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Create your own Fake Avatar* Bloopers 2

  • Avatar of KingAtticus


    [3761]Apr 17, 2008
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    D & D 3 (the fun never stops)

    Aang: Ty Lee can bring back Sokka, and so can Katara. Will either of you do it?

    Both: No.

    Ty Lee: I like the fact that he can get us food now.

    Mai: It's such a shame.

    Aang: You encounter a strange man in the middle of the dungeon. What do you do?

    Azula: I'll do this!

    Aang: ... Azula uses her lightning powers again and attacks the strange man. He is unaffected.

    Azula: What?! How?

    Iroh: Because it's me!

    Aang: Iroh the Dragoon has armor that blocks fire and lightning.

    Toph: When did Iroh join?

    Iroh: I've been here the whole time. Didn't you notice me?

    Katara: Well we haven't seen you in a while. We thought you were upstairs watching golf.

    Ty Lee: So Iroh is in our party now?

    Sokka: Screw this! I'm going upstairs to watch rednecks sell swords on TV...
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  • Avatar of wiseone_777


    [3762]Apr 17, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    The Drill. (PG13, it's just so darn....phallic...)

    Aang: Oh look, a giant Fire Nation drill.
    Katara: I suppose we should stop it.
    Sokka: Right, Aang, go glowy!
    Aang: It's not as easy as-
    Sokka: GLOWY! NOW!
    Aang: I can only go glowy when someone provokes me!
    Sokka: Right, Toph, beat the crap out of him!
    Toph: Okay!
    Katara: No one's beating the crap out of anyone, we'll just take it down from the inside!
    Sokka: Meh, that works too.
    *in the drill*
    Azula: (Darth Vader Voice) I must say minor character from last season, this drill is impressive.
    Qin: Oh thankyou Princess! Thankyou thankyou!
    Azula: Now your death shall be quick and painless, rather than slow and painful.
    Qin: Oh thankyou! Thankyou!
    Ty Lee: (Valley girl) It's gotta, like, be fun being you.
    Azula: ....Yeah.
    Mai: (goth, emo, basically what she is in the show) I can't wait until season 3 when I become an important character.
    *in the ticket gate*
    Customs lady: Okay, so you two are the prince of the Fire Nation and the Firelord's brother.
    Zuko: Yup.
    Iroh: Zat just about sums it up.
    Customs lady: .....Whatever, just go through. I don't get paid enough for this.
    *they walk on, Jet walks up to the customs lady*
    Lady: So you're a Bolshevik hoping to begin a communist revoluton in Ba Sing Se to overthrow the Earth King?
    Jet: That just about sums it up.
    Lady: ....whatever, just go through. I don't get paid enough for this.
    Jet: (to Zuko) Comrade! I have successfully infiltrated Ba Sing Se, soon comrade Long Feng shall overthrow the Earth King and Ba Sing Se shall be the first communist city in the world!
    Zuko: O_o
    Jet: Did I say that out loud?
    Zuko: Yes.
    Jet: Can you pretend you didn't hear that?
    Zuko: Can you pretend you didn't see my uncle firebending?
    Jet: Yes.
    Zuko: Then yes, I can pretend I didn't hear that.
    Jet: So it looks like we're both trying to bring down Ba Sing Se from the inside!
    Zuko: Looks like it.
    Jet: I bet I can conquer Ba Sing Se before you can!
    Zuko: Oh you are so on!
    *under the drill*
    Toph: Can I be a main character in this episode?
    Sokka: No, just stay under the drill and wait for us.
    Toph: *mumbles under her breath*
    Sokka: What was that?
    Toph: Nothing!
    *Aang, Katara and Sokka climb into the drill*
    Sokka: According to these conveniently placed plans of the drill, all we need to do is cut through some beams and the drill will collapse!
    Katara: Am I the only one who finds the idea of a drill drilling its way through the walls of Ba Sing Se slightly...I don't know...phallic?
    Sokka: Katara! This is a kids show!
    Katara: Sorry, to the support beams!
    *the support beams*
    Sokka: Right, here's the plan, you two cut through the drill with water, and I'll stand here and watch.
    Aang: How can water cut through solid steel?
    Sokka: It can!
    Katara: Can't you help us by cutting with your machete?
    Sokka: I left it on Appa's saddle when he was taken.
    Aang: That's awfully convenient!
    Sokka: Just cut through them!
    Ty Lee: OMG lyke, it's totally the Avatar! Lyke, OMG!
    Sokka: Oh noez! It's prince Zuko's sexually confused sister!
    Azula: I'll have you know that in season 3 my heterosexuality is proved when I kiss a boy!
    Aang: probably a typo in the script, I'm sure it's meant to say 'kill a boy'.
    Azula: That tears it! *firebends at them*
    Sokka: I suggest we run.
    *they run*
    Aang: I'll go to the top of the drill to deliver the final blow, you two distract Azula's emo and valley-girl friends.
    Sokka: Won't they kill us?
    Aang: Probably, but that's a risk I'm willing to take!
    Katara: Wow Aang, you're so brave!
    *at the back of the drill*
    Sokka: Katara!
    Katara: What?
    Sokka: What are you doing?
    Katara: I'm bending the slurry so that girl can't get to us!
    Sokka: Don't do that!
    Katara: Why not?
    Sokka: She's got huge jugs and she's flirting with me! Sokka wants!
    Katara: Didn't you make out with Suki last episode?
    Sokka: Who?
    Toph: I'll help you Katara!
    *toph bends Ty Lee away*
    Sokka: NOOOOOO!!!!
    *on top of the drill*
    Aang: Oh look, falling rocks, that's convenient!
    *aang earthbends one into shape*
    Aang: Now nothing short of a psychotic sociopathic princess can stop me now!
    Azula: Well that's convenient!
    Aang: Oh snap!
    Azula: I will kill you.
    Aang: There's one thing I don't get, why is this drill so phallic?
    Azula: I'm proving my heterosexuality!
    Aang: Riiiiiiight..
    Azula: Shut up and burn!
    *kewl magic kung-fu fight*
    Azula: Oh noez! I've been defeated!
    Aang: It's time for the final blow!
    *final blow*
    Katara: Sokka, Aang did it!
    Sokka: Why? They were so big! They could've been mine! Why?
    *train station*
    Jet: (to his comrades) I can't wait to get to Ba Sing Se comrades! Communist Revolution here we come!
    Zuku: (to Iroh) I can't wait to get to Ba Sing Se uncle! Fire Nation takeover here we come!
    *on the wall*
    Katara: Nice job Aang.
    Aang: Thanks!
    Sokka: They were so big! SO BIG!
    Toph: Oh get over it!

