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Create your own Fake Avatar* Bloopers 2

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    [3401]Feb 16, 2008
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    terminatorSSF wrote:

    *Aang is bloging*

    Aang: hi it's Aang. I'm feeling down. I just cleaned the bathroom. There was water and toilet paper everywhere. Plus it is reallly smelly. I don't want to talk about it or think of it

    Sokka: *finishes useing the bathroom.* Man that bathroom is a mess.

    Director: Hey Sokka. *Goes into bathroom* OH GOD! AANG COME CLEAN THIS UP!!

    Aang: UGH! When I find the person who keeps doing this I am......

    Director: AANG WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!

    Aang: Coming. bye.

    That was funny.

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  • Avatar of terminatorSSF


    [3402]Feb 16, 2008
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    Aang: Hey Sokka.

    Sokka: What.

    Aang: I just finished Destroy all humans 2.

    Sokka: Yeah so.

    Aang: What do you think a cockroach mating with a lobster would look like.

    Sokka. *turns green and vomits* That's sick. *vomits*

    Aang: I did the same thing.

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  • Avatar of terminatorSSF


    [3403]Feb 16, 2008
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    Aang: Hey Katara you know how you wanted the spider-man 3 for the PS2.

    Katara: Yeah.

    Aang: I just wanted to say.

    Katara: Yeah.

    Aang: Save you money. It is a waste of time and money.

    Katara: Thank you.

    (For you PS2 players don't get spider-man 3 for the PS2. The graphics are horrible.)

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  • Avatar of louzer900


    [3404]Feb 16, 2008
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    terminatorSSF wrote:

    Aang: Hey Katara you know how you wanted the spider-man 3 for the PS2.

    Katara: Yeah.

    Aang: I just wanted to say.

    Katara: Yeah.

    Aang: Save you money. It is a waste of time and money.

    Katara: Thank you.

    (For you PS2 players don't get spider-man 3 for the PS2. The graphics are horrible.)

    yea people say that a lot.

    (plays guitar hero lll)

    Edited on 02/16/2008 9:17pm
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  • Avatar of terminatorSSF


    [3405]Feb 17, 2008
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    A link.


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  • Avatar of louzer900


    [3406]Feb 17, 2008
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    terminatorSSF wrote:

    A link.


    wat the... im confused now......?

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  • Avatar of segman2008


    [3407]Feb 17, 2008
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    louzer900 wrote:
    terminatorSSF wrote:

    A link.


    wat the... im confused now......?

    What... the hell... was that?

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  • Avatar of segman2008


    [3408]Feb 17, 2008
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    Sokka: hey aang

    Aang: yeah

    Sokka: i just thought of the best prank ever

    Aang: what is it?

    Sokka: i just took a HUGE dump and i put it in a ballon the size of a car with other people's crap. when zuko comes out of that building tommorow, we shoot it on him.

    Aang: sweet. let's do it!

    * the next day on top of a building *

    Aang: alright. when i give the signal, let go of the slingshot

    *Zuko walks up to them*

    Zuko: hey guys!

    Aang: hey zuko. ZUKO!! wait if your here then that means...

    * katara and toph walk out of the building *

    Aang: wait sokka. STOP

    * the crap ballon launches on them *

    Katara: ewww GROSS

    Sokka: uh oh


    Edited on 02/17/2008 9:45am
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  • Avatar of terminatorSSF


    [3409]Feb 17, 2008
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    Terminator: John Conner.

    Aang: Sorry John is on the other side of the street.

    *Hears gun shots.*

    John Conner: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    Aang: I think that was him now.

    Terminator: Oh sh*t. Not again!


    Edited on 02/17/2008 1:11pm
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  • Avatar of terminatorSSF


    [3411]Feb 17, 2008
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    Ghost: Aang I hace some info on zuko.

    Aang: What.

    Ghost: He hates you.

    Aang: *sarcastically* Oh really I had no idea.


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  • Avatar of Falcondude123


    [3412]Feb 17, 2008
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    Falcondude123 wrote:


    Narrator: Tension mounted when Aang lost his composure in front of everyone!...

