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Ozai Different Point of View.

  • Avatar of Miroku_of_Nite1


    [41]Dec 14, 2006
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    Since I don't feel like reading all of this right now, since I got work in 8 hours and I need to go to sleep I will but this in a easy to understand way.

    There is always two sides to a story.
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  • Avatar of ISpeakTheTruth


    [42]Dec 15, 2006
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    PrimoNation wrote:
    ISpeakTheTruth wrote:
    PrimoNation wrote:
    ISpeakTheTruth wrote:

    Ozai loves his family. From his wife, Azula, and yes even his brother and Son he???s just a hard man who is in the middle of a war.

    I??didn't have a??problem with everything that was written, until this statement.?? Ozai may be fond of his family, but love... I don't think so.?? Ozai's love is for power.?? This is displayed in him requesting a meeting with the Fire Lord for the sole purpose of superseceding his brother to the throne.?? And how about his timing??? Oh yeah,??immediately after his brother lost his son to the war.?? NOW - does that sound like somebody who loves his brother?

    2nd:?? that was??not a look of father's love when Zuko stepped forward to demonstrate to??for his grandfather. Looked more??like a look of disgust.?? Again,??Ozai loves power and apparently he??knew that Azula's firebending had matured faster and??was more powerful which is EXACTLY why he choose to have Azula demonstrate.

    3rd:?? I'm not??yet convinced that it wasn't him that had something??to to with why Ursa had to flee in the first place.?? Afterall, if as most have speculated, Ursa was somehow responsible for Azulon's death, why hasn't??he, as the Fire Lord, pardoned??her so she could return.?? Better yet, as Fire Lord, why didn't he just keep everything under wraps considering??I think we all agree that Azulon's death wasn't just a mere coincidence.??

    Finally, Ozai may have been living during the war, but he was far from the middle of it.?? His brother was commanding troops; he was living the royal life at home in the comforts of the Fire Nation.?? Doesn't sound like much of a hardship to me.?? And yes, Ozai loves Azula... why? - because she has power.

    Alright let's have at it.

    1) Yeah his timing trying to take Iroh's posistion was cruel but he did have to do it eventuallly since Iroh didn't have any line after him, Ozai was the only one that still had children to follow him.

    2) Ozai was trying to show Azulon that his children were worthy of taking his place after he died. So let's see if your goal is to show someone that your children are worthy of something wouldnt' you pick the kid that was actually good? No I have a better idea I'll have the one that's bad show off that'll do it. ????And disgust? all we saw was a frown.

    3) We have no information about anything about Azulon's death and Ursa so let's leave this alone until we actually know something.

    4) Ozai loves Zuko too, if he didnt' care about him he would have killed him in that Agni Kai. Heck let's go back to that match if he didn't care about Zuko than he wouldn't have basically begged him to stand up and fight him instead of cowering on his knees, if he didn't care he would have banished him without any way of coming home but he didn't he gave his son a chance to earn back respect and come home.

    Let's not forget that almost everything about Zuko being bannished was Zuko's fault.

    And Ozai did not have to show his children were worthy to take the throne, their birthright ensures that.?? He wanted to show-off Azula's prodigy status as he put it.?? And his look on his face was anything BUT love when Zuko stood up.?? You might think it wasn't disgust, but it was hardly pride or love.... at best, irratation.?? And as a parent, I would not look upon my child like that at all.?? He was 'irratated' because Zuko spoke out of turn (yet again) which was interrupting his strategically laid plane to 'dress to impress' with his father to get him to bypass his first born.

    As for begging him to get up during the Agni Kai... it was more like a direct order.?? Yeah, he could have killed him - but how would that look to his subjects??? He basically banished him to a mission that was declared, as Zhao mentioned once, a wild goose chase.?? Everyone in the Fire Nation believed that the Avatar had been destroyed somehow and that Zuko's quest was all for naught.?? So he did not give his son a chance to earn respect and come back home; more like he killed 2 birds with 1 stone.?? Got Iroh out of any part he may have been able to play during war strategy and got Zuko out of dodge to open the door for his beloved prodigy Azula.

