, it's looking pretty much Kataang now. Countless, a possible kiss, daydreamed kiss and now, an actual kiss. Even the previous avatar told Aang to simply stick with it and your get results.

    And I will openly say that some of the reasoning for Zutara (Or okay, the ones the delusional, silly fans of the ships come up with and that's not all of you but a lot of you do exist, let's face it. But at least some intellgent shippers exist among you and my sanity thanks you...) is outright laughable, if not almost pee-on-myself inducing funny. But I can also say that while there really hsn't been any strong proof, more so that neither really have shown any evidence that they like one other (other than arguably the moment in the cave), if Zuko joines the group, let's face it. Something is going to happen eventually. The creators and writters know this istoo good of a chance to pass up(though I do hope they don't focus too much time on it because there is WAY too much going on for this to turn into Avatar Creek) for it not to happen--or it's getting blown out of pocket and he's joining simply and only to really help Aang and possibly teach him firebending (It REALLY sould have been Iroh but hey, who's to say that's NOT where he's going?) with him and Katara at least becoming friends--after she eventually gets ove not trusting him.
    But I doubt it. Why go through the trouble of teasing people, saying (if they didn't I didn't read the book) saying that she would end up with one of them and putting Zuko joining into motion if this WASN'T going to come up?

    But it's not to say it's still going to happen: Katara and Zuko could very well kiss, and still nothing comes out of it. What if it's a passion of the moment kiss and ends up, by both sides, being seen as a mistake? This could be a great moment (if not) for Katara to explain how she really feels about Aang (though I honestly believe that if she honestly hated the previous kiss with Aang and doesn't see him like that, this will be hinted at or come up long before then). She might get confused on who she wants and somehow ends up deciding, making it a coin toss (though I honestly believe for this ship to make more sense and have a bit more credibilty, they should have built it up with obvious, concrete hints in season two, and more than just that one moment in the cave. Like Kataang.) This could also be the writters way of giving Zutara their moment but still have Kataang together. And then there's still Mai that could very well be an issue.

    In the end, we'll just have to wait and see. But I hope they hurry up and get on with it (even though they'll probably drag it out until the friggin season finale) because I wouldn't mind finding a thread that didn't branch off into this ship war. And half of the time, it has NOTHING to do with the ships...go figure. >:/

    I personally, ship anything with Sokka because Sokka is a pimp and could end up great with anyone. Go Sokka! XD

    Can you stop saying I'm silly. I didn't actually mean the kiss was rape. -_-' I'm pissed now..
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  • Avatar of Atu_1


    [472]Nov 15, 2007
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    ChibiMaddiChan wrote:
    merdok2005 wrote:
    da2021011995 wrote:
    merdok2005 wrote:

    Wow the last one for me lol



    "her expression is PROOF that she doesn't love Aang, now with Zuko joining, there is a great chance Zutara will happen, much higher than Kataang"

    a doubter(but not zutarian)or even a reasonable kataangian, maybe even some realistic Zutarians who know how usually writers work in their writings

    "her reaction could be read many different ways, it doesn't put as definitive proof that she loves Aang, but it still can mean in later episodes that it was the moment where she realizes she loves him; Zutara can still have a chance, but chances as of right now are in favor of KatAang"

    a crazed kataangian

    "this is the coffin in the nail, it proves katara's love; now there is not even a remote chance for Zutara"

    The last one is me...

    LMFAO! Wow! that is how the shippers sound! (I'd be the doubter one probably)

    ::high fives you right back:: YEAH! BEING BORED ROX! XD

    I'm the doubter, but it should be called, "The middle man/woman who prefers a ship but is still fair"
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  • Avatar of merdok2005


    [473]Nov 15, 2007
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    ChibiMaddiChan wrote:

    ::Sighs:: I'm doing this because I'm bored and don't have a shipping preference when it comes to Katara. Pretty much, I'm neutrual and could careless who Katara ends up with: as long as it makes sense, I won't complain.