    Aang: I am DANG sick and tired of all you guys moping around and acting like jerks and STUPID-IDIOTS!

    Katara(personal interview): Aang is seriously losing his mind! He calls us all jerks, and then he goes and stills the immunity idol?! What the heck?!

    Narrator: Meanwhile, Sokka's plan of tribal domination fell apart behind the scenes!...

    TyLee(to Azula): If we get rid of Suki while she's still vulnerable, we split Sokka's alliance in half and re-open Zuko to joining us, in which case we get the numbers on OUR side!

    Azula: 0.o...when the heck did you, the dumb flirt, get soo deceivingly diabolical?! Heeheehee, let's do it!

    Narrator: At tribal council, emotions ran hot when Aang called out Katara for flirting her way into Zuko's alliance!...

    Aang: You have never, ever played honestly! I thought we had something on top of that submarine, and now you join Zuko at the earliest possible convenience!

    Katara: You know, I think it's interesting that you call ME dishonest when YOU stole the hidden immunity idol from Toph, a BLIND girl!

    (Everyone looks at Aang)

    Toph: WHAT!!

    Narrator: In a split-decision, Aang was almost ousted, but was spared when Suki found herself blind-sighted!...

    Ozai: Suki, (Ozai zaps Suki, killing her), the tribe has spoken...

    Narrator: Nine are left! Who will become the sole Survivor?...(theme music plays)

    2 B Continued...


    Aang(personal interview): Well, we just got back from tribal council, where Katara pretty much betrayed me...again! The girl's a loose cannon! She just revealed that I stole Toph's immunity idol infront of everyone! She and I had a pact that niether of us would tell, and then she breaks that trust and now I've got a huge target on my back.

    Zuko(around campfire w/ everyone but Aang and Sokka): So, basically, were thinking Aang goes the next chance we get, right?
    Everyone: Yeah.
    Toph: Hey, guys, I'm sorry about blowing up at tribal, okay.
    Zuko: Don't be! I seriously cannot believe that Aang did that to you!
    Azula: *yawn* He's mentally unstable...I've been saying it from day one.
    Aang(from other side of camp): AARGH!!!(Everyone looks over) ...Sorry, just stubbed my toe!!
    Everyone: 0_o

    (At Reward challenge)
    Ozai: Aang wins immunity!
    Zuko: *pant* Are you *gasp* flippin kidding *pant* me!?? Katara: Oh, great! *gasp*
    Ozai: Aang! You have won a trip to a local cultural restaraunt where you will enjoy delicious oriental cuisine!
    Aang: But *pant* I AM oriental! I eat that stuff all the *gasp* time!
    Ozai: Well Aang, you can now choose two people to go with you!
    Aang: hmmm...Sokka!...and...Zuko!
    Everyone: 0.0

    Aang(personal interview): See, Zuko's the mastermind of his alliance, so I figure that by seperating him from his minions for a day, it might give them chance to conspire and bite him in the back while he's not around. Who knows, maybe even Katara will see how weak that group is without it's leader, maybe, you know, maybe she'll come to her senses.
    Zuko(personal interview): Man that food was good!!

    (at Tribal council)
    Ozai: The eleventh person voted off of Survivor: Avatar...(holds up paper with Zuko's name on it)...Zuko.
    TyLee(curses under her breath)
    Aang: (smiles deviously)
    Ozai: Zuko, (zaps Zuko, killing him) the tribe has spoken...

    Eight are left! Who will be the sole Survivor!

    2 B continued...
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3413]Feb 17, 2008
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    the1stavatar wrote:
    "Now Come On, Let's Not Fight..."

    Katara: YOU JERK!
    Zuko: NO, YOUR THE JERK!
    Toph: I HATE YOU!
    Sokka: WELL I HATE YOU!
    Katara: BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!
    Toph: NO! YOU SHUT UP!
    Zuko: I'LL BURN YOU ALL!

