Weekdays 5:00 PM on NickelodeonIn Season
21. Saving Sandy
22. Underwater Spy Program III
23. Double, Double, Spoiled Bubbles
24. Sea Files Action
25. The Stress Of Motherhood
26. Lady Villain
27. Getting The Dark Boot
28. International Fish Of Mystery
29. Mission: Unforgettable I
30. Mission: Unforgettable II
31. Lost In Interpretation
32. Spy School
33. Wedding Chimes
34. All's Well That Sends Well
35. Prison In The Sky
36. You're Promoted!
37. Welcome To The Spongehood
38. Scoot Over (Crossover with Scooter's Paradise)
39. MegaMonster 2
40. See Ya, Sam!
41. From Vorra With Rage
42. Yo Ho Ho And A Bucket Of Gum
43. The Secret Room
44. Just Another Season Finale (1)
Patrick makes a fanfiction online about life at the USP, and everyone thinks that his stories are ridiculous. But things get weird when Patrick's stories actually happen in the USP, and turns everyone's lives upside-down! SpongeBob, Vorra, Squidward, Dr. Jojo and The Man must stop Patrick when he writes his fanfiction season finale about an apocalypse!
45. Just Another Season Finale (2)
See #44.
SEASON RATINGS: 5.8 million viewers
RANK: #4
Title: spongebob in space!
ep101: gmk
ep102: spaceship scramble
ep103: oxymin/ rash racers
ep104ver puffed/ mars n pluto
ep105: in space, no one can hear you cry/ the big no bubble palooza
ep106: enter the gary/ button glutton
ep107: complext text/brazilian rapsody
ep108: youve been served!/youve been served double!/ squidward dies
ep109: cataschrefe bottom/ printer problems
cataschrfe bottom: spongebob and the all the other people that were shot into space find a planet with water! they plan to colonize on it,. but it turns out that a giant space eel lives there and doesn't like trespasers!!!
printer problems: patrick gets his hand stuck in the printer
The Sea Files!
46. Live Another Day (Live rhymes with "lime," not what you thought when you first read the title)
SpongeBob and Patrick really want to see the Goofy Goobers LIVE! In Concert Tour for one night only, but The Man sends them on a mission, and they cannot go. So SpongeBob and Patrick sneak out of the mission to try and see the show, but when The Man gets suspicious, he joins the mission which causes trouble for SpongeBob and Patrick. Meanwhile, Squidward discusses with Vorra his life-long dream to be as supporting character on an animated TV show.
I know I've said this a lot, but after a hiatus, here's another edition of "Total Cartoon Island!"
Episode 18: "Funplex Fury Fever!" Sniz is on the Dock and says: "Last time on Total Cartoon Island, the campers had to face off against each other in a surfing challenge that challenged their mental prowess as well as their physical prowess. Spongebob proved to Sandy that he was ready for a serious relationship with her when he saved her from drowning, while Angelica proved to be a totally mean and rude backstabbing girl. Angelica forced Patty Mayonnaise to help her sabotage Reggie Rocket's surfboard and make it look like Otto did it. When Angelica crossed the finish line first and successfully made some of the campers think that Otto sabotaged his own sister, it seemed like Otto would pay the price for falling in love with Angelica Pickles. But through an amazing stroke of luck, enough campers didn't believe that Otto was guilty of the crime he was convicted of and voted off Reggie Rocket for coming in last in the surfing challenge. Who will be the next camper to walk the Dock of Shame? Will Otto ever forgive Angelica for framing him for sabotage? And will Angelica manage to cheat her way to victory yet again? Find out the answers to these questions and more, on Total Cartoon Island!" It's a lazy sunny morning in the girl's cabin, it's very quiet except for the occasional snacking done by Sandy and Lil Deville, trying to NOT concentrate on the latest scheme Angelica is trying to sell to Patty Mayonnaise. Angelica says: "Patty, I keep telling you, I need to know right now what's wrong with you! Ever since Reggie Rocket got voted off, you've had the personality of a wet mop!" Patty says: "Don't start THIS with me again!" Angelica says: "Fine! That's it! I mean, Eureka, for sure! I guess I'm just about finished with YOU then, right?!" Patty grabs a grape soda and says: "FINISH THIS!" And Patty throws her open soda can and most of the liquid is splashed into Angelica's face, though some of it spills onto Lil. Patty says: "To you from me, Patty Mayonnaise! Sorry, Lil!" And Patty walks out of the cabin angrily. Angelica shouts: "PATTY! You better get back here, we need to talk RIGHT NOW!" (Confessional) Angelica is busy washing herself off and says: "I HATE IT when my lackeys get all uppity! No matter how long you search for naive help, someone ALWAYS has to try to think for themselves! I mean, does Patty Mayonnaise she can get to the Final Three without MY help?! I MADE her! And I can un-make her and break her SO easily, it won't even be funny! And that will serve as a reminder to Lil that she shouldn't cross me EITHER, or she will suffer the same fate, more or less!" /
