Ok it is our first tie and the person leaving TDI is Owen
Oh Red on someones name is nominated, orange winning team and safe, green losing team but safe.
Challenge- Todays challenge is a race where each leg you must do a challenge to continue first team to get to the finish line wins. There is 5 legs and each leg you finish you must leave one of your teamates behind
Overall- The teams first leg was to eat 50 pieces of chicken wings and the Birds wish Owen was here cause they could of past it in a heartbeat so they picked Ezeikel and he took his sweet little time and everytime he finished a wing he would sling it like it was a baseball. He even got a wing in Harold's eye and when Ezeikel finished they had to leave Harold behind cause he was injured. The Monkeys put Geoff in and he finished very quick and the team left Tyler cause he may injure himself in a stupid way. The next leg was a riddle which the riddle was what can be swallowed, but can also swallow you and if the you get it wrong the person who did the riddle and someone else must be left behind. The Birds put Noah in cause of his smarts and he got Pride but Gwen said soul and they argued for a while and Noah said soul cause Gwen forced him and they got it wrong so Noah and Gwen were left behind. The Monkeys put Heather and got the answer right which was Pride they left Heather cause she was complaing. (SKIPING TO LEG 5) The Birds had Beth and Courtney left and The Monkeys had Cody, Izzy, and DJ. The Final Leg was to use the remaining teamates to grab the flag which was 20 feet high. With DJ on the bottom and Cody in the middle. Izzy was on the top and jumped and grabed the flag making the Monkeys winning while Courtney was still trying to find a way up and Beth was just waiting for Courtney to get down from her.
The Screaming Birds- Beth, Gwen, LeShawna, Noah, Courtney, Duncan, Ezeikel and Harold
The Killer Monkeys- Cody, Katie, Izzy, Tyler, DJ, Bridgette, Geoff, and Heather
Person I drew- Geoff
Nominated- Gwen & Ezeikel
Why- Gwen cause she wasted time on the riddle and got two people left behind instead of one.
Ezeikel cause he took his time on the first leg and injured Harold
I vote off Ezeikel
Deadline- Sunday July 26 at 3PM
So this round you get three votes again remember one vote for each day
Edited on 07/24/2009 5:18pm