    And I'll try to be as fair as possible:

    Reasons why Kataang Will More than Likely Happen:
    -The "Main Guy gets the Main Girl" cliche`.
    -It's obvious that Aang already likes Katara
    -They've kissed. Possibly twice. (Daydreams not included.)(In the Cave of Lovers is a big Maybe but it is now a fact in DOTBS.) I don't care who looked like what ever the fact, I'll discuss that below, the point is that it happened.
    -Almost 2 and 1/2 seasons worth of proof that the ship will happen, most notably in Season 3 thus far. Some examples:
    1. The Cave of Two Lovers was full of them.
    2. The Fortune-Teller though can be taken like a double-edge sword.
    3. Avatar Roku ending up with a girl that "didn't pay him the time of day" and telling Aang to stick with it (and being the Avatar doesn't hurt either). Hmmm...
    4. The Headband: that's the first time (that I can remember) Katara, even if it was subtle, showing jealousy toward Aang showing another girl attention. Then dancing, blushing, and oddly close moments insued.(Note: When Sokka made note of them dancing, it was obvious by her tone and the way she looked that she was a little jealous.)
    5. And more that I don't feel like posting because this post will already be long enough.
    -It's obvious that Katara cares deeply about Aang, but rather it's because she literally seems him like a little brother or because she cares and like Hermione Granger until way later in the books (to those that couldn't notice early) she didn't show more obvious hints, is beyond me at this point. (Note: she's never said and/or called him 'little brother' or the like either. It's simply assumed, just like her 'liking' him if you want to say so.)
    6. Aang + Hair = Pretty darn nice to look at.

    Reasons Why Zutara Will More than Likely Happen:
    -The "Opposites Attract" Cliche`
    -They both care about/bonded (slightly) over their mother and at least, had an understanding.
    -You can argue that it looked like they might kiss in the season 2 finale.
    -Zuko is hotter than Aang, more so withhis new hair.PERIOD, GET OVER IT.
    -They're around the same age.
    -Zuko might join the Gaang which would give him a chance to bond more with Katara because I can't possibly see that relationship coming dead out of no where, that'd be dumb, esp. after wasting the time building up almsot the whole show Kataang.
    -Did I mention Zuko was amazingly hot? I did? Just checking.
    -(Note: I'll probably get this wrong but I never understood how this was honest proof to begin with because after watching and rewatching I just didn't see it...) The Waterbending Scroll??
    -Zuko not denying Katara was his girlfriend.
    -The personalities have been in relationships before so we know that it can work.

    Reaons Why Kataang Could (Will) Fail:
    1. Aang's age but I find this to be a weak argument. First of all, you have to take into account what day and age the story is set in, then the culture, and finally, how the show in general feels about 'age'. Technically, Aang is OLDER than Katara but that's way besides the point. Most people don't find a problem with dating someone younger. ( ::cough:: Some of us can look @ our own parents. Even relationships or friends relationships.)

    2. Does Katara honestly like Aang. Again, there is way more to go on that she probably does, even if it's not as open or honest, but then again, you can look at the relationship and go on to say that it's more of a 'sister to brother' love than anything else. (Though I don't kiss or get jealous of my brother, sorry.) You can also look at how she treated/liked Jet compared to Aang thus far. . .but then again, it was more of an instant crush on Jet (that lingered till he uh, died) rather than knowing someone you considered a friend and realized you liked more than just one. Again, Hermione Granger is pretty much a mirror to Katara in a lot of instances and if you want, I'll be glad to post them. It's not who she ended up with that was important, but how and the way she ACTED.

    3. One of them dies. XD

    4. Aang ends up liking/looking at someone else, which would either draw Katara's feelings out, too little too late, they end up together, or she really does see him as a brother and it doesn't matter.

    Reasons Why Zutara Could (Will) Fail:
    1. Hands down #1 reason is because there is really little proof compared to Kataang.

    2.Thinking that Katara will just except and/or forgive Zuko with open arms in one episode and they'll end up together or at least inch more toward it by the next. We love to compare this to Jet here but let's consider the circumstances:
    -Katara ALREADY LIKED JET. Or at least, had a crush on him. She was very hurt by his betrayal but those feelings lingered, as Toph pointed out. Katara forgave him (a bit late in the game but did) because he proved himself. Now look at Zuko and be honest with yourselfs:
    -He's chased after a person she cares about, however she cares about him, from the beginning.
    -Countless times, he's almost hurt her, Aang, and her own brother.
    -When she let her guard down for two seconds and gave him the benefit of the doubt DESPITE all that, he turns around and betrays what little trust she gave him then, complete with Aang almost getting killed in the process because he helped Azula.
    -It's obvious that Katara (for good reason) has anger towards the Fire nation (she lashed out at him because of that in the cave...) and after the events in DOTBS, I doubt ANY of them will trust Zuko, and she'll probably be front runner for that again (speaking of Jet) save Toph being able to tell he's lying. However, this is also a double edge sword now: remember that Azula told an OBVIOUS lie and Toph couldn't detect it. We now know that the ability has a weakness and if the show pays attention to detail like they have been, this could and might come up.
    -Not to mention now that her father, and others she cares about have been captured by the firenation, the 'trust' issue is really going to be sticky with Zuko more than ever, not just for her, but for everyone involved. (What if Haru sticks around? Or any of them that's not part of the original gaang? Why would they have any reason to trust him?)