    Proof of TyLokka!
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3763]Apr 18, 2008
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    City of Walls and Secrets (Warning: Copious amounts of 1984 references)

    Aang: Aah, finally, civilisation. I've been waiting to get to civilisation ever since we left it.
    Katara: The north pole was a long time ago.
    Toph: North Pole? You call that overgrown ice cube civilisation?
    Sokka: What you got against the North Pole?
    Toph: Nothing, all I'm saying is that a city made entirely of ice and snow can't be very civilised.
    Aang: I'll have to agree with Toph on this one.
    Joo Dee: Welcome to Ba Sing Se.
    Sokka: Who the hell are you?
    Joo Dee: I am Joo Dee.
    Aang: why are you smiling so much?
    Joo Dee: Let's just say... Batman didn't get to me in time.
    Sokka: Can we see the Earth King yet?
    Joo Dee: Certainly not. First I must introduce you to Big Brother Long Feng. But before that, let me show you to your house.
    Toph: We get a house?
    Aang: This civilisation thing is awesome!
    Katara: I thought the Avatar was supposed to love nature.
    Aang: Nature blows! The big city is awesome! I'm going to get an I heart Ba Sing Se T-shirt!
    *Street, Iroh and Zuko are walking down it, Jet is watching*
    Iroh: So I vas thinking ve study the city, look for its veaknesses, find out vat makes it tick.
    Zuko: And then we strike, and take it down!
    Iroh: Vat are ye talking about yeh nevisch? Zen ve open up a Tea Shop and make millions! Vaddyasay?
    Zuko: Uncle, I want to take down Ba Sing Se and I really really wanna and I -whiny rant-
    Iroh: Oy vey ve'll take down ze Earth Kingdom capital already! Just quit yer whinin!
    Zuko: Yay!
    Jet: (to his crew) Comrades, the Fire Nation Prince is plotting, I fear he may make his move before us.
    Smellerbee: Should we take care of him for you?
    Jet: Negative, comrade, I'll do it myself.
    *Long Feng's Study*
    Long Feng: (Russian Accent) So you're the Avatar eh?
    Aang: Yup.
    Long Feng: Funny, i was expecting someone..oh, I don't know, more...Jesus-like.
    Aang: It's the nickname, isn't it?
    LF: Let me explain something to you kids. Ba Sing Se is not ruled by the Earth King, he just thinks he rules it. He doesn't even know about the war. No, it is ruled by me. I am Big Brother, I have cameras in your house. Should you try to commit thinkcrime, and by thinkcrime I mean 'mention the war' I shall send my Thought Police, or 'Dai Li' in Asian, to your house, they will take you to the Miniluv, or 'Lake Laogai' in Asian, and they will put you in Room 101, where you will be tortured until you submit yourselves to me. In short, don't do bad stuff. Got it?
    Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph: Got it.
    *their house*
    Aang: Hey guys, let's do bad stuff!
    Sokka: No Aang, let's not do bad stuff, we wouldn't want to be caught by the Dai Li and taken to Lake Laogai would we? Let's discuss our plans to take out the Firelord somewhere else.
    Aang: Right, let's talk about the war with the Fire Nation.
    Sokka: Aang! Don't mention the war! I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it! (12 billion cookies, the internet, the entire universe and 2 parallel universes of your choosing if you get this reference)
    *Tea Shop*
    Iroh: Ve'll start here, and vork our way up, soon, ve'll get our own tea shop, zen ve'll start a chain of teashops all over the city, zen ze Earth King will invite us to serve tea for him, zen ven ve're in ze palace, ve kill him. Got the plan?
    Zuko: I have a weird feeling we're just doing this so you can fullfill your tea-related dreams.
    Iroh: Oy vey, don't question yer uncle!
    Jet: You are an enemy of the Bolshevik Party! You vill be killed! For Comrade Lenin!
    Iroh: He's on to us!
    Zuko: Ya think?
    *kewl swordfight*
    Dai Li Agent: Whoah, whoah, what's all the ruckus?
    Zuko: (the whiniest abridged voice imaginable) He started it!
    Jet: Capitalise lies and slander!
    Dai Li: That's it young man, a short stay in Room 101 should give you more loyalty to Big Brother Long Feng!
    *Lake Laogai*
    Dai Li: Tell us Jet, why are you in Ba Sing Se?
    Jet: I'll never tell!
    DL: Really? Because a little birdy told me your greatest fear is hard-earned cash! And we just happen to have some right here!
    Jet: No, not capitalist cash! No! I'll tell you everything!
    DL: Good, why are you here?
    Jet: I'm here to start a communist revolution to overthrow the Earth King!
    DL: You are? Well why didn't you just say so? Comrade Long Feng overthrew the Earth King ages ago! Ba Sing Se is the world's first communist city!
    Jet: So..my work here is done?
    DL: Pretty much.
    Jet: Well...this is awkward...What should I do now?
    DL: Why don't you join the Dai Li? We'd love to have a communist of your determination on the force.
    Jet: Umm..Okay. Sure. For comrade Long Feng!
    DL: Glad we could sort that out. Hey, you know the Avatar, right?
    Jet: Yeah.
    DL: Well, he's in town, and his friend mentioned the war. Make sure he doesn't get away with it.
    Jet: Okay!

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  • Avatar of hi96134520701


    [3764]Apr 18, 2008
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    Here's a funny one!

    self DECEPTION #1

    Katara: Dang It I'm in quicksand!

    Porter(me): Yeah, SO?!?!

    Katara: idk Porter Im in the quicksand!!!

    Porter: *slaps self twice*

    Katara: Help me I'm in pavement!

    Porter: How can there be pavement this is the Sahara Desert!

    *Katara sinks*

    This is Katara in Webdings And Wingdings.

