I know the show is called "The Last Airbender", but i just can't truly believe that every other Air Nomad is gone. I just highly doubt that (Avatar or not) the Fire Nation would waste valuable time and resources with making sure every Air Nomad was dead. Resources that could have been used to attack the Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom (the 2 nations that will actually fight them). And lets face the Fire Nation attack forces aren't all that efficient (I mean, gather every powerful Earthbender they caught in one location? Trying to fight water with fire, are you serious!? And lets not forget hunting Dragons, the very creatures that gave them their power!). So what i'm saying, is that in my opinion, there should be at least a select few Airbenders that escaped the attack. And before you pull the "Last Airbender" card on me, may i remind those who watch "Ben 10" that the number of Aliens far exceeds 10. So subtitles do not always stay accurate.
Edited on 07/19/2008 1:02pm