Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
tomtitan wrote: |
aang: katara i..i love you! katara: yeah, and? aang: you knew? katara: you really thought i wouldn't notice? aang: well, err... katara: *giggles* i think it's brave of you to tell me if it makes you feel better. aang: oh, ok.... so..... katara: so what? aang: do you love me too? katara: errr.... umm.... coming sokka! *runs off* aang: wait, sokka didn't... dammit! |
*katara is walking around* *toph grabs her and brings her somewhere so the boys don't hear them*
Toph: I need you to spy for me.
Katara: No way. Why would I do that?
Toph: Cause no one would suspect it out of you.
Katara: Fine. HEY!
Toph: Sorry. Anyway, I need you to tell me if sokka likes me.
Toph: -_-
Katara: Ugh, Fine.
*katara spies on aang and sokka*
Sokka: So yeah, I like her. Alot.
Aang: Really? You guys have not really got the time to know each other?
Sokka: What can I say? The girl can make me laugh. She's just so funny. Aang, I think I'm in love.
*katara's jaw drops and she runs to tell toph*
Aang: Well...if you like sukki that much. O.k....
Sokka: Where have you been all this time? Who else is there?
Aang: I'd rather not answer that question.
*both suddenly think of ty-lee*
Both: -_-*later that night*
Aang: Where's katara and toph?
Sokka: Is someone love sick?
Aang: What? No!
Sokka: I'm just kidding. I know your just friends with toph and katara. Man though, got to make sure katara does not fall for any boys. If anyone tries to ask her out, let's just say, *slashes sword around*
*aang's eyes open in horror, and he gulps* Heh heh, yeah, the sword, yeah...
*sokka accidently hits momo's tail, who runs off shouting in pain*
*katara walks in, followed by toph, who has tons of make up on*
*sokka, not realizing toph has make-up on because it is dark, and is still looking at aang*: Hey Katara, Toph.
*toph looks at katara, who is also confused to sokka's reaction* Toph: Hey! Look what I can make sokka! *focuses on ground below aang* *slams foot on the ground, aang goes flying.*
Aang: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! *toph makes the ground look like a heart*
Toph: Like it sokka? Sokka?
Katara: Ummmm.... *sokka did not notice because he followed aang to laugh at him for all the times aang did that to him* *toph gives up and sits down sadly* *sokka comes back in*
Sokka: Well, I'm going to bed. Night everyone. *accidently trips and falls into toph, accidently kissing her on the check* *she immdeditly blushes and looks away, while katara gives her a thumbs up sign* *meanwhile, where aang is, the animals of the forest misinterpreted momo's message, and think aang is sokka, and try to get revenge for momo's slashed tail*
Aang: WHY?!?!?! *aang runs*
The Riot
Aang: Man, I'm so excited. Are you excited!!??
Sokka: Yeah, man. I can't wait to try my new sword when we invade them!!
Toph: Yeah, let's kick some fire nation butt!!!
Aang: * looks at Katara * I'm definitely gonna confess to her
Katara: Hey, shouldn't we be working on the Day Of The Black Sun right about now.
Director: * comes in grief-stricken * Guys, it seems like you've been pushed back another week
Aang: WHA!!!?? * starts to get his stuff * I'll GO TO CANADA THEN!!
Sokka: What show did they set us back for.
Toph: Yeah, what?
Director: They..... set back for.... *starts to cry * SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS
Sokka, and Toph:
Katara: That's it. I'ma kill that sponge. Who's comin with me
Toph: I can't swim
Sokka: Forget it I'm out.
Aang: I'll go with you!!! * him and Katara start to go to the ocean *
Blaster33456 wrote: |
The Riot Aang: Man, I'm so excited. Are you excited!!?? Sokka: Yeah, man. I can't wait to try my new sword when we invade them!! Toph: Yeah, let's kick some fire nation butt!!! Aang: * looks at Katara * I'm definitely gonna confess to her Katara: Hey, shouldn't we be working on the Day Of The Black Sun right about now. Director: * comes in grief-stricken * Guys, it seems like you've been pushed back another week Aang: WHA!!!?? * starts to get his stuff * I'll GO TO CANADA THEN!! Sokka: What show did they set us back for. Toph: Yeah, what? Director: They..... set back for.... *starts to cry * SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS Katara: WHAT!? THAT S***'S JUST MESSED UP WHAT THE F*** WERE THOSE ******** THINKING OF. SWITCHING US FOR A FREAKIN SPONGEY B***** Sokka, and Toph: Katara: That's it. I'ma kill that sponge. Who's comin with me Toph: I can't swim Sokka: Forget it I'm out. Aang: I'll go with you!!! * him and Katara start to go to the ocean * TO BE CONTINUED. |
Atu_1 wrote: |
Abridged Series: Aang: See I have hair, like Haru! ...please love me. Katara: What was that? Aang: I was just talking about my friend Bumi- Katara: No you weren't, you just asked me to love you Aang: Um, I didn't? (To be cut off because there's no new Abridged Series ep) |
Katara: Sokka, what's wrong with you? You haven't even touched your crab patties yet.
