Fred's Road Trip Season 1!
2. Bad Biker
3. Fred and The Van Band
4. What Happened To The Mayor? (Part 1)
5. New Mayor ( Part 2)
6. Livin Like Fred
7. Fred Action
8. The Fred Squad
9. Runaway Van!
10. Fred in space
11. No Pain, No Game
12. Driver for a day
13. Mysterious Earthquakes
14. A Visit To French
15. Lost at sea
16. British Visit
17. Return to home
18. Road Trip Games ( Part 1) : The road Trip games start today! Everyone goes to the area to watch. The road trip places that are in this challenge are:
Sand Street City Road Trip Service
Las Fish Vegas Road trip service
French Road Trip Service
British Road Trip Service
Spanish Road Trip service (NOTE: Mikey stole their van)
The judges for this year are:
The Man ( From The Sea Files)
Perch Perkins ( From Spin-Off Action)
Peter ( The new mayor)
So, the games begin!
19. Road Trip Games ( Part 2) : Everyone enters the area. The First challenge is Give Road Trips to the judges. So, The Las Fish Vegas Road Trip service takes The Man. The French take Perch Perkins. The British will take Peter. Meanwhile, The Sand Street City and Spanish will stay behind. Sadly, the Las Fish Vegas Road Trip van took a wrong turn and crashes. The Man is ok. Mikey ( who is pretending to be a spanish driver) laughs that he put up several traps. The next challange is to avoid objects from hitting their vans and getting to The Finish line. The French start, but Mikey shoots a rocket at the oil can and it drops on The French's window. They crash.
20. The Road Trip Games ( Part 3) : The last people are The Sand Street, British, and Spanish road trip services. The next challenge is a target hitting challenge. They throw objects at targets and everyone starts throwing! Mikey presses a button and a target reflects a rocket and blows up the British service. They are out. Now, it is only Sand Street City and Mikey who is in the spanish van. They must race! Ready Set Go! They start racing very fast. Fred gets mad at mikey for stealing the Spanish's van and shoots a rocket at him. Mikey shoots oil out and Fred dodges it. Fred slams into Mikey and he smashes into a rock and blows up. Fred crosses the line and wins!! The Man arrests Mikey for stealing a road trip van from the spanish. Fred is happy and claims the award. Justin and everyone else has a party for him.
Mikey stole the Spanish's road trip van.
Fred won the games this year.
This is the last episode for season 1. Season 2 coming soon.