With the vote of 1-4 Izzy is out
Challenge- Cops & Robbers
Info- One team is the cops and one team is the robbers. Robbers win if they get the loot and make it past the finish line or hit all of the cops. Cops win if they catch every robber or make sure the robbers don't past the finish line in 20 min. If you destroy the money your team will automacly lose.
Overall- The Birds were the robbers andthe Monkeys were the cops. Beth, LeShawna, and Courtney each got a paintball gun, Ezeikel and Harold got a frying pan, Noah had the map to the finish line, and Duncan got the money. Cody, DJ, and Heather got paintball guns and Geoff, Bridgette, Tyler all got TAZERS. The Birds were doing great untill Noah who led the Birds the wrong way and he got shot by Cody. So the robbers had to run everywhere untill they find Chris. So they got in a circle with Duncan in the middle and ran. Tyler got himself out by tazering himself. When the Birds were near the finish line Courtney step on Harold foot and she made a big arguement and the Monkeys heard her and they all found the bird and everyone except Duncan and Beth weren't shot nor tazerd. Beth and Duncan almost got to the finish line when DJ shot Beth and she fell and made Duncan fell and a fake building fell on the money so the The Birds lost since they were the last person to touch the money was Duncan so his team lost, But if DJ shot Duncan and that happend the monkeys would of lost.
Marshmellow Ceremony- Ok when I call your name you may get a marshmellow. Harold, Ezeikel, and LeShawna. Beth and Duncan. One marshmellow left and two campers left. Noah and Courtney. Noah you led your team the wrong way and you were the first one out of the challenge. Courtney you made your team get caught and got almost everyone out. The final marshmellow goes toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. TO BE CONTINUED
Person I Drew- Katie
Nominated- Noah & Courtney
The Screaming Birds- Beth, LeShawna, Noah, Courtney, Duncan, Ezeikel and Harold
The Killer Monkeys- Cody, Katie, Tyler, DJ, Bridgette, Geoff, and Heather
I vote for Noah