wow i'm glad i made this thread, everyone is voting! yay!
anyway here are our current results:
Kataang (Katara/Aang)- 21
Taang (Toph/Aang)- 20
Maizu (Mai/Zuko)- 19
Sukka or George (Sokka/Suki)-42
Ty Lokka (Ty Lee/Sokka)- 15
Zong (Zuko/Song)- 21
Jetara (Jet/Katara)- 18
Junroh (Jun/Iroh)- 20
Harutara (Haru/Katara)- 17
Momiyuki (Momo/Miyuki)- 20
Tako (Toph/Zuko)- 20
Ty Laang (Ty Lee/Aang)- 20
Teoph (Teo/Toph)- 17
1.Zutara (Zuko/Katara)
everyone! Zutara has been eliminated! that means we have room for another ship to be added! if anyone has a certain ship they like, please add it!! oh and by the way, you can't add Zutara back, sorry....
Edited on 09/07/2006 5:25pm