This topic will count down to the first episode in the "Avatar Final" week and then follow up with the next episode the next day and so on, until the four episode final saturday the 19th.
The next episode(s) is the Avatar: The Last Airbender Series Finale; a 2-hour long episode/movie.
It have four parts, which will air as follows:
Sozin's Comet Part 1: The Pheonix King, will air Saturday, July 19th, at 8:00 p.m.
Sozin's Comet Part 2: The Old Masters, will air Saturday, July 19th, at 8:30 p.m.
Sozin's Comet Part 3: Into The Inferno, will air Saturday, July 19th, at 9:00 p.m.
Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang, will air Saturday, July 19th, at 9:30 p.m.
EDIT2: Just converted the thread into a discussion thread.
I will recommend you to post the remaining time period in this thread so people who randomly passes through this forum/thread will eventually reach the popular "CAN'T WAIT!!one1!! XD" mood, we all know so well. Hopefully with their newly gained excitement they will follow your example and post a more updated time period. In the end this will create a extreme proportional increase of "can't wait"-ness that will level the Avatar Final with New Years Eve and make proud fans jump in the air in the moment of truth and/or alternatively make them pee their so called pants out of pure excitement!
Avatar we can't wait!!
Edited 54 total times.