Lil says: "I honestly can't say I blame Patty for doing what she did to Angelica, because Angelica has just been acting more and more like a psycho all the time. I mean, I was thinking of doing the same thing Patty did before she did that, but that's okay. I'll think of something else to do to Angelica to prove that she just can't boss other people around! Besides, I have plans of my own, and they involve me and Stimpy going to the Final Two together, where either one of us will win the game fair and square, because that's the only way to play a game!" / Otto says: "I can't believe how much of a devil Angelica is! Stimpy found out EXACTLY what happened during the day of the surfing challenge! He inquired Patty Mayonnaise about the incident! Thankfully, Patty had a guilty conscience and admitted that it was all Angelica's idea to frame me in the hopes that it would humiliate me so much to be wrongfully convicted of a crime, that I would then suddenly stop pursuing her! The only thing is, I'm still going to pursue her, but for a different reason! Angelica has proven to me that she wants to face off against me in a competition! If it's a fight Angelica wants, then it's a fight I'm going to give her! And when we meet on the battlefields again, it will be on MY turf playing by MY rules! And I NEVER lose when I get to play with MY rules! It might be unfair for her, but she has it coming! All is fair in love and war, and while I still love her, Angelica has shown that she REALLY wants to play war with me now!" / Stimpy says: "Ren and Lil have shown me that there are two kinds of people in this world, good people, and bad people. I'm a good person, Lil is a good person, and Otto is a good person, no matter what Sandy Cheeks might think, but she's a good squirrel as well. The only girl I know of so far who is NOT a good person is Angelica Pickles! She's as mean as a snake, and has about the same attractive quality as one to, which for me, is none! It's obvious to me that Angelica relies on her scheming, manipulative, controlling ways to deceive others and make her way past the challenges in this show! I think that in the end, it will be Angelica's bottomless pit of mean that will be her undoing and will lead to her ultimate downfall! My mother told me that mean people NEVER truly win anything in life, and Angelica is definitely a mean girl!"
(End Confessional) In the boy's cabin, Spongebob is serving up Norbert and Stimpy some Breakfast Krabby Patties. Spongebob asks: "Stimpy, where's Rocko?" Stimpy says: "Rocko can't help himself. He's been crying so much ever since Reggie Rocket left the island." Norbert says: "You can't really blame him. I was pretty sad myself when Treeflower was lost to me." (Confessional) Rocko sings: "Reggie, come back! Any kind of fool can see! There's something and everything about you! There's something about you, girl, that makes me sweat! I'm sending you love, and good thoughts to wherever it is the Boat of Losers takes you!" (End Confessional) Rocko walks out of the Confessional and Otto begins to walk beside him. Otto says: "Rocko, don't beat yourself over Reggie's departure. I miss her as much as you do, but we still have a game to play. We can't let our emotions get in the way of trying to beat Angelica." Norbert walks out of the cabin and says: "You should TALK! You barely shed a tear when Reggie left!" Otto says: "Believe me, I was crying on the inside!" Spongebob walks out and says: "Look Otto, I know sympathy and empathy aren't really your things, but don't you think you could show Rocko a little emotional support?" Otto asks: "You want me to hug him or something?" Stimpy runs out and says: "That's a GREAT idea! Everybody, get in a big group hug! Group hug!" And Stimpy gathers all the boys together for a big bear hug! Norbert says: "These group hugs always help me feel great!" Stimpy lets go and Spongebob asks: "Rocko, do you feel better now?" Rocko says: "A bit. I know she's gone, but I think I can manage better now." Sniz announces over the loud-speakers: "Attention, campers! You have a surprise waiting for you on the other side of the island! Be there in exactly 30 minutes or less!" Stimpy says: "What do you think we have to do this time?" Norbert says: "Whatever the challenge is, I hope it will be a fun challenge!" Otto adds: "It's got to be more fun than the last challenge was!" / When the remaining campers get to the other side of the island, they are surprised when they see a giant drape covering the front of a VERY large building!