    3. There has been no HONEST proof that either of them like the other, only grasping at WTF straws and major assuming. We've seen Zuko react and interact with two girls (the girl and BSS and Mai) and kiss both. He went out of his way to say the girl from BSS 'wasn't his girlfriend' and such and while we didn't get to see him and Mai get together, we saw him react slightly same way when Azula pulled that prank on him and Mai. We've seen Katara have a crush on Jet and we've seen hints at Aang. But never obvious, indisputable, proof for one another.

    4. Um MAI? Whether you like it or not, they are/got together. And who's to say just because Zuko left that's the end of them? (Heeeello ending to Spiderman & Harry Potter and theHalf Blood Prince! Hey, we don't know WHAT he said in that letter.)He didn't look too happy about leaving her behind in the first place and even at least, if he couldn't find it in him to say goodbye face to face, left her a letter of explination. Who says Mai won't go after him? Who says he doesn't still care about Mai? They're relationship obviously works: while almost sickeningly so, it does. We already know why Mai is so 'anti-emotion (which is sad by the way) and that she's liked Zuko since they were children. We know that Zuko apparently likes her back, otherwise, why bother being with her in the FIRST PLACE? Face it: until one or the other outright say it's over and mean it, they're probably here to say. And unless Zuko is...one of THOSE guys...Katara won't even be in the picture.

    Contradicting and/or Oddities for Proof of Said Ship(s):

    The (Now Infamous) Kiss: (Kataang Moment):
    The kiss happened. That'as all the Kataang supports how to say. (And dance around about as they say it). However, those ever diligent Zutara fans try to take this as THEIR moment. How? Why: look at Katara's face AFTER the kiss?! What could that mean? It must OBVIOUSLY mean she doesn't like him. Right? So who does the moment belong to?

    My personal view:
    To be honest, I think it's pretty funny that this even came up as a moment and I have to give it to Zutara for pointing this out. (Minus the one poster trying to compare the kiss to rape. That. Was. Silly.) However, I must also tip my hat off to Kataang for defending the moment with some pretty good arguements. (And ones that make good sense.) For instance, just look at the conversation they were having before the kiss? Maybe if her face had happened while they were just talking about something silly or nonsense like or even when she was in an absurdly happy mood. But the conversation was rather bleak and Aang took the chance and kissed her. Hey, if he dies, she knows how he feels.
    It's so easy to write that face off as her say, realizing that he might have done that BECAUSE he thought he might die. (He was just talking about that), not because it was Aang kissing her. (If that was the case, why have so many obvious 'too close to my lips for comfort' moments in the past? And what REALLY happened in the Cave of Two Lovers? What if this wasn't their first kiss?) It's obvoius she was surprised by the action (it was kinda out of no where) but it was also obvious (and let's stop trying to over look it people) that not only did she blush or not pull away (erm, Aang, ended the kiss, not Katara) but she leaned RIGHT INTO IT. That's it NOT the reaction of a person who doesn't want to be kissed, even if caught by surpise, She could have easily pulled away (and eased the hurt feelings by completely pretending to be OMG shocked) or simply explained to Aang, then and there nothing would and could never happen. But she DIDN'T. He wasn't forcing her to continue the kiss and her feeling that much pity isjust...kinda sad really, becausethat means the Kataang momentspreviously would make NO sense. And that's a very strong point to be noted, whether you want to or not.

    So I say the moment goes to Kataang: not only can they properly argue the point with Katara's face--and be completely right--, but the kiss even spoke for it's own defense.

    The Waterbending Scroll Incident? (Zutara)
    I personally hate to say it, even if the poster was being very sarcastic, but it sums up how I feel about this moment: where on Earth did this moment come from? Zuko telling Katara to do something and Katara pretty much telling him to drop dead, DOES NOT equal= They must have sexual tension/be in love. I think I definately missed something here.

