The Fire Nation is in the middle of a war, but the Fire Lord seems to just sit around. The most serious threat, the avatar, he sent his children to deal with (first Zuko, then Azula). He sits in at War Meetings, but doesn't seem to contribute anything at all. He's usually seen sitting on his throne behind a wall of fire, but besides that, he doesn't do anything at all!
Apparently, he will upgrade his status to Pheinoex Lord, and get a new spiffy costume. But even with that, he still doesn't seem to do anything.
This is pretty pathetic since he is the leader of the Fire Nation and symbol for the "dark side". Aang's goal is to defeat the Fire Lord. What will this accomplish, since he doesn't do anything or is actively involved in the war in any way? Azula is more of a threat than him! Even evil Zuko was more of a threat than him!