final vote:
noah again go courtney. Noah is stupid and i wann'a vote him off in my roleplay.
Noah- 10
Courtney- 10
NOAH. What I don't get the marshmallow you all will be paying a little visit from my lawers. So Courtney is out of the game
Now remember next round someone is coming back,but with different rules.
Challenge- Must be Chris's maid's and butler's
Rules- You do whatever Chris says and if you don't you get TAZERD and out of the game. Last person standing wins for their team.
Overall - The first thing Chris told the servents is to clean up all of the toilets with their toothbrush's. " I am not cleaning no toilets with my toothbrush I don't want my teeth to smell like toilet", said Heather. So Chris TAZED her and she was out. To be funny Duncan got Chris's toothbrush and used it,but Chris caught him and he was TAZERD too. The next challenge was that the players must cut bushes into mini Chris's with only safty scissors and Chris told them whoever has the worst mini Chris from each team is out. It was hard for the players, but Noah and Tyler both got TAZERD. When the remaining players were about to do their next challenge a BIG skunk came and was about to spray Chris and Geoff was trying to save him but Geoff got sprayed anyway. Then Beth got a stick and smacked the skunk until it was Knocked Out. After that Chris says that the Birds win cause Beth saved him before he was about to get sprayed.
Marshmallow Ceremony- OK Monkeys you are here cause you didn't save me. When I call out your name you get one of the fluffy,sweet, and safe marshmallow. DJ,Cody, Katie, and Bridgette. Next Tyler. So we have Geoff and Heather left. Heather you quit on the first challenge all because of a little Dental Hygene. And Geoff hey where is Geoff. " He is in a tree Chris" Bridgette said. Well Geoff you failed to save me and YOU SMELL. The Final Marshmallow goes toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. TO BE CONTINUED
Person I Drew- Beth
The Screaming Birds- Beth, LeShawna, Noah, Duncan, Ezeikel and Harold
The Killer Monkeys- Cody, Katie, Tyler, DJ, Bridgette, Geoff, and Heather
Nominated- Geoff and Heather
I vote of Heather
Deadline 9:30 PM Tomorrow
Oh Please comment of how did you enjoy this season so far cause on Round 13 there will be a bigggggggggggggg change
Au Revoir, Auf Weidersein, Adios, GOOD BYE HEATHER!
Geoff- 2
Heather- 9
GEOFF. Heather you are now out.
Ok from Trent to Heather someone is comeing back. Like last time you vote for someone to come back and someone to leave,but this time two people are coming back and one person is leaving. Also when you vote you vote once for a person to come and leave, but the only way someone comes back this time is a certain amount of votes. Same for leaving. Ok the amount of votes for a player to come or leave is 15
Since of that the deadline will last untill we have three people with 15 votes. Two to come back and One for leaving.
Also you get one vote per day unless you answer this question. You get it right you get two votes per day and you must PM me the answer and if you get it right i will post saying that whoever got the question right.
Question- Which camper from TDI made a picture cameo in the ep when Courtney was eliminated. (HINT- This person is still in this game)
Oh i can't do the two vote thing cause i know the answer.
I vote for Lindsey to come back and Katie to leave