why is everyone making useless threads? dang i had to go way back to find this, anyway the SOTFN was awesome! here is my vote and the current results:
Heal Kataang
Hurt Jetara buahahahaha! there ya go!
Kataang (Katara/Aang)- 33
Taang (Toph/Aang)- 17
Maizu (Mai/Zuko)- 18
Sukka or George (Sokka/Suki)-61
Ty Lokka (Ty Lee/Sokka)- 17
Zong (Zuko/Song)- 20
Tokka (Toph/Sokka)- 21
Junroh (Jun/Iroh)- 20
Toko (Toph/Zuko)- 16
Ty Laang (Ty Lee/Aang)- 20
Teoph (Teo/Toph)- 18
Jetlerbee (Jet/Smellerbee)-20
1. Zutara (Zuko/Katara)
2. Harutata (Haru/Katara)
3. Jetara (Jet/Katara)
by the way, i took off the momo ship. i know he needs someone, but it takes up room and this thread can't go on forever. i mean momo is one of my favorite characters but still.