    Webdings: Katara

    Wingdings: Katara

    Porter in Webdings: Porter

    Wingdings: Porter

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  • Avatar of the_mental_teen


    [3765]Apr 18, 2008
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    I got this idea from the new footage that came from a commercial in Brazil (if you haven't seen it, and you want to, it's in my blog or somewhere in the forums. If not, DO NOT GO TO MY BLOG AND DO NOT READ THE BLOOPER!!)

    *fight scene finishes*

    Director 1: Cut! Great job on the fighting! I didn't know Sokka and Ty Lee could be a good fight to watch.

    Director 2: Hmm... there's still something I want to change...

    #1: What's that?

    #2: We did an episode this season that was fan service, but some people didn't like it since it was filler. We can still do something for the guys out there.

    #1: How?

    *#2 explains the changes*

    #1: You think they'll notice?

    #2: Trust me, some guys on the internet point out some things most don't.


    #2: Okay! Re-do the scene! Ty Lee, Suki, you two will fight instead. And... uh... oh! And make them balance on ropes in the sky so we can get some angles in there!

    #1: That's too much dude.

    #2: Okay fine... we'll just keep the rope part.

    #1: Sounds good.

    #2: *breaks into whisper to the cameraman* Get at least one good angle in there...

    Edited on 04/18/2008 9:26pm
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3766]Apr 19, 2008
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    The Fillers..I mean...Tales..Of Ba Sing Se...suuure..we'll go with that...

