Miyuki is the cat that appears in the Blue Spirit and Bato of the Water Tribe and belongs to the old, crazy,??herbalist lady.
you might as well wave Jetara bye bye
George and Kataang are popular
Ty Laang STILL doesn't have a vote
Secret of the Fire Nation airs tomorrow
There are room for 2 ships to be added
Current Results:
Kataang (Katara/Aang)- 30
Taang (Toph/Aang)- 17
Maizu (Mai/Zuko)- 18
Sukka or George (Sokka/Suki)-56
Ty Lokka (Ty Lee/Sokka)- 18
Zong (Zuko/Song)- 21
Tokka (Toph/Sokka)- 21
Jetara (Jet/Katara)- 7
Junroh (Jun/Iroh)- 20
Momiyuki (Momo/Miyuki)- 21
Toko (Toph/Zuko)- 17
Ty Laang (Ty Lee/Aang)- 20
Teoph (Teo/Toph)- 17
1. Zutara (Zuko/Katara)
2. Harutata (Haru/Katara)