OK I???ve noticed that when it comes to Ozai everyone thinks he???s pure evil. I on the other hand don???t see him as an evil man???Not a saint by any means of the imagination but not evil.
??Now I???ve seen this episode many times and I see it this way. First of all Zuko wasn???t meant to be at that war meeting in the first place so he should have kept his mouth shut for the entire duration. But he not only spoke out of turn but he spoke out against one can assume a very important general and his plan. Now let???s stop and look at the situation. Ozai never said what his opinion was on the general???s plan. Now it is know what happens to people who are out of line in war discussion, an Agni Kai is instigated. We know that this is a normal occurrence because but Iroh and Lieutenant Lee know what the penalty would be. Now keep in mind that when Zuko thought he was going to face the general he said he wasn???t afraid to fight for his honor.
Now we go to the Agni Kai???And when it is Ozai that Zuko must face he begins to beg for mercy???After just telling everyone in the war chamber he wasn???t afraid to fight. Now many would see Ozai???s temperament towards Zuko at this point as cold and evil. I don???t remember that Ozai gave Zuko Three chances to fight him and all Zuko did was beg for mercy and cry. What was Ozai supposed to do? Just say ???Oh it???s OK Zuko that you completely disrespected me and everyone that was in the War Room and that you have shown the worst act of cowardice I???ve ever seen.????? Ozai had to scar his son it was and Agni Kai for not only Zuko and Ozai???s honor but for the honor of the generals in the war room. He had no choice in that and Zuko forced his hand.
Now let???s move right after the Agni Kai. Now if Zuko had fought his father the worst thing that would happen to him have been a scar, but he would have never been banished and if anything Ozai may have respected him more for fighting for what he believed in. But no Zuko was a coward in that fight and Ozai had to punish him for that. Now we all know that Ozai had Azula still and that she is a far better fighter and bender than Zuko is and as many people have stated Ozai???s ???Favorite??? since he had Azula he could have killed Zuko but he didn???t. He allowed him to live and not only that but gave him an opportunity to return home. Given catching the Avatar isn???t the simplest task but at least he gave him a chance. And even Iroh said in Avatar State that his Father cares for Zuko and I agree with that.
Now to the season 1 finale when Ozai said ???Iroh is a traitor and your brother Zuko is a failure.??? ???Is he wrong? Iroh is a traitor because he attacked his superior officer (Zhao) and possibly cost the FN its victory at the North Pole. I???m not saying Zhao was right because he wasn???t but when you attack your superior that makes you a traitor. Now to Zuko, He has had three years to capture the Avatar and he has failed to do that even when given numerous chances in doing so, so Zuko is indeed a failure.
Let???s take a look at Ozai sending Azula to capture Iroh and Zuko. The key word here is Capture since Iroh is a traitor and Zuko is an embarrassment to his nation if he hated them and if he didn???t care for them he would have sent Azula to kill them but he sent her to catch them and bring them back.
That???s the core of my argument and I???d like to say one last thing.
Ozai loves his family. From his wife, Azula, and yes even his brother and Son he???s just a hard man who is in the middle of a war.
??Any thoughts?