LaughingCheese wrote: |
Roy is Needtogetalife up thier and why dont you read the messages yourself not being rude but am sure that would be easier. |
Oy, come now, it's "there", though I must say, it's been stated a few times that I'm Roy, also that's the point, my post was deleted and is kindo hard to read when it's deleted. Well it was on the second page, this was the first post I made that was almost immediately deleted for "intent to solely annoy other users" or something like that that wasn't true.
needotgetalife wrote: |
Hmm, in short, Phineas and Ferb. In long, well that would take way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way too long. I've got to say, a lot of people seem to dislike Phineas and Ferb for the same two reasons, "It's dumb" which is not true and "Every episode is the same" which is also not true. I really don't find Spongebob to be that great at all, even in it's early seasons, it just was not a good show, funny, perhaps, but a show having a whole lot of jokes does not make it a good show. I won't bother with a counter-argument about how Phineas and Ferb is good and better, because we all know none of you will read it or pay any attention to it, focusing more on how I've said that your beloved Spongebob is not a good show and never really was. So, go on, start attacking me for stating my opinion, even though I'm not even coming back to this forum and even if I did it wouldn't phase me in the least if someone says that I have no idea what I'm talking about and am a complete idiot for bashing one of the greatest cartoons ever, or some dribble like that. |