    The Fortune-Teller: (Kataang)
    Or as a like to call it, a 'double edge sword' contradiciton. Now: the moment that is most remembered is when Sokka makes mention that Aang is a powerful bender, to which Katara remembers what Madam Woo said about her marrying 'a strong bender' and to which they go pretty heavy on her realizing the possible connection.
    However, Zutara followers made a good point: she also told Aang that he wouldn't have love in his life, hence why she made his up.
    Here's the double edge sword in all this though:
    She also told Aang that he would have to make his OWN destiny in the end, meaning that what she said may or may NOT happen at all. So which one is it? That's she's completely right about everything? Or that in the end, the lesson learned is that anyone can alter and change their own destiny? (Hell, look at Zuko in relation to his family and the firenation?) Because if that's the case, then Kataang could argue (and I think they have at one point)that it still won't be Zuko since he's not that (and never has been that according to Zuko Alone) strong of a firebender. (Though he owns your soul with blades.) Remember how Sokka tried to disprove that she was right all the time but the old guy still found ways where her prediction was true? What if it's more like the truth is what you can see in it? Kinda like 'every cloud has a silver lining' type of thing? You could just as easily say she was wrong about the volcano as the guy could say she was right. So just how much stock SHOULD we take in what Madam Woo said to begin with when it comes to Aang and his love life? Or Katara and whether she'll end up with a strong bender? (Because you can argue that it automatically excludes Zuko then since he's not that powerful and her words were 'a very powerful'.I think Toph, Katara, Aang, Azula, and Iroh have him beat.)
    Besides: who's to say that she didn't make some of it up? She was getting annoyed with Katara, what if she just started saying crap to get her to leave her alone?
    To me, that moment was seemly meant to be a Kataang moment but I find it ironic that you can hurt both ships if you try to discredit the moment. Hmm.

    Was Exactly Happened Here? > (Zutara)
    And here's the moment that finally made me arch an eyebrow that Zutara might actually could have a slim of a chance: that darn moment with the two in the cave. Sure, it's got nothing on the ridiculous amounts of proof of Kataang but still...it happened. They bonded over their mothers and losses, Katara offers to heal Zuko's scar andtouched Zuko's face , they inched closer, their faces where this close apparent and--Aang appears, Katara goes running to him and Aang gives the best 'Stay away from my woman' look I think I've ever seen.

    But really...what was that part about? Where they going to kiss? The music did soften up quite a bit to the so called 'love' theme of the show (yes, I did notice that) and the two where alone. Forshadowing of a future kiss? (Or relationship?) Or just a teasing moment from the stupid writters just to piss people off and mess with our heads?

    There's not much going against this other than 'they weren't going to kiss' and the moment was overexaggerated. I serously doubt it though.

    To be honest, it's looking pretty much Kataang now. Countless, a possible kiss, daydreamed kiss and now, an actual kiss. Even the previous avatar told Aang to simply stick with it and your get results.

    And I will openly say that some of the reasoning for Zutara (Or okay, the ones the delusional, silly fans of the ships come up with and that's not all of you but a lot of you do exist, let's face it. But at least some intellgent shippers exist among you and my sanity thanks you...) is outright laughable, if not almost pee-on-myself inducing funny. But I can also say that while there really hsn't been any strong proof, more so that neither really have shown any evidence that they like one other (other than arguably the moment in the cave), if Zuko joines the group, let's face it. Something is going to happen eventually. The creators and writters know this istoo good of a chance to pass up(though I do hope they don't focus too much time on it because there is WAY too much going on for this to turn into Avatar Creek) for it not to happen--or it's getting blown out of pocket and he's joining simply and only to really help Aang and possibly teach him firebending (It REALLY sould have been Iroh but hey, who's to say that's NOT where he's going?) with him and Katara at least becoming friends--after she eventually gets ove not trusting him.
    But I doubt it. Why go through the trouble of teasing people, saying (if they didn't I didn't read the book) saying that she would end up with one of them and putting Zuko joining into motion if this WASN'T going to come up?

    But it's not to say it's still going to happen: Katara and Zuko could very well kiss, and still nothing comes out of it. What if it's a passion of the moment kiss and ends up, by both sides, being seen as a mistake? This could be a great moment (if not) for Katara to explain how she really feels about Aang (though I honestly believe that if she honestly hated the previous kiss with Aang and doesn't see him like that, this will be hinted at or come up long before then). She might get confused on who she wants and somehow ends up deciding, making it a coin toss (though I honestly believe for this ship to make more sense and have a bit more credibilty, they should have built it up with obvious, concrete hints in season two, and more than just that one moment in the cave. Like Kataang.) This could also be the writters way of giving Zutara their moment but still have Kataang together. And then there's still Mai that could very well be an issue.