    If you love a child, you are not going to banish them to a life away from you... not to mention his reaction upon the defeat at the North Pole.????And I quote, "Iroh is a traitor and your brother Zuko is a failure.".... hmmm.... nothing in there about 'thank goodness, Zuko wasn't killed by those pirates as earlier reported'... or 'my brother, I'm sure he had good reason to do what he did, I must talk to him right away, afterall he is one of the fire nation's top ranking generals'..... Nope, those are definitely negative comments with no love included with them at all.

    But basically its just an opinion and yep, my personal opinion is he is power hungry... always has been, always will be.?? And like father, like daughter.?? But of course, nothing will be answered until the next season because I'm sure like they have always done, the writers/creators will tie up their loose ends.

    Zuko has a tendancy to do and say whatever comes stomping into his head first in front of Azulon. Now all we saw was a frown so you have no grounds to say he's disgusted or doesn't love him it means he's not happy with what he did and what he did was act without being told to. Now Ozai knew that Zuko was just going to fail badly infront of Azulon that's why he wasnt' happy and low and behold after Azulon saw Zuko's failure he was mad at Ozai for waisting his time!

    Now let's look at the Agni Kai if Ozai didn't care about Zuko than why would he order him to fight? Let's step back for a minute and recap what happened, after Zuko insulted both the general and his father by speaking out of tern he was told that he had to compete in an Agni Kai when Zuko thought he'd be fighting the old general he stated that he wasnt' affraid to fight him. But when it turns out the be Ozai what does Zuko do he falls on his knees beggs forgivness and crys like a baby. Now where is this all happening? It's happening in the middle of a huge stadium infront of a couple hundred of (we can assume from a few attendence: Iroh, Zhao, and Azula) the most important people in the FN. Now keep in mind that Zuko had said he wasnt' affraid to fight and now he's begging and crying infront of them without even a fight. What was Ozai supposed to do, his son was now guilty of having no respect, being a lier, and now being a coward. If Ozai didn't care about Zuko than he would have scared him the moment he fell on his knees but instead he gave Zuko about two or three chances for him to be a man and fight but Zuko won't. Now we know that the FN is full of bad people I don't think they'd care if Zuko was killed because odds are they know the story as to why this Agni Kai is going on in the first place but all Ozai did is burn him and banish him. Now if Zuko had done the right thing and fought his father the worst thing that would have happend is he would have been scared but he would still be home because standing up for himself wouldn't have shown 'shameful weakness' and thing would more or less be the same.

    As far as the quest for the Avatar is concerned let's look at what we know we know that Sozin, Azulon, and Ozai all spent years trying to find the avatar so obviously they didn't think it was as hopeless as Zhao did.

    Let's look at the season 1 finale comments by Ozai: "Iroh is a traitore and your bother Zuko is a failure."...Is he wrong? Iroh did betray the FN when he attacked Zhao, the fact that Zhao was wrong doesn't matter he attacked the leader of the North Pole invasion. And in the season 2 finale Iroh wanted Zuko to side with the avatar...That's betral right there in black and white! And are you going to say that Zuko isn't a failure? He's had multiple times to capture Aang and every time he's failed. So basically Ozai's only crime there is Speaking The Truth.

    One more thing about the pirates trying to kill Zuko when Iroh was talking to Zhao about the event Zhao was calmly and happily drinking tea then when Iroh said that Ozai would be angry to hear of who really 'killed' Zuko Zhao stopped drinking and got very nervous. Now why would he get nervous if Ozai doesn't??care about Zuko? Remember that Iroh and Zhao are two people that know Ozai very well and they know who he does and doesnt' care for and by Zhao's reaction he knew that if it was revealed to Ozai that he killed Zuko that Zhao would be imprisioned or worse.

    My take.