    Aang: Guys, come on, let's not fight.
    Katara: No, I'm sick of all of you.... except you aang.
    Toph: Yeah, Aang is the only one out of all of you I can trust.
    Sokka: No, aang's the only one I can trust!
    Zuko: ..... Yeah, what the hey, he's the only one I can semi-trust.
    Zutarian: I don't trust him one bit...
    Gaang: GO AWAY!
    Zutarian: Pfft, fine.

    Aang: Why are they all fighting again?
    Teo: You want to tell him?
    Haru: Sure, I mean, what other lines do we have to say in these episodes anyway?
    The Duke: Well, I'd say some stuff, but..
    *they get into a fight* *Katara, Zuko, Toph, and sokka are also seen fighting* *the two fighting mobs collide, and then teo and duke join the fight with everyone*
    *haru whispears to aang why they are fighting*
    Aang: Guys... Guys...
    *everyone ignores aang*
    Aang *in avatar spirit voice*: LISTEN TO ME, NOW!

    *everyone stops*

    Aang: You are all acting like babies. I mean look at yourselves, fighting over something SO Ridiculous.

    *everyone looks down in guilt*

    Aang: I hope you all learned your lesson.

    *everyone starts glaring at each other*

    Aang: OK. That's it! Until you all act more mature. I'm taking it away!

    Sokka: You
    Zuko: Wouldn't
    Katara: Dare
    Toph: too.

    Aang: I can, and I will.

    *everyone looks at each other and smiles evilly*

    Toph: You know, maybe we can all get along.
    Aang: See, I knew you guys could.

    *they all start to approach aang*

    Sokka: Yeah.... why don't we all work together... heh heh...
    Aang: Yeah guys, work together.... wait.... what are you guys...
    *they surround aang*

    Aang: Guys.... Guys?

    *1 hour later*
    *aang is tied up in a closet in the western air temple, gagged and blindfolded*

    *everyone else is fighting over the... thing*

    Haru: Wow... who knew they'd all be fighting over momo?

    *momo is seen in the center, chattering in fear*
    *appa, pretending to be asleep, sticks out his tongue.*
    that was hilarious.
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  • Avatar of DrAvatar


    [3414]Feb 17, 2008
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    The Agni Kai

    Ozai: You insulted me greatly today by speaking out of turn, now you must be punished.

    Zuko: Please, father, I only had the fire nation's best interest at heart! I'm sorry I spoke out of turn!

    Ozai: Its to late Zuko. You will fight for your honor.

    Zuko: I meant you no disrespect. I am your loyal son.

    Oazi: Rise and fight Zuko!

    Zuko: I wont fight you!

    Ozai: You will learn respect by suffering.

    Zuko: *looks up at Ozai*

    Ozai: *Blasts Zuko in the face with fire*


    Ozai: Now you will learn respect *walks away into the crowd*

    Later that night

    Ozai: I am so glad that my son will learn respect. Its a good thing that I intentionally burnt my son Zuko in the face as a means of punishment and then walked away without getting any medical help for my son Zuko, who I intentionally burned.

    Officer 1: Thats all we needed to hear.

    Ozai: Whos there?!?!?

    *Door busts open*

    Officer 2: Police!!! GET DOWN ON THE GROUND NOW!!!!

    Ozai: What is this?

    Chuck Norris/Walker Texas Ranger: Justice.

    *Officer Number 2 attempts to arrest Ozai*

    Ozai: Get your hands off me *throws officer number 2*

    *Officer number 1 sprays Ozai with mace*


    Officer 1: How do you like getting burned in the face, oh mighty firelord?

    Chuck: *Cuffs Ozai* You're under arrest for Child Abuse. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. etc. etc. etc.