    In the end, we'll just have to wait and see. But I hope they hurry up and get on with it (even though they'll probably drag it out until the friggin season finale) because I wouldn't mind finding a thread that didn't branch off into this ship war. And half of the time, it has NOTHING to do with the ships...go figure. >:/

    I personally, ship anything with Sokka because Sokka is a pimp and could end up great with anyone. Go Sokka! XD

    Wow, Great arguement! Claps* I agree with you a lot, not only because it has great Kataang points, but it also has great Zutara ones too. That must've taken a long while to write.

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  • Avatar of Atu_1


    [474]Nov 15, 2007
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    Some would say TL;DR but it's really a great well thought out non-biased realist essay.
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  • Avatar of thefireman43


    [475]Nov 15, 2007
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    ChibiMaddiChan wrote:

    ::Sighs:: I'm doing this because I'm bored and don't have a shipping preference when it comes to Katara. Pretty much, I'm neutrual and could careless who Katara ends up with: as long as it makes sense, I won't complain.

    And I'll try to be as fair as possible:

    Reasons why Kataang Will More than Likely Happen:
    -The "Main Guy gets the Main Girl" cliche`.
    -It's obvious that Aang already likes Katara
    -They've kissed. Possibly twice. (Daydreams not included.)(In the Cave of Lovers is a big Maybe but it is now a fact in DOTBS.) I don't care who looked like what ever the fact, I'll discuss that below, the point is that it happened.
    -Almost 2 and 1/2 seasons worth of proof that the ship will happen, most notably in Season 3 thus far. Some examples:
    1. The Cave of Two Lovers was full of them.
    2. The Fortune-Teller though can be taken like a double-edge sword.
    3. Avatar Roku ending up with a girl that "didn't pay him the time of day" and telling Aang to stick with it (and being the Avatar doesn't hurt either). Hmmm...
    4. The Headband: that's the first time (that I can remember) Katara, even if it was subtle, showing jealousy toward Aang showing another girl attention. Then dancing, blushing, and oddly close moments insued.(Note: When Sokka made note of them dancing, it was obvious by her tone and the way she looked that she was a little jealous.)
    5. And more that I don't feel like posting because this post will already be long enough.
    -It's obvious that Katara cares deeply about Aang, but rather it's because she literally seems him like a little brother or because she cares and like Hermione Granger until way later in the books (to those that couldn't notice early) she didn't show more obvious hints, is beyond me at this point. (Note: she's never said and/or called him 'little brother' or the like either. It's simply assumed, just like her 'liking' him if you want to say so.)
    6. Aang + Hair = Pretty darn nice to look at.

    Reasons Why Zutara Will More than Likely Happen:
    -The "Opposites Attract" Cliche`
    -They both care about/bonded (slightly) over their mother and at least, had an understanding.
    -You can argue that it looked like they might kiss in the season 2 finale.
    -Zuko is hotter than Aang, more so withhis new hair.PERIOD, GET OVER IT.
    -They're around the same age.
    -Zuko might join the Gaang which would give him a chance to bond more with Katara because I can't possibly see that relationship coming dead out of no where, that'd be dumb, esp. after wasting the time building up almsot the whole show Kataang.
    -Did I mention Zuko was amazingly hot? I did? Just checking.
    -(Note: I'll probably get this wrong but I never understood how this was honest proof to begin with because after watching and rewatching I just didn't see it...) The Waterbending Scroll??
    -Zuko not denying Katara was his girlfriend.
    -The personalities have been in relationships before so we know that it can work.

    Reaons Why Kataang Could (Will) Fail:
    1. Aang's age but I find this to be a weak argument. First of all, you have to take into account what day and age the story is set in, then the culture, and finally, how the show in general feels about 'age'. Technically, Aang is OLDER than Katara but that's way besides the point. Most people don't find a problem with dating someone younger. ( ::cough:: Some of us can look @ our own parents. Even relationships or friends relationships.)

    2. Does Katara honestly like Aang. Again, there is way more to go on that she probably does, even if it's not as open or honest, but then again, you can look at the relationship and go on to say that it's more of a 'sister to brother' love than anything else. (Though I don't kiss or get jealous of my brother, sorry.) You can also look at how she treated/liked Jet compared to Aang thus far. . .but then again, it was more of an instant crush on Jet (that lingered till he uh, died) rather than knowing someone you considered a friend and realized you liked more than just one. Again, Hermione Granger is pretty much a mirror to Katara in a lot of instances and if you want, I'll be glad to post them. It's not who she ended up with that was important, but how and the way she ACTED.