    *Toph and Katara*
    Katara: Oh boy, I can't believe we get our own mini-episode! How awesome is that?
    Toph: Not really awesome, everyone else gets an episode to themselves!
    Katara: Whatchoo talkin' about Willis?
    Toph: Look at the script. After the tale of Toph and Katara, it's the tale of Iroh-
    Katara: Iroh's pretty cool.
    Toph: Wait... then it's the tale of Aang, but I guess that's okay, then it's the tale of Sokka.
    Katara: What? I'm way more important than Sokka!
    Toph: I haven't even got to the worst bit yet, the last one is Momo.
    Katara: Momo totally deserves his own episode.
    Toph: That's true, but get this- before Momo, The Firelord's girly man son gets an episode.
    Katara: Scarface gets his own episode and we have to share one? This is ridiculous! This episode is even more sexist than Mattel!
    Toph: I no rite?
    Katara: So what happens in this episode anyway?
    Toph: We go and get a makeover.
    Katara: O_o A...makeover?
    Toph: Yup.
    Katara: A... MAKEOVER?
    Toph All true.
    Katara: Those **** son of a **** ***** of a writers team! How dare those ***** do this to us! Those **** *** ***** ****** **!!!! When I get my hands on those ******** I'm going to **** them up so bad they'll have to **** sideways!
    Toph: It's that time of the month again, isn't it?
    Katara: Oh yes.
    Toph: I can't wait to be a teenager (!)
    Katara: Just cut to Iroh already.
    *Iroh* (warning, copious amounts of jewish jokes)
    Iroh: (humming to himself) Hava nagila! Hava hagila! Hava nagila! Venis'mecha!
    Shopkeeper: May I interest you in some fine bread?
    Iroh: Bread? Oy vey vats wrong viv you yeh nevisch! Don't you know I can't have the chometz on ze Passover? Now vere's yer matzah?
    Shopkeeper: Umm...I don't have any.
    Iroh: *walking away* (to himself) Benzonah.
    Keeper: What did you say?
    Iroh: Nothing!
    Mugger: Give me your money!
    Iroh: *roflpwns him*
    Mugger: How did you do that?
    Iroh: 3 years in the IDF my friend, 3 years. Now if you don't mind I need to pay respect to my dead son.
    Aang: Hey there mr. zookeeper!
    Zookeeper: Avatar! I see you're here for your mini-episode.
    Aang: That's right. So what do I do in this episode? Do I get to fight giant sea-monsters? Do I get to battle legions of firebenders? Do I get to save mankind from an evil empire?
    Zookeeper: How about, getting these animals to the outer wall of Ba Sing Se?
    Aang: That's it? That's the episode? Avatar out!
    *flies off*
    Cabbage Man: So...no cameo for me?
    Zookeeper: I'm afraid not.
    Cabbage Man: Cabbage Man sad! *cries*
    Sokkaz brane: (Thinking) Okay Sokka, so you didn't get that girl with the huge..assets... And you haven't had any action since the North Pole
    Sokka: What about that facepaint girl.
    Brane: Who?
    Sokka: Never mind, go on.
    Brane: So I was thinking-
    Sokka: That is your job.
    Brane: And I know a way to get more girls.
    Sokka: Yes yes I like your words, keep saying them!
    Brane: Girls love poetry, right?
    Sokka: I guess.
    Brane: If girls hear poetry, they'll like the guy who says it, right?
    Sokka: I don't see where you're going with this.
    Brane: *sigh* Just go into a poetry club and say some rhymey words. Got that?
