ok, everyone is getting really competative with this. i see Harutara has been eliminated. know what that means? we now have room for two ships to be added. so if you like a certain ship please add it.
oh and for the Toph/Zuko dispute, the name shoud really be Toko (To from Toph and ko from Zuko) however well all love the spicy food name so just call it Taco from now on.
from now on, a ship can get an unlimited number of votes. just remember, you can only vote up to 3 times a day, so remember that folks.
if you like Jetara, you better get on the ball....
there are some ships that haven't even been hurt or healed yet so you might want to bring those out of their comfort zones....
well that's all of the news for now so keep voting! oh yea, here are our current results :
Kataang (Katara/Aang)- 27
Taang (Toph/Aang)- 18
Maizu (Mai/Zuko)- 18
Sukka or George (Sokka/Suki)-51
Ty Lokka (Ty Lee/Sokka)- 18
Zong (Zuko/Song)- 21
Tokka (Toph/Sokka)- 21
Jetara (Jet/Katara)- 16
Junroh (Jun/Iroh)- 19
Momiyuki (Momo/Miyuki)- 20
Taco (Toph/Zuko)- 17
Ty Laang (Ty Lee/Aang)- 20
Teoph (Teo/Toph)- 17
1. Zutara (Zuko/Katara)
2. Harutata (Haru/Katara)
keep voting everyone, and maybe your ship will win.
Edited on 09/10/2006 2:09pm
Edited 2 total times.