    3. One of them dies. XD

    4. Aang ends up liking/looking at someone else, which would either draw Katara's feelings out, too little too late, they end up together, or she really does see him as a brother and it doesn't matter.

    Reasons Why Zutara Could (Will) Fail:
    1. Hands down #1 reason is because there is really little proof compared to Kataang.

    2.Thinking that Katara will just except and/or forgive Zuko with open arms in one episode and they'll end up together or at least inch more toward it by the next. We love to compare this to Jet here but let's consider the circumstances:
    -Katara ALREADY LIKED JET. Or at least, had a crush on him. She was very hurt by his betrayal but those feelings lingered, as Toph pointed out. Katara forgave him (a bit late in the game but did) because he proved himself. Now look at Zuko and be honest with yourselfs:
    -He's chased after a person she cares about, however she cares about him, from the beginning.
    -Countless times, he's almost hurt her, Aang, and her own brother.
    -When she let her guard down for two seconds and gave him the benefit of the doubt DESPITE all that, he turns around and betrays what little trust she gave him then, complete with Aang almost getting killed in the process because he helped Azula.
    -It's obvious that Katara (for good reason) has anger towards the Fire nation (she lashed out at him because of that in the cave...) and after the events in DOTBS, I doubt ANY of them will trust Zuko, and she'll probably be front runner for that again (speaking of Jet) save Toph being able to tell he's lying. However, this is also a double edge sword now: remember that Azula told an OBVIOUS lie and Toph couldn't detect it. We now know that the ability has a weakness and if the show pays attention to detail like they have been, this could and might come up.
    -Not to mention now that her father, and others she cares about have been captured by the firenation, the 'trust' issue is really going to be sticky with Zuko more than ever, not just for her, but for everyone involved. (What if Haru sticks around? Or any of them that's not part of the original gaang? Why would they have any reason to trust him?)

    3. There has been no HONEST proof that either of them like the other, only grasping at WTF straws and major assuming. We've seen Zuko react and interact with two girls (the girl and BSS and Mai) and kiss both. He went out of his way to say the girl from BSS 'wasn't his girlfriend' and such and while we didn't get to see him and Mai get together, we saw him react slightly same way when Azula pulled that prank on him and Mai. We've seen Katara have a crush on Jet and we've seen hints at Aang. But never obvious, indisputable, proof for one another.

    4. Um MAI? Whether you like it or not, they are/got together. And who's to say just because Zuko left that's the end of them? (Heeeello ending to Spiderman & Harry Potter and theHalf Blood Prince! Hey, we don't know WHAT he said in that letter.)He didn't look too happy about leaving her behind in the first place and even at least, if he couldn't find it in him to say goodbye face to face, left her a letter of explination. Who says Mai won't go after him? Who says he doesn't still care about Mai? They're relationship obviously works: while almost sickeningly so, it does. We already know why Mai is so 'anti-emotion (which is sad by the way) and that she's liked Zuko since they were children. We know that Zuko apparently likes her back, otherwise, why bother being with her in the FIRST PLACE? Face it: until one or the other outright say it's over and mean it, they're probably here to say. And unless Zuko is...one of THOSE guys...Katara won't even be in the picture.

    Contradicting and/or Oddities for Proof of Said Ship(s):

    The (Now Infamous) Kiss: (Kataang Moment):
    The kiss happened. That'as all the Kataang supports how to say. (And dance around about as they say it). However, those ever diligent Zutara fans try to take this as THEIR moment. How? Why: look at Katara's face AFTER the kiss?! What could that mean? It must OBVIOUSLY mean she doesn't like him. Right? So who does the moment belong to?

    My personal view:
    To be honest, I think it's pretty funny that this even came up as a moment and I have to give it to Zutara for pointing this out. (Minus the one poster trying to compare the kiss to rape. That. Was. Silly.) However, I must also tip my hat off to Kataang for defending the moment with some pretty good arguements. (And ones that make good sense.) For instance, just look at the conversation they were having before the kiss? Maybe if her face had happened while they were just talking about something silly or nonsense like or even when she was in an absurdly happy mood. But the conversation was rather bleak and Aang took the chance and kissed her. Hey, if he dies, she knows how he feels.
    It's so easy to write that face off as her say, realizing that he might have done that BECAUSE he thought he might die. (He was just talking about that), not because it was Aang kissing her. (If that was the case, why have so many obvious 'too close to my lips for comfort' moments in the past? And what REALLY happened in the Cave of Two Lovers? What if this wasn't their first kiss?) It's obvoius she was surprised by the action (it was kinda out of no where) but it was also obvious (and let's stop trying to over look it people) that not only did she blush or not pull away (erm, Aang, ended the kiss, not Katara) but she leaned RIGHT INTO IT. That's it NOT the reaction of a person who doesn't want to be kissed, even if caught by surpise, She could have easily pulled away (and eased the hurt feelings by completely pretending to be OMG shocked) or simply explained to Aang, then and there nothing would and could never happen. But she DIDN'T. He wasn't forcing her to continue the kiss and her feeling that much pity isjust...kinda sad really, becausethat means the Kataang momentspreviously would make NO sense. And that's a very strong point to be noted, whether you want to or not.