Sniz says: "Campers, what awaits for you will be your latest and greatest challenge!" Lil says: "Cool! What is it?" Sniz says: "Under this drape, is the coolest building this side of Lake Superior, and all of your dreams are about to become a reality!" Angelica says: "And what would YOU know about MY dreams?!" Fondue says: "I can imagine a LOT, you spoiled--!" Sniz interrupts: "Easy on her, brother. We'll save the insults for the blooper reel episode. In the meantime, what we're about to unveil will be a great sensation that will dazzle your eyes, make you drool with anticipation, and will make your armpits sweat with sheer surprise!" Angelica says: "Good thing I put on 3 layers of deordorant today!" Sniz says: "Ladies and gentlemen, may we present to you--(they pull off the drape and reveal a glittering emerald eyesight)--Sniz and Fondue's Funplex Galleria Mall!" Patty says: "I can't believe it! Our OWN private MALL where we can actually SHOP and SPEND and EAT and do how many other things that are FUN?! That's so amazing I could--Eeeee!!!!" Lil says: "Eeeee!!!!" Sandy sarcastically says: "Eeeee. Congratulations, you're both valley girls. Remind me to find you both a place to rent in Beverly Hills." Patty says: "Just think, Lil! With the right set of make-up tools, we could wind up on the cover of People Magazine!" Lil says: "That would be so cool!" Sniz says: "Patty, you have actually guessed the theme for this challenge correctly. For today's challenge, all you have to do is SHOP until you DROP!" Rocko says: "That doesn't sound like a problem. I've had experience doing that back in my home town of O-Town!" Sniz says: "You will each be given a credit card pre-paid for and approven by Fondue. All you have to do is buy as much as you can as fast as you can. There are only two rules. One, you can't exceed or max out your credit card during this challenge or you will be disqualified. Two, the last camper to exit the mall without over-taxing their credit limit will be automatically eliminated. That means no bonfire ceremony. Do not pass go, do not collect a marshmallow. You are all allowed to buy things that any normal 16 year old can legally buy. You have 3 hours from Noon to 3 P.M. to shop as much as you want in the mall. And do be careful, there are other people in there shopping as well; so PLEASE try not to start a riot in there!" (Confessional) Angelica says: "I couldn't have asked for a better challenge than this! I am practically the QUEEN of shopping to my heart's content! Mommy and daddy always let me have as much money as I want! I could easily over-spend my credit card's limit and get disqualified in this challenge, but why take that risk when I can get someone to do most of the shopping for me?"