Sokka: I feel so tiny and small and I don't even know the secret recipe.
Toph: I want to see money you guys, money.
Aang: (runs around) Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi! You are so funny Toph! Ooh, I gotta go feed my seaslug named Gary!
Katara:..........this isn't the right script is it? \
(all look at the side of the set, where Firelord Ozai is taking his break smoking a sigaret)
Ozai: ......................I guess they mixed up our script again with Spongebob's...
Part 2: The Arrival
Aang: Um, Katara. How can we breathe underwater. * thinks about it * Oh yeah... * makes a water mask to keep him breathing *
Katara: Let's go. * they both dive underwater and go to Bikini Bottom * Wow. * looks around at everybody * They all look.... weird
Fish: * looks up and sees them * Hey, look it's something in the air.
Fish: #2: It's a Plane
Fish: #3: It's a Bird
Fish: #4: Naw, it's just Aang and Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender
Fish #1 2 and 3: * look at Fish number 4 like he's crazy *
Fish #4: Just a joke, I'm just playin. I don't know who those things are.
Katara: We'll stop here. * they stop at theKrusty Krab*
Avatar a la Dragonball z kinda like attempt.
Katara: AANG, I cooked you dinner! If you don't eat it right now I'm going to attempt to kill you, hit you with a stick and chase you down without effect because I'm the hysterical woman without the superpowers in this show!
Aang: Wait! I somehow can't master the avatarstate, but I just found out when I get really angry my hair turns blonde and punky and stuff!
Zuko: You must have learned that from avatar Goku, I mean Roku!
Katara: Aang, come and eat! I'm a hysterical powerless woman with hardly any part than the one of the one being hysterical!
Zuko: Must....fight...gravity......hey, three eyes, what ya doin here?
Combustion Man: GRUNT
Aang: Let's have a part of the three eyes who has hardly any importance within this series and hardly has anything to say: I dub you Tien.
Zuko: Aang, you weren't supposed to have hair, let alone blond hair....I thought you furfilled the part of the bold dwarf.
(Aang hits Zuko on the head)
Zuko: Gravity, I defy you.
(Suddenly a blinding light appears)
Lee: Hello there, Hi zuko, you know after you died twice and your scar almost heals I thought about revealing you're chased by evil Firenation ancient androids named Lo and Li......
Zuko: WHAT?!
Lee: Ow yes and....
Katara: AAAAAANG!!!!!!!!
Aang: Stay away from me you woman! (katara hits Aang with a stick)
Lee: Zuko.....
Zuko: yes?
Lee: I'm your illegitimate Zutara lovechild from the future......
Zuko: That just made my dragonballs explode....
Toph: Sooooo....what's my part?
Suki: Hey it's me Suki and I'm brought back to life! (get's hit by Katara's stick) Wait...I'm dead again.
(coninues during the next sayings)
Aang: What is he doing?
Zuko: if he had hair, it would turn blonde and sexy.
Katara: I'M HYSTERICAL! Wait...a break: do they have bathrooms in Combustion man's world?....ok breaks over: I'M HYSTERICAL! And I'm hitting you with a stick aang!
Narrator: (terribly cheesy low voice)What will happen in the next episode of Avatar DLA? Will Katara ever be stopped before hitting Aang unconscious? Ofcourse she will because she isa woman and this is a sexist show.Will Zuko finally defeat gravity, especially now he heard of Lee being his and Katara's illegitimate lovechild of the future? And what happens to Combustion Man? Will he ever get written out of the show?Will there be powerful non hysterical woman in this show?Yes ofcourse, but they have to be old ugly androids named Lo and Li and ofcourse these androids will be defeated....I mean....who are these androids? Will Lee tell us? And Aang? What happened to your coupe soleil? And what happened to sokka actually not being the comic relief character but an actual non existent character within this scene? Will Combustion Man break out of his irrelevant role of the weak steroide boy without an actual script now, what is he doing? And why is he still screaming, what powerfull caca will be unleashed by the strength of this man? Stay tuned for the next episode of.........Avatar DLA!!!