    So I say the moment goes to Kataang: not only can they properly argue the point with Katara's face--and be completely right--, but the kiss even spoke for it's own defense.

    The Waterbending Scroll Incident? (Zutara)
    I personally hate to say it, even if the poster was being very sarcastic, but it sums up how I feel about this moment: where on Earth did this moment come from? Zuko telling Katara to do something and Katara pretty much telling him to drop dead, DOES NOT equal= They must have sexual tension/be in love. I think I definately missed something here.

    The Fortune-Teller: (Kataang)
    Or as a like to call it, a 'double edge sword' contradiciton. Now: the moment that is most remembered is when Sokka makes mention that Aang is a powerful bender, to which Katara remembers what Madam Woo said about her marrying 'a strong bender' and to which they go pretty heavy on her realizing the possible connection.
    However, Zutara followers made a good point: she also told Aang that he wouldn't have love in his life, hence why she made his up.
    Here's the double edge sword in all this though:
    She also told Aang that he would have to make his OWN destiny in the end, meaning that what she said may or may NOT happen at all. So which one is it? That's she's completely right about everything? Or that in the end, the lesson learned is that anyone can alter and change their own destiny? (Hell, look at Zuko in relation to his family and the firenation?) Because if that's the case, then Kataang could argue (and I think they have at one point)that it still won't be Zuko since he's not that (and never has been that according to Zuko Alone) strong of a firebender. (Though he owns your soul with blades.) Remember how Sokka tried to disprove that she was right all the time but the old guy still found ways where her prediction was true? What if it's more like the truth is what you can see in it? Kinda like 'every cloud has a silver lining' type of thing? You could just as easily say she was wrong about the volcano as the guy could say she was right. So just how much stock SHOULD we take in what Madam Woo said to begin with when it comes to Aang and his love life? Or Katara and whether she'll end up with a strong bender? (Because you can argue that it automatically excludes Zuko then since he's not that powerful and her words were 'a very powerful'.I think Toph, Katara, Aang, Azula, and Iroh have him beat.)
    Besides: who's to say that she didn't make some of it up? She was getting annoyed with Katara, what if she just started saying crap to get her to leave her alone?
    To me, that moment was seemly meant to be a Kataang moment but I find it ironic that you can hurt both ships if you try to discredit the moment. Hmm.

    Was Exactly Happened Here? > (Zutara)
    And here's the moment that finally made me arch an eyebrow that Zutara might actually could have a slim of a chance: that darn moment with the two in the cave. Sure, it's got nothing on the ridiculous amounts of proof of Kataang but still...it happened. They bonded over their mothers and losses, Katara offers to heal Zuko's scar andtouched Zuko's face , they inched closer, their faces where this close apparent and--Aang appears, Katara goes running to him and Aang gives the best 'Stay away from my woman' look I think I've ever seen.

    But really...what was that part about? Where they going to kiss? The music did soften up quite a bit to the so called 'love' theme of the show (yes, I did notice that) and the two where alone. Forshadowing of a future kiss? (Or relationship?) Or just a teasing moment from the stupid writters just to piss people off and mess with our heads?

    There's not much going against this other than 'they weren't going to kiss' and the moment was overexaggerated. I serously doubt it though.

    To be honest, it's looking pretty much Kataang now. Countless, a possible kiss, daydreamed kiss and now, an actual kiss. Even the previous avatar told Aang to simply stick with it and your get results.

