superSokka wrote: |
I'm cool if this movie has an entire asian cast or not. If all are Asian, I hope they can speak English well. If not, then I hope that all that are selected are selected because they were a perfect fit. It's kinda of wierd when you look at the characters of Avatar because some look Asian and some look American. Some sound Asian and some sound American. Others look and sound like neither. Would it be completely rediculous if they just mixed it up? I mean after all thats what the cartoon does. Waterbenders: Southeren Pole- Native American, Notheren Pole-Asian, Swamp- Redneck. Firebenders: Zuko, Zhao, Ozai, Tylee- caucasian, Iroh and Mei- Asian Earthbenders: Residents of Omashu- caucasian, Residents of Ba Sing Se- Asian Airbenders: Well, they look like Monks. I'm not saying the movie should do it just this way, but if mostly everyone was dark complected would it matter? |