    Sokka: Got it. Thankyou voices in my head!
    *in the haiku club*
    Sokka: Hey there ladies! Sokka's the name!
    And aren't you all so glad I came?
    Macmu-Ling: You're such a moron.
    This place is just for haikus.
    Get the heck out now.
    Sokka: Lawlwut?
    *gets thrown out*
    Brane: *sigh* One thing, I tell you to do one thing, and you screw it up!
    Sokka: Sorry.
    Brane: No, no sorrys! Brane out!
    Sokka: Brane? Brane?
    Jin: You like, wanna go out sometime?
    Zuko: A date? That can only mean one thing! This is a fanservice episode!
    Jin: Are you complaining?
    Zuko: No, why would I?
    Jin: Awesome, let's go.
    Jin: Isn't this place totally awesome?
    Zuko: Not really.
    Jin: I said...isn't this place awesome? *glares*
    Zuko: Yes, it's awesome!
    Jin: I'm bored now. C'mon, let's go look at some candles.
    Jin: Oh noez! They're not lit! If only you were a firebender!
    Zuko: I am a firebender! Watch!
    *lights candles*
    Jin: Kewl. *kisses*
    Sokka: (appearing out of nowhere) Whoah there! So I had to go through all of that s**t at the North Pole to get a girlfriend, and then she goes and dies, and then Emo boy over here does absolutely nothing, and he gets a girl just like that?
    Zuko: Looks like it.
    Sokka: F**k you Bryke!
    Momo: I'm finally getting an episode to myself! Now what kind of animal adventures should I get up to? i know! I'll save some street cats!
    *saves street cats*
    Cat: We love you Momo!
    Momo: Call me...Pedro..
    Cat: We love you Pedro!
    *they rub Momo*
    Sokka: Hold it! Now even the lemur is getting some? WTF? There's something seriously wrong here! This episode is so biased! Why should Scarface and the lemur get some when I don't?
    Katara: You tell them Sokka, this episode is sexist!
    Toph: Yeah!
    Sokka: I propose we complain!
    Aang: I want to complain too! You call that an 'adventure'?
    Zuko: I don't know, I kinda enjoyed the episode.
    Sokka: Gee, I wonder why (!)
    Momo: Si Si, Pedro like!
    Aang: We're going on strike! We refuse to be in the next episode!
    Katara: I'm with Aang!
    Toph: Yeah!
    Sokka: Definitely!
    Zuko: Then, what will the next episode be about?
    Aang: I don't know, make it about Appa or something, I refuse to be in it!
    Bryke: (yes, they do speak at the same time) An episode about Appa, that could work! Thanks Gaang!
    Aang: Whatever. Gaang out!

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  • Avatar of KingAtticus


    [3767]Apr 19, 2008
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    D & D 4! (like the dice being cast, this just keeps rolling)

    Aang: You have defeated the dungeon. There are seven chests for you to choose from yet you can only pick one.

    Ty Lee: Yeah! A Flea's Vest!

    Mai: ... I got throwing knives.

    Azula: Lightning staff!

    Toph: A giant axe. *makes electric guitar noises*

    Katara: A vial of holy water.

    Iroh: A dragon egg!

    Zuko: I got the last one?

    Aang: Your chest contains an evil monster that kills you.

    Zuko: You did that on purpose!

    Aang: You always choose the chest in the middle.

    Katara: You never noticed that?

    Azula: You're such an idiot...

    Mai: ...I'm better than you.

    Ty Lee: Yeah, I... hey wait! What's a Flea's Vest?!