    And I will openly say that some of the reasoning for Zutara (Or okay, the ones the delusional, silly fans of the ships come up with and that's not all of you but a lot of you do exist, let's face it. But at least some intellgent shippers exist among you and my sanity thanks you...) is outright laughable, if not almost pee-on-myself inducing funny. But I can also say that while there really hsn't been any strong proof, more so that neither really have shown any evidence that they like one other (other than arguably the moment in the cave), if Zuko joines the group, let's face it. Something is going to happen eventually. The creators and writters know this istoo good of a chance to pass up(though I do hope they don't focus too much time on it because there is WAY too much going on for this to turn into Avatar Creek) for it not to happen--or it's getting blown out of pocket and he's joining simply and only to really help Aang and possibly teach him firebending (It REALLY sould have been Iroh but hey, who's to say that's NOT where he's going?) with him and Katara at least becoming friends--after she eventually gets ove not trusting him.
    But I doubt it. Why go through the trouble of teasing people, saying (if they didn't I didn't read the book) saying that she would end up with one of them and putting Zuko joining into motion if this WASN'T going to come up?

    But it's not to say it's still going to happen: Katara and Zuko could very well kiss, and still nothing comes out of it. What if it's a passion of the moment kiss and ends up, by both sides, being seen as a mistake? This could be a great moment (if not) for Katara to explain how she really feels about Aang (though I honestly believe that if she honestly hated the previous kiss with Aang and doesn't see him like that, this will be hinted at or come up long before then). She might get confused on who she wants and somehow ends up deciding, making it a coin toss (though I honestly believe for this ship to make more sense and have a bit more credibilty, they should have built it up with obvious, concrete hints in season two, and more than just that one moment in the cave. Like Kataang.) This could also be the writters way of giving Zutara their moment but still have Kataang together. And then there's still Mai that could very well be an issue.

    In the end, we'll just have to wait and see. But I hope they hurry up and get on with it (even though they'll probably drag it out until the friggin season finale) because I wouldn't mind finding a thread that didn't branch off into this ship war. And half of the time, it has NOTHING to do with the ships...go figure. >:/

    I personally, ship anything with Sokka because Sokka is a pimp and could end up great with anyone. Go Sokka! XD

    wow you've had lots of time to think about that huh great points though and yes sokka's pimpin all over the world
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  • Avatar of merdok2005


    [476]Nov 15, 2007
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    2000!!!!! yay!! Must celebrate with...KATAANG!!!!!!
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  • Avatar of Atu_1


    [477]Nov 15, 2007
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    merdok2005 wrote:
    2000!!!!! yay!! Must celebrate with...KATAANG!!!!!!
    Nice celebration! (Imagine that saying in a Sokka voice)
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  • Avatar of Falcondude123


    [478]Nov 15, 2007
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    Katara: I hate you Aang!

    Aang: WHAT??

    Toph: Yeah, it's about time you heard it, Aang! You're soo oblivious! We all know it! Kataang is the awkward mechanations of your hormone unbalanced sub-conscience!

    Sokka: Yeah, jerk!

    Zuko: Stay away from Katara, jerk!

    Aang: 0.0 When did YOU join the group??

    Zuko: 0.0 I've been here three weeks!

    Aang: Yeah, wutever!

    Katara: Just stay away or else I'm getting a restraining order!

    Aang: From WHO? Ozai??

    Katara: Noo, from, uhh, IROH! Yes, Iroh! He will give me a restraining order, unless you back off!

    Aang: *sigh* I love it when you get mad...*sigh*

    Everyone: 0.0
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  • Avatar of thefireman43


    [479]Nov 15, 2007
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    Falcondude123 wrote:
    Katara: I hate you Aang!

    Aang: WHAT??

    Toph: Yeah, it's about time you heard it, Aang! You're soo oblivious! We all know it! Kataang is the awkward mechanations of your hormone unbalanced sub-conscience!

    Sokka: Yeah, jerk!

    Zuko: Stay away from Katara, jerk!

    Aang: 0.0 When did YOU join the group??

    Zuko: 0.0 I've been here three weeks!

    Aang: Yeah, wutever!

    Katara: Just stay away or else I'm getting a restraining order!

    Aang: From WHO? Ozai??

    Katara: Noo, from, uhh, IROH! Yes, Iroh! He will give me a restraining order, unless you back off!

    Aang: *sigh* I love it when you get mad...*sigh*

    Everyone: 0.0
    haha I would love to see that
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  • Avatar of WiseLad


    [480]Nov 16, 2007
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    Great post

    and I basically agree 100% with you except for a minor thing

    you say

    "she also told Aang that he wouldn't have love in his life"

    that is not true

    she actually said "i don't see anything about a girl" before she made up the thing about "trust your heart, and you will be with one you love" meaning that the breaking of the bone only showed Aang's destiny; "he will be involved in the conflict between good and evil, and that it will determine the fate of the world", the bone didn't say "Aang will not find love" AND it didn't say "Aang will find love"
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