Earth King: Aang, in order to become a strong man, I order you to catch my bosco. You see he's always flippy when he knows it's going to be bath time for him.
Bosco: MOOOO (flies away like a little tinkerbell)
Aang: Damn you bear! I defy gravity!
Avatar a la Paprika without the rich imagination
Sokka: Wait, let me get this straight.....we used the avatar state extractor machine, which I don't know off where the hell that came from to get into Aangs mind?
Katara: You pretty much got that right sokka. Aangs dreamworld is a pretty twisted one, but it'sthe only way we can fully explore Aangs complete loss of mind.
Momo: You're just a plum to short of a fruit pie!
Pati: ChakraaaaaS!
Katara mind clone: Look at me, I'm so sexy!
Katara: Hey, that's me!
Ozai: My royal parts are showing.
Appa: Yooouuuuu've got toooo take caaaareee of yourselffffff......
Flying cow: MOOOO
Sokka: AAAAH I CAN'T TAKE THIS! His mind is too random!!!!
Katara: If you're dreams and his would melt together Sokka, that would mean the apocalypse.
Director: And you haven't even crossed the 180 line yet.
Aang: Kill Peter Griffin!
Katara: Eh....Aang?
Aang: What is it?
Katara: It's not Peter Griffins fault you know.
Aang: Oh....Well kill Peter Griffin anyway.
Zuko: Ok dad, you're on.
Ozai:, have you heard? We get finally get the time to spend some father and son time for a wholemonth together!
Zuko: Maybe we should go fishing? I stink at chess.
Ozai: Good idea son...aha! Checkmate!
Zuko: ofcourse when themonth's done I'm still going to have to turn against you and help the avatar killing you, you know.
Ozai: I know, son...aah but that's just a month from now.
Part 3: The fight against...
Katara: * whispers to Aang * I have an idea
Katara: * they bust into the Krusty Krab * Alright, THIS IS A STICKUP!!!!
Aang: Yeah, so um.... um.. put your hands in the air. * no ones looking but eating their food *
Squidward: * sighs * another psycho. What the heck can you 2 harm us with?
Aang: WTF! * goes to Squidward's face * I'll show you harm!!! * gets water whip out and slaps him across the faces 2 many times * I'm sick of this robot speaking poorly drawn squid!!!!!
Fishes: * they get scared *
Katara: * puts her hands in their face threating to "de-drown" them
Squidward: STOP IT!!! What do you want!
Katara: We want Spongebob.
Squidward: He's at his break.
Aang: DAnG!!!!
Sandy: * walks in * I hear you got some trouble
Aang: * looks back * Who are you.
Sandy: Sandy's the name. * crushes 2 tableto dustwith her fist *
Aang: we are so dead.
Katara: I'll beat this squirrel easy!!!
Sandy: Well then come on missy, come on!!!
To Be Continued.
Blaster33456 wrote: |
Part 3: The fight against... Katara: * whispers to Aang * I have an idea Katara: * they bust into the Krusty Krab * Alright, THIS IS A STICKUP!!!! Aang: Yeah, so um.... um.. put your hands in the air. * no ones looking but eating their food * Squidward: * sighs * another psycho. What the heck can you 2 harm us with? Aang: WTF! * goes to Squidward's face * I'll show you harm!!! * gets water whip out and slaps him across the faces 2 many times * I'm sick of this robot speaking poorly drawn squid!!!!! Fishes: * they get scared * Katara: * puts her hands in their face threating to "de-drown" them Squidward: STOP IT!!! What do you want! Katara: We want Spongebob. Squidward: He's at his break. Aang: DAnG!!!! Sandy: * walks in * I hear you got some trouble Aang: * looks back * Who are you. Sandy: Sandy's the name. * crushes 2 tableto dustwith her fist * Aang: Katara: I'll beat this squirrel easy!!! Sandy: Well then come on missy, come on!!! To Be Continued. |