With a score of 3-5 Cody has been eliminated from the game
Round 3
Person i drew - Gwen
Winning Team- The Screaming Birds
The Screaming Birds- Beth, Gwen, Justin, LeShawna, Noah, Courtney, Duncan, Ezeikel, Harold, and Owen
The Killer Monkeys- Eva, Lindsey, Katie, Sadie, Izzy, Tyler, DJ, Bridgette, Geoff, and Heather
Bottom 2 or Nominated- Geoff & Lindsey
Twist Hint ( I will tell the answer when the votes are caculated cause with this twist there may be tons of votes so i will give the results so nobody except me put the score down) Watch what you say
I vote for Geoff cause him and his girl makeout a lot and if she was in his spot than i would of voted for her
Deadline- Saturday July 18 at 7pm