kaybee_2 wrote: | ||||||
Me too! At least we'll die together!!! |
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
kaybee_2 wrote: | ||||||
Me too! At least we'll die together!!! |
rockon45 wrote: | ||||||||
kaybee_2 wrote: | ||||||||||
I think I'm going to go to bed now. The sooner I go to bed, the sooner it'll be tomorrow morning, and the sooner it's tomorrow morning the sooner it'll be tomorrow evening and I'll get to see the episode!!!! Goodnight! |
Falcondude123 wrote: |
Okay so it's been a while since I posted here(six and a half months to be exact). But back in my day I fought tooth and nail for Zutara. Don't get me wrong; I still think Zutara is the best ship in all of shipdom. It's just that it's finally sinking in to me that Kataang will probably win. Between the continued kisses and spouts of love from aang, the lack of objection from katara, and the fact that Mike and Bryan have repeatedly said Kataang was a done deal, it seems clear that Kataang has the upper hand. Heck, they always have. But this doesn't mean I'm giving up on Zutara; the two opposites of th series, who actually can literally see eye-to-eye(unlike Kataang), would make the ultimate love-conquers-all match. And as for Aang? Well, he's a monk, people. He's got vows and traditions to live up to, and limitations and stuff if ya know wut I mean. Anywho, if all else fails, he can make Taang fans or even Aangzula fans happy in the end. Yes, Kataang is winning. Has it won yet? HECK NO!! I have a sneaky feeling that the avatar is gonna do the whole "pearl harbor" movie thing and take a nasty shot thru the chest...again...but he wont get better this time...yeah...so then Zuko gets the babe...it could happen...it wud b just like Mike and Bryan to do something like that. So, I'm still a Zutara fan, thru and thu. |
This is how i see the ending.
Aang: Falls dead, killing ozai by sacrificing himeslf.
katara: "OMG Aang is dead. Zuko comfort me!"
zuko: "Of course, now he is out of the way we can be togehter!"
mai: "what about me?"
Katara:" i'm so happy, zuko."
zuko: "that aang is dead?"
katara: "who's aang?"
speechless8582 wrote: | ||
This is how i see the ending. Aang: Falls dead, killing ozai by sacrificing himeslf. katara: "OMG Aang is dead. Zuko comfort me!" zuko: "Of course, now he is out of the way we can be togehter!" mai: "what about me?" zuko"..." Katara:" i'm so happy, zuko." zuko: "that aang is dead?" katara: "who's aang?" XD |
Then a fireball nearly hits Katara, but Zuko pushes her out of the way, landing on top of her. I laughed to hard when I saw that !!
ElysianGem wrote: | ||||
Then a fireball nearly hits Katara, but Zuko pushes her out of the way, landing on top of her. I laughed to hard when I saw that |
speechless8582 wrote: | ||||||
lulz Kataangers laughing at Zutara coincidences? AU!?
lol someone better post a screen cap of that in the 'adult' board.
evilraven92 wrote: |
I loves Zutara but katara already has aang so that is gone and then zuko has mai who we've just seen give everything up for him so yeah its going to be kataang and .... zutai? zuko and mai |
post containing the southern raiders information, dont read if you havent seen the episode or dont want to be spoiled. dont say i didnt warn you..
well it looked a LOT like a zutara ep for TSR, but it still really seemed like only friendship i doubt it will go anymore. kataang will prevail. p.s. its kinda a lot like COD, probably just to keep us on the edge of our seats for the outcome
iron-fence wrote: |
zutara its so awsome but we need to kill aang and mai |
Okay I know many people like Zutara (for some reason) but it's not going to happen. Most people (Zutarians) focus on these main things...
1. Katara and Zuko hug- Okay, she hugged him as a "thanks you" for helping her find her mothers killer.
2. Katara and Zuko holding hands- Well for one, their not. The bad quality in the pictures and videos may be the reason people think this is happening.
3. Aang kisses Katara and she pulls away- We don't really know the reason for this yet, but many people think that this means Katara doesn't like the way she used to. Most likely, this isn't the case.
Note that those are just the key points of Season 3 (Fire). There have, without a doubt, been some Zutara momments. But Kataang completely out matches this. Not to mention the fact the Aang and Katara kissed before the invasion (and Katara looked like she enjoyed it.). The only reason she looked sad afterward was because that might have been the last time she would have seen him.
I also think that people are forgetting the fact the Zuko is with Mai. Now, I know that they've comfirmed that the two have broken upbut I highly doubt that it will stay like that. Mai and Ty Lee were arrested after they betrayed Azula. I have a theory that during the second invasion (finale) Zuko and the other will rescue their friends from prison. This isn't unlikely since the finale is a shocking two hours long. That's more than enough time for them to save the others. I'm sure after Zuko gets Mai out, he apologizes and then BAM! The're a couple again. Zutara, what a sight that will be. I'm with Kataang all the way. I'm not just saying this to shoot Zutara down, I'm just looking at the facts. I know Katara forgave Zuko (sort of), but she didn't forgive him enough to just fall in love with him in five episodes. Come on be real. It took way more episodes than that for Katara to even show Aang that she loved him. So there. This war should be over. Zutara falls with the rise of KATAANG.
SapphireStones wrote: |
And if we had to kill either Aang or Mai for Zutara, i'd definetely pick aang. mai's way too cool. lol |
speechless8582 wrote: | ||
And i have nothing wrong with fanon!zutarians, its for reasons like killing other characters for the ship that i have come to dislike some canon!zutarians. |
speechless8582 wrote: | ||
And i have nothing wrong with fanon!zutarians, its for reasons like killing other characters for the ship that i have come to dislike some canon!zutarians. |