    *Puts Ozai in the police car and speeds away while Chuck Norris walks away into the sunset*

    Edited on 02/17/2008 8:48pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3415]Feb 17, 2008
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    Two thumbs up. Chuck Norris ftw.
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3416]Feb 18, 2008
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    warning: may be offensive to some zutara shippers. HA!

    director: ok guys, this is it, the big love scene, aang, you've just defeated fire lord ozai, there's a huge celebration, zuko has just been crowned firelord. you go up to katara, you're nervous, shy etcetera, ok lights!
    aang: ready katara?
    katara: sure i guess..
    director: and ACTION!
    aang: i defeated ozai, without the avatar state! i guess i didn't need to open the chakras after all!
    katara: i guess so!
    aang: katara, about...on top of the sub...
    katara: yes aang?
    aang: i....i love you, ever since i first met you.
    katara: really?
    aang: yeah...do you love me too?
    katara: of course i do aang!
    *they kiss*
    director: and cut! perfect! wonderful! brilliant! i've never seen such-wait, hold on.
    *guy runs up to director, whispers in his ear, gives him lots of various sheets of paper and runs off*
    director: apparently, there's been a slight change of plan, the creators have given us some new scripts, they say 'this is what the fans want'. anyway, aang, katara, zuko, here's your new scripts.
    aang, katara and zuko: (looking through new scripts)

    director: ok, everyone's memorised their lines, aaaand, ACTION!
    aang: i defeated ozai, without the avatar state! i guess i didn't need to open the chakras after all!
    katara: i guess so!
    aang: katara, about...on top of the sub...
    katara: yes aang?
    aang: i....i love you, ever since i first met you.
    katara: really?
    aang: yeah...do you love me too?
    katara: what? no! whatever gave you that idea? i've never shown any romantic interest in you!
    aang: what? what about in the cave? you totally wanted to kiss me!
    katara: no i didn't!
    aang: what about in that dance party, you were so jealous of that girl i was dancing with!
    katara: no, just because i was blushing doesn't mean i love you!
    aang: so who do you love?
    katara: i love zuko!
    aang: what? you hate him, you threatened to kill him, he tied you to a tree, he betrayed you!
    katara: psh, that was sexual tension, couldn't you see? what were you watching us with a blindfold over your butt?
    aang: i can't believe this! i thought you loved me!
    katara: you're bald and short, why would i love you when there's that bad boy who's so much hotter!
    aang: i never knew you were that shallow!
    katara: i'm not!
    zuko: hey katara, wanna go out sometime?
    aang: what about mai?
    zuko: forget mai, she's boring.
    aang: what about your childhood crush on her, what about the development of your relationship since day one?
    zuko: i don't care, me and katara were meant to be! now come on, let's go make steam babies!
    katara: oh zuko, you're such a bad boy!
    director: cut! that was perfect!
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  • Avatar of louzer900


    [3417]Feb 18, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    warning: may be offensive to some zutara shippers. HA! director: ok guys, this is it, the big love scene, aang, you've just defeated fire lord ozai, there's a huge celebration, zuko has just been crowned firelord. you go up to katara, you're nervous, shy etcetera, ok lights! aang: ready katara? katara: sure i guess.. director: and ACTION! aang: i defeated ozai, without the avatar state! i guess i didn't need to open the chakras after all! katara: i guess so! aang: katara, about...on top of the sub... katara: yes aang? aang: i....i love you, ever since i first met you. katara: really? aang: yeah...do you love me too? katara: of course i do aang! *they kiss* director: and cut! perfect! wonderful! brilliant! i've never seen such-wait, hold on. *guy runs up to director, whispers in his ear, gives him lots of various sheets of paper and runs off* director: apparently, there's been a slight change of plan, the creators have given us some new scripts, they say 'this is what the fans want'. anyway, aang, katara, zuko, here's your new scripts. aang, katara and zuko: (looking through new scripts) director: ok, everyone's memorised their lines, aaaand, ACTION! aang: i defeated ozai, without the avatar state! i guess i didn't need to open the chakras after all! katara: i guess so! aang: katara, about...on top of the sub... katara: yes aang? aang: i....i love you, ever since i first met you. katara: really? aang: yeah...do you love me too? katara: what? no! whatever gave you that idea? i've never shown any romantic interest in you! aang: what? what about in the cave? you totally wanted to kiss me! katara: no i didn't! aang: what about in that dance party, you were so jealous of that girl i was dancing with! katara: no, just because i was blushing doesn't mean i love you! aang: so who do you love? katara: i love zuko! aang: what? you hate him, you threatened to kill him, he tied you to a tree, he betrayed you! katara: psh, that was sexual tension, couldn't you see? what were you watching us with a blindfold over your butt? aang: i can't believe this! i thought you loved me! katara: you're bald and short, why would i love you when there's that bad boy who's so much hotter! aang: i never knew you were that shallow! katara: i'm not! zuko: hey katara, wanna go out sometime? aang: what about mai? zuko: forget mai, she's boring. aang: what about your childhood crush on her, what about the development of your relationship since day one? zuko: i don't care, me and katara were meant to be! now come on, let's go make steam babies! katara: oh zuko, you're such a bad boy! director: cut! that was perfect!

