Job Interviews for a Firebending Master
Aang: Why do you want to teach me firebending?
Jeong Jeong: Because I am the greatest master of all time.
Katara:Yeah.... I think you need a teacher that is less.... crazy.
Aang: Why do you want to teach me firebending?
Roku: So I can get away from my wife.
Sokka: NEXT!
Aang: Why do you want to teach me firebending?
Zuko: Because I don't want daddy to love me now and im afraid that if he loves me again i'll blow up-*whiny rant*
Katara and Toph: YES!
Sokka and Aang: Don't we get a say in this?
Haru, Teo, and the Duke: What about us?
Katara and Toph: NO!!!
Zuko: Yay!!