The timing of her showing up and almost running over Mako in the middle of the street, right after fighting the Equalists and right after the Fire Ferrets run into financial trouble is too much of a coincidence.
She's also too perfect, and clung onto Mako too fast. She seems to be hiding a lot. Likes the Chi-Blockers she also rides a moped, and wears wears similar helmet, goggles, jacket and sleeves. Also IIRC both the Future Industries factory and the held Equalist rally are in the Dragon Flats district
I think a great twist that could happen is not the reveal that she's an Equalist, but if she REALLY DOES fall for Mako and begins to have conflicting loyalties. One of the best movies I saw recently was a pretty graphic Chinese movie by Ang Lee called Lust, Caution where a young woman joins a Chinese resistance cell and is given a mission to seduce and assassinate a high ranking Japanese collaborator, but ends up falling in love with him. It's set in 1930's Shanghai during WWII which looks and feels a lot like Republic City, as it's one of the inspirations.
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