    see! thats wat ive been predictiong all along! last second change. yayaz!

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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [3418]Feb 18, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    warning: may be offensive to some zutara shippers.
    You already had me right there.

    Still hilarious, and so true.
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  • Avatar of segman2008


    [3419]Feb 18, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    warning: may be offensive to some zutara shippers. HA! director: ok guys, this is it, the big love scene, aang, you've just defeated fire lord ozai, there's a huge celebration, zuko has just been crowned firelord. you go up to katara, you're nervous, shy etcetera, ok lights! aang: ready katara? katara: sure i guess.. director: and ACTION! aang: i defeated ozai, without the avatar state! i guess i didn't need to open the chakras after all! katara: i guess so! aang: katara, about...on top of the sub... katara: yes aang? aang: i....i love you, ever since i first met you. katara: really? aang: yeah...do you love me too? katara: of course i do aang! *they kiss* director: and cut! perfect! wonderful! brilliant! i've never seen such-wait, hold on. *guy runs up to director, whispers in his ear, gives him lots of various sheets of paper and runs off* director: apparently, there's been a slight change of plan, the creators have given us some new scripts, they say 'this is what the fans want'. anyway, aang, katara, zuko, here's your new scripts. aang, katara and zuko: (looking through new scripts) director: ok, everyone's memorised their lines, aaaand, ACTION! aang: i defeated ozai, without the avatar state! i guess i didn't need to open the chakras after all! katara: i guess so! aang: katara, about...on top of the sub... katara: yes aang? aang: i....i love you, ever since i first met you. katara: really? aang: yeah...do you love me too? katara: what? no! whatever gave you that idea? i've never shown any romantic interest in you! aang: what? what about in the cave? you totally wanted to kiss me! katara: no i didn't! aang: what about in that dance party, you were so jealous of that girl i was dancing with! katara: no, just because i was blushing doesn't mean i love you! aang: so who do you love? katara: i love zuko! aang: what? you hate him, you threatened to kill him, he tied you to a tree, he betrayed you! katara: psh, that was sexual tension, couldn't you see? what were you watching us with a blindfold over your butt? aang: i can't believe this! i thought you loved me! katara: you're bald and short, why would i love you when there's that bad boy who's so much hotter! aang: i never knew you were that shallow! katara: i'm not! zuko: hey katara, wanna go out sometime? aang: what about mai? zuko: forget mai, she's boring. aang: what about your childhood crush on her, what about the development of your relationship since day one? zuko: i don't care, me and katara were meant to be! now come on, let's go make steam babies! katara: oh zuko, you're such a bad boy! director: cut! that was perfect!

    Now that is just screwed up. A last second change

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  • Avatar of segman2008


    [3420]Feb 18, 2008
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    Aang tries to rebuild the walls of Ba Sing Se

    Aang: all finished. hey wait a minuite *looks through scope and sees five fire nation soldiers on horseback*

    Aang: fire nation? what the he** is the fire nation doing here. *yells* HEY! FU** YOU FIRE NATION! *fire nation rides away*

    Aang: God****it why is it that every time the airbenders build something that the fire nation comes and knocks it down?

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