    *Get the reference, you get cake. Honest*
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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [3768]Apr 19, 2008
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    KingAtticus wrote:
    *Get the reference, you get cake. Honest*

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  • Avatar of the_mental_teen


    [3769]Apr 19, 2008
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    tomtitan wrote:
    KingAtticus wrote:
    *Get the reference, you get cake. Honest*


    The cake is a lie!!

    But sorry, I don't get the reference. Wish I did though.
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  • Avatar of castleman12


    [3770]Apr 19, 2008
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    the_mental_teen wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    KingAtticus wrote:
    *Get the reference, you get cake. Honest*
    The cake is a lie!! But sorry, I don't get the reference. Wish I did though.


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  • Avatar of castleman12


    [3771]Apr 19, 2008
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    castleman12 wrote:

    the_mental_teen wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    KingAtticus wrote:
    *Get the reference, you get cake. Honest*
    The cake is a lie!! But sorry, I don't get the reference. Wish I did though.


    (sorry 4 double postin -_- )

    hmm i *think* i get the refeence idk...

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  • Avatar of Blaster33456


    [3772]Apr 19, 2008
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    Deleted Preview bit from Boiling Rock Preview.

    " Yes yes!! " Azula screamed.

    " No No!! " Suki screamed back.

    " You know you want it! "

    " No, please stop! "

    " You'll never be the same after this. "

    Meanwhile.. a fire nation guard (PERVERT) hears this and opens the door.

    " what are you doing!? " Azula screamd at the guard.

    " I thought that.. "

    " Thought what! " She turned around and there Suki was.. tied up from the waist down and watching Spongebob Squarepants the Marathon.

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  • Avatar of the_mental_teen


    [3773]Apr 19, 2008
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    castleman12 wrote:

    the_mental_teen wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    KingAtticus wrote:
    *Get the reference, you get cake. Honest*
    The cake is a lie!! But sorry, I don't get the reference. Wish I did though.


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  • Avatar of the_mental_teen


    [3774]Apr 19, 2008
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    Blaster33456 wrote:

    Deleted Preview bit from Boiling Rock Preview.

    " Yes yes!! " Azula screamed.

    " No No!! " Suki screamed back.

    " You know you want it! "

    " No, please stop! "

    " You'll never be the same after this. "

    Meanwhile.. a fire nation guard (PERVERT) hears this and opens the door.

    " what are you doing!? " Azula screamd at the guard.

    " I thought that.. "

    " Thought what! " She turned around and there Suki was.. tied up from the waist down and watching Spongebob Squarepants the Marathon.

    What better way to torture someone?
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  • Avatar of wiseone_777


    [3775]Apr 19, 2008
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    the_mental_teen wrote:
    castleman12 wrote:

    the_mental_teen wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    KingAtticus wrote:
    *Get the reference, you get cake. Honest*
    The cake is a lie!! But sorry, I don't get the reference. Wish I did though.


    I saw all y'all!
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  • Avatar of KingAtticus


    [3776]Apr 19, 2008
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    castleman12 wrote:
    castleman12 wrote:

    the_mental_teen wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    KingAtticus wrote:
    *Get the reference, you get cake. Honest*
    The cake is a lie!! But sorry, I don't get the reference. Wish I did though.


    (sorry 4 double postin -_- )

    hmm i *think* i get the refeence idk...

    You know what a Flea's vest is then?
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  • Avatar of Mapletree46


    [3777]Apr 19, 2008
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    Katara:"for a guy raised by monks, aang seems to fight alot"
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  • Avatar of KingAtticus


    [3778]Apr 19, 2008
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    Mapletree46 wrote:
    Katara:"for a guy raised by monks, aang seems to fight alot"

    Sokka: Monks know how to defend themselves! Why do you think nobody messes with 'em?
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  • Avatar of the_mental_teen


    [3779]Apr 20, 2008
    • member since: 11/09/06
    • level: 12
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    KingAtticus wrote:
    Mapletree46 wrote:
    Katara:"for a guy raised by monks, aang seems to fight alot"

    Sokka: Monks know how to defend themselves! Why do you think nobody messes with 'em?

    Toph: Did your parents ever teach you what happened to the Monks a hundred years ago?!
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