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  • Avatar of tico1125


    [43]Dec 15, 2006
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    ISpeakTheTruth wrote:
    PrimoNation wrote:
    ISpeakTheTruth wrote:
    PrimoNation wrote:
    ISpeakTheTruth wrote:

    Ozai loves his family. From his wife, Azula, and yes even his brother and Son he???s just a hard man who is in the middle of a war.

    I didn't have a problem with everything that was written, until this statement. Ozai may be fond of his family, but love... I don't think so. Ozai's love is for power. This is displayed in him requesting a meeting with the Fire Lord for the sole purpose of superseceding his brother to the throne. And how about his timing? Oh yeah, immediately after his brother lost his son to the war. NOW - does that sound like somebody who loves his brother?

    2nd: that was not a look of father's love when Zuko stepped forward to demonstrate to for his grandfather. Looked more like a look of disgust. Again, Ozai loves power and apparently he knew that Azula's firebending had matured faster and was more powerful which is EXACTLY why he choose to have Azula demonstrate.

    3rd: I'm not yet convinced that it wasn't him that had something to to with why Ursa had to flee in the first place. Afterall, if as most have speculated, Ursa was somehow responsible for Azulon's death, why hasn't he, as the Fire Lord, pardoned her so she could return. Better yet, as Fire Lord, why didn't he just keep everything under wraps considering I think we all agree that Azulon's death wasn't just a mere coincidence.

    Finally, Ozai may have been living during the war, but he was far from the middle of it. His brother was commanding troops; he was living the royal life at home in the comforts of the Fire Nation. Doesn't sound like much of a hardship to me. And yes, Ozai loves Azula... why? - because she has power.

    Alright let's have at it.

    1) Yeah his timing trying to take Iroh's posistion was cruel but he did have to do it eventuallly since Iroh didn't have any line after him, Ozai was the only one that still had children to follow him.

    2) Ozai was trying to show Azulon that his children were worthy of taking his place after he died. So let's see if your goal is to show someone that your children are worthy of something wouldnt' you pick the kid that was actually good? No I have a better idea I'll have the one that's bad show off that'll do it. And disgust? all we saw was a frown.

    3) We have no information about anything about Azulon's death and Ursa so let's leave this alone until we actually know something.

    4) Ozai loves Zuko too, if he didnt' care about him he would have killed him in that Agni Kai. Heck let's go back to that match if he didn't care about Zuko than he wouldn't have basically begged him to stand up and fight him instead of cowering on his knees, if he didn't care he would have banished him without any way of coming home but he didn't he gave his son a chance to earn back respect and come home.

    Let's not forget that almost everything about Zuko being bannished was Zuko's fault.

    And Ozai did not have to show his children were worthy to take the throne, their birthright ensures that. He wanted to show-off Azula's prodigy status as he put it. And his look on his face was anything BUT love when Zuko stood up. You might think it wasn't disgust, but it was hardly pride or love.... at best, irratation. And as a parent, I would not look upon my child like that at all. He was 'irratated' because Zuko spoke out of turn (yet again) which was interrupting his strategically laid plane to 'dress to impress' with his father to get him to bypass his first born.

    As for begging him to get up during the Agni Kai... it was more like a direct order. Yeah, he could have killed him - but how would that look to his subjects? He basically banished him to a mission that was declared, as Zhao mentioned once, a wild goose chase. Everyone in the Fire Nation believed that the Avatar had been destroyed somehow and that Zuko's quest was all for naught. So he did not give his son a chance to earn respect and come back home; more like he killed 2 birds with 1 stone. Got Iroh out of any part he may have been able to play during war strategy and got Zuko out of dodge to open the door for his beloved prodigy Azula.

    If you love a child, you are not going to banish them to a life away from you... not to mention his reaction upon the defeat at the North Pole. And I quote, "Iroh is a traitor and your brother Zuko is a failure.".... hmmm.... nothing in there about 'thank goodness, Zuko wasn't