(End Confessional) Angelica says: "Patty Mayonnaise, I don't run away from my mistakes, and I think it's time I told you one of mine." Patty says: "What do you want to say to me?" Angelica lies and says: "It was wrong of me to tell you to sabotage another camper in a challenge. You should've been given the opportunity to play against Reggie Rocket fair and square, and I didn't let you have that chance. But today, things are going to be different. Today, you are free to get ANYTHING you want! You can get as much as you want! Whatever you desire is yours! Consider it my special make-up gift to you for being such a good friend to me!" Patty says: "Are you serious?! You're not going to be mad at me?! Am I really your best friend?!" Angelica says: "Of COURSE, Patty. I guarantee it. Would I LIE?" And Angelica subtlely crosses her fingers behind her back, intending to break her promise as soon as she sees fit. Patty says: "Angelica, I'm sorry I thought you were being insincere." Angelica uncrosses her fingers and says: "No problem. It's all water under the bridge now." (Confessional) Angelica says: "Everybody has a price that they'll pay for loyalty. All I got to do is offer Patty whatever she wants, and then not give it to her!" / Patty says: "I think Angelica appreciates me for my craftiness and stragetical thinking. She knows I'm her BFF and she really likes how I help her out in tough challenge! I mean, if you can't trust your BFF, who CAN you trust? And I'm talking of course about my Best Female Friend, Angelica! She never presses her advantage, and doesn't treat me like some naive toy she can push around. I'm a REAL friend!" / Angelica says: "Who cares about friends?! I just care about winning all that money!" / Patty says: "Okay, maybe I AM a little naive, but Angelica's always been trustworthy to me before...that I KNOW of!" / Angelica says: "I wouldn't trust Patty as far as I can throw her, because I don't want to throw Patty at all! Once she stops being a useful minion for my purposes, then she is going to be gone out of this camp faster than lame-o losers Roger Plotz or Reggie Rocket, I can pretty much guarantee THAT!" (End Confessional) / I'll break up my latest episode here and continue it in another post. Enough said, for now!
Angelica has only shopped for a few things, trying to keep her cart low on purpose so she doesn't max out her credit limit. Angelica is looking for Patty Mayonnaise to see what she has, and it doesn't take too long for Angelica to find her. Patty Mayonnaise is at the CD store, buying the latest remixed version of The Beets Greatest Hits Album. Patty says: "Angelica, this has been the GREATEST shopping experience of my life!" Angelica says: "It's been mine to!" Patty says: "Why do you say that? You haven't bought much." Angelica lies and says: "That's because you're only allowed to buy specific things!" Patty says: "We are?" Angelica continues lying and says: "Yes! And if you bought an item that's not on Sniz's list, you're going to be disqualified!" Patty says: "I don't want to be disqualified! Thank goodness you told me!" Angelica says: "You better give me your cart so I can check to see if there's anything that shouldn't be there." Patty says: "And I'll hold on to yours." Angelica says: "Good girl!" Angelica looks down in the cart, then looks up at Patty; then looks down, then up; then down and up again, then Angelica runs like mad with Patty's cart to the exit! Patty says: "Angelica, where are you going with MY cart?!" Angelica says: "It's the rule of the mall! Unattended shopping carts can be taken by anyone who finds it!" Patty says: "But that's not fair!" Angelica says: "Fair's are for babies and toddlers! I've got a challenge to win!" Patty grabs Angelica's cart and races after her! Patty shouts: "Most of that stuff was going to be MINE! I bought it with MY credit card!" Angelica taunts and says: "You want it?! Then TRY and take it!" Patty shouts out: "Stimpy! Otto!" Both of them run out of the Extreme Sports DVD store and they ask: "What's the problem?!" Patty says: "Angelica's stealing MY cart with the items that I bought! Stop her!" Stimpy and Otto says: "With pleasure!" Stimpy runs after Angelica with furious zeal, but Angelica tears off a banana, eats it, and throws it on the ground, causing Stimpy to spin out and crash! Otto continues to chase after her, determined to NOT let Angelica beat him again! But Angelica unleashes another dirty scheme when she opens up a bag of ice and dumps it on the ground behind her! Otto can't help but slip and fall to the ground! Patty continues to chase Angelica closer to the exit!
