karatewolfpunk wrote: |
Hey Mr. and Mrs. Flirt! |
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
karatewolfpunk wrote: |
Hey Mr. and Mrs. Flirt! |
sluggmunki_tx wrote: | ||
Eh? |
karatewolfpunk wrote: |
(Katara's head is pressed against bathrrom door.) Katrina: (Walks up) Hey, what's up? Katara: Eric and Victor are showerng together. I still can't believe their gay. Katrina: Yeah, and you've known that for 5 years. (Both listen to Eric and Victor fooling around.) Eric: OH! What are you doing? Victor (sexy voice *sexier than normal )*: Trying something. Eric: OMG that feels so good! Victor: Try it on me. OH! OH ERIC! GOD THAT'S GOOD! (Some major sex noises issue out of them.) Katrina: EW! EW! EW! EWWWWWWWWW! I can watch homos have sex, but this is too much!!!!!!!!!! |
karatewolfpunk wrote: |
(KAtrina and Aang run into a room where Eric and Katara are sitting.) Aang: GUESS WHAT! GUESS WHAT! KAtara: You pickd up the milk finally? Aang: (Frowns) Oh, I forgot again. Anyways, (smiles) Katrina and I just got picked to run our own tv show! Eric: WHAT?! Katrina: We picked what it's called! Katara: What is it called? Katrina: How do you think we already picked a name for it in just ten minutes? KAtara: I don't know, sorry. Katrina: Well, we did, and it's called How Well You Know This Person? Eric: Wow, do you guess facts abotu celebrities or something. Katrina (slyly): Something like that. (Eric and Katara are watching tv.) tv: Next: How Well Do YOu Know This Person?. KAtara: I wonder if this will be good. Aang: Hi, I'm Aang. KAtrina: Hi, I'm Katrina. Tonight, the person Aang has to guess about is Eric Camarillo! Eric: WTF?! Aang: First question - Does Eric like radio? Katrina: Yes. Aang: When was the last time Eric had sex with a stripper? Katrina: Yesterday morning. Eric: (Katara glares at him) I'll explain later. (Continue watching) Aang: Who broke Eric's virginity? KAtrina: HIS TROMBONE! Aang: COrrect! KAtara: This game is stupid! Eric: I KNOW! IT WAS THE TUBA!!!!!!!!! |
air_gurl13 wrote: |
that's a funny one. Here: *Zuko and Jun are in bed* Zuko: So how was that. Jun: That was AMAZING. Zuko: Well no one does it better than me. Jun: Ummmm yeah sure. *The next day Jun, Katrina, Deb, and Katara are talking* Jun: Could you believe what he said. *starts laughing* Katara: Really is he joking himself. Deb: I've done better than him. Katrina: Yeah I know remember when we were both with him, he was screaming more than us combined. *laughs* Deb: Man we're two bad @$$ girls *high-fives with Katrina* Katara and Jun: What are you guys talking about? Katrina: Ummm... Nothing. Deb: What she said. Jun: Whatever I told him *Jumps to Zuko, Eric, Victor, and Aang talking* Zuko: Then she was like that was AMAZING and agreed with me when I said that no one does it better than me. Eric: I don't know who you're joking I've done much better than you an eighth of when I do it with the tuba Aang: *cough* daily *cough* Eric: well when I do it with the tuba it is way more fun! Victor: You do it with the tuba? Well Katrina is better than the tuba and Zuko combined. Aang: You've done it with Katrina? Well I've done it with Debbie. Victor: Well there is only one way to settle this let's see who's got a bigger ***** *they all stand up, put there pants down and compare* Victor: Seems like Aang's in first, Eric is second, Victor is third, and Zuko is last. Zuko: Hey! Mines is much bigger than Eric's look. *Grabs his and Eric's and compares them* Eric: That is soooo turning me on by you touching my *****. *Zuko and Eric start having steaming hot sex* Eric: OHHHH! Oh! OMG! THAT IS SURE SMALL BUT IT CAN FIND IT'S WAY THRU! Zuko: I'M JUST GETTING STARTED. ERIC: OOOOOOHHHHHHH!!! Aang and Victor just stare at them and get turned on by looking at them so they do it to. THE END I got so turned on writing this! I think I'll do what Katrina does when she gets turned on. |
karatewolfpunk wrote: | ||
So, I'm not the only one turned on by this? |
air_gurl13 wrote: | ||||
sluggmunki_tx wrote: | ||||||
I'M NOT GAY!!!!! |
air_gurl13 wrote: | ||||||||