Sniz says: "There are only 5 minutes left on the clock! Who's going to make it out of the mall?!" Angelica sees Patty Mayonnaise closing up the gap between them. So Angelica decides to open up a couple of balloons within the cart, and as the pressurized gas is released, it propels Angelica out of the front door well ahead of Patty Mayonnaise, who comes out second only mere seconds later, and as soon as she does, Sniz blows an airhorn to end the challenge. Sniz says: "And that's a wrap! Angelica once again wins immunity for the 2nd challenge in a row!" Patty says: "Angelica, I really don't like that you took my shopping cart without asking, but at least we both made it outside. Isn't that great?! We're completely safe!" Sniz says: "That's not entirely true. Angelica IS safe because she got out of the mall with all of her items in a cart first, but Stimpy and Otto crashed their carts so they couldn't get them outside, and everyone else overspent their credit cards, which technically means that you, Patty Mayonnaise, happens to be the last contestant to get outside of the mall with her items. So tonight, the Dock of Shame awaits Patty Mayonnaise. Patty says: "Okay, I'm SO confused right now!" Angelica says: "It means I can't save you unless I give up my invincibility to you. But I can't do that, it's too risky. You understand, don't you?" Patty says: "But I WON. I even got most of your shopping done for you!" Angelica lies and says: "I have no idea what you're talking about! Just leave the island with your dignity intact. It will make you seem more cute when this thing airs on TV." Patty says: "But we were going to the Final 3 together." Angelica says: "I guess we're not." And every other camper makes it outside of the mall. Patty says: "Aren't you the least bit sad? I mean, we're BFF's." Angelica says: "Yeah, for the CONTEST! It's not like we were EVER going to be BFF's for life!" Everyone else gasps simultaneously! (Confessional) Patty says: "I can't believe she SAID that!" (End confessional) Patty says: "I can't believe you just SAID that! I mean, we pinky swore that promise! (Seriously) Do you mean to tell me that I've been helping you all this time and you DIDN'T even LIKE me?!" Angelica says: "Truthfully, no. (All the other campers give her a look) What?! This is a GAME SHOW, people! I'm playing to win! I didn't come here to make friends, I came here to become a celebrity!" Otto says: "That's cold, Angelica!"
Angelica says: "You should talk! All you do is scare the snot out of other people and fall in love with girls who have no love interest in you whatsoever!" Otto says: "At least I'm straight and honest with people!" Angelica says: "Whatever! I have invincibility! No one can TOUCH me!" Sandy says: "This week!" Patty says: "Angelica, you really ARE mean! And all that stuff the other campers say about you is TRUE! Like how you're a two-faced, backstabbing, greedy, lying, selfish, heartless, no-good, mean, bossy, bully of a girl! I always told them they were wrong! I stood UP for you! I did that because I honestly thought we were BFF's! But they were right! You are NOTHING but a two-faced, backstabbing, greedy, lying, selfish, heartless, no-good, mean, bossy, bully of a girl! And you know WHAT?! I don't WANT to be friends with you anymore! I'd rather spend a whole day staring at Stimpy's butt than be friends for one more minute with you! And one more thing, those shoes are tacky!" Angelica screams: "GO JUMP IN THE LAKE!!!!" Sandy says: "Now THAT'S telling HER off!" (Confessional) Patty says: "I have no idea what came over me. Oh wait, yes I do! Angelica is a total, two-faced, backstabbing--!" (End Confessional) In the evening, Patty has her bags and is saying goodbye to the remaining campers. Patty says: "Thank you for all your support, Lois and Nero." Lil says: "You're welcome, Patty. If it makes you feel any better, I would've kept you on." Patty says: "Thank you, that means a lot to me. I'll see all of you guys at the finale! Stimpy, I think I'm going to miss you the most of all!" Stimpy says: "That's so sweet! I'm going to miss you to!" Patty says: "And good luck, Angelica! I hope you get EVERYTHING your karma owes you! Okay, Fondue. I'm ready!" And with that, Patty boards the Boat of Losers and sails into the sunset. / Episode Notes: Patty Mayonnaise dissolves her friendship with Angelica and is eliminated in this episode. Episode Quotes: Look above!Title: spongebob in space!
ep101: gmk
ep:102: spaceship scramble
ep103xymin/ rash racers
ep104: over puffed/ mars n pluto
ep105: in space, no one can hear you cry/ the big no-bubble palooza
ep106: enter the gary/ button glutton
ep107: complext text/ brazilian rhapsody
ep108: youve been served/ youve been served double/ squidward dies
ep109: catachrefe bottom/ printer probems
ep110: squid's nephew (30 minutes)
squid's nephew: squidward's nephew moves into catashrrefe bottom, but turns out he's the complete oppisite of squidward! he's totally reckless, so the town people decide to get rid of him! but spongebob likes him and wants him to stay! how can spongebob convince the towns people to not get rid of him?!
Sorry for the delay.
Scooter's Paradise Season 3!
41. The Scooter Files
42. Dojo Trouble
43. Never Lie To A Sensei
44. Ping-Pong Scooter
45. The Monster
46. The Missing Ring
47. Black Belt Scooter
48. Scooter Action
49. Game Over Scooter ( Part 1)
50. Attack Of The video game! ( Part 2)
51. Like Scooter,Like Snail
52. Welcome Back Mark!
53. The Missing Boiler
54. Missing Machines: Last time we left off, something stole the pizza restraunt boiler. Scooter, Timmy, and Mark chase whoever has their boiler. But something is wrong in Las Fish Vegas! Something keeps stealing all the machines in town. DJ Tells Scooter that something stole the DJ Table! After alot of machines go missing, Chad Vane comes out of nowhere laughing at Scooter, Timmy, DJ, and Mark! He says that he is stealing the machines! But it is not Really Chad Vane stealing the machines... It is a Giant Robot! He explains that he created the Robot to take over the city! However, Scooter gets an idea. He sees a giant building over the robot and if they smash the building with something, it could crash on the Robot. Timmy starts teasing The Robot and it trys to crush him. But then it smashes into the building and it smashes on him! It seems that they are safe... for now.
55. Attack Of The Robot!: When they think everything is over the Robot wakes up and gets mad! Chad Vane thinks that it might be going out of control. It then starts smashing everyone and destroying buildings. Chad Vane then feels kind of bad and decides to try and stop the Robot! He gets the On/Off Switch for the robot, but then the robot sees him about to Press Off and eats Chad Vane! He then eats DJ and Timmy! Scooter sees the switch and starts running around trying to get the robot confused. Mark tells Scooter to trick the robot into eating the switch, so that way Chad Vane can turn it off from the inside! Why? Because you have to shut it down from the inside of the robot thats why. Scooter gets at a good distance and throws it into the robots mouth! Chad Vane finds the switch and puts it in a slot and shuts down the robot. Then, everything starts to go back to normal.
Thats Right Fans! Chad Vane isn't all that evil.
5 episodes left for season 3.
Now A New Episode Of
The Adventures Of Cheeks And Bob
Season 1 - 1 - Pilot (5/11/09)
Season 1 - 2 - The Funeral (5/11/09)
Season 1 - 3 - Jobs
While Spongebob Sandy And Bobbie Get Settled In At NPC College They Decide They Need Jobs Spongebob Easily gets A Job At The Local Diner As A Fry Cook (Place Called Brownies BBQ Grill) And Meets His Boss Mr Brownie Who is Alot Lot Mr Krabs (Before he Went Insane) And Bobbie Gets A Job As A Taxi Driver But Sandy has Trouble getting A Job, Meanwhile Its Mileys 6th Birthday party And Everyone is Celebratian But Not before Spongebobs Old Friend Squidward (Whos the Owner Of KK Now) Visits Spongeob And Sandy And Squidward Who has Became Nicer Has A Blast And meets Bobbie And Miley, And later Spongebob Meets NPCCs Bully, Harold Finklesturf
46. Live Another Day
47. Happy-Go-Unlucky
Squidward developes an obsession with gambling, but he gets depressed when he never wins- ever. So Squidward steals the Lucky gadget and makes himself lucky, and becomes REALLY LUCKY. But things go wrong when the unluckiest things happen to SpongeBob and Patrick, so they must find the cause of this misfortune! Meanwhile, Vorra opens a lemonade stand in order to get money to throw a party for Sam when he gets back.
48. The Sea Files Tour
Join The Man as he takes you through a full tour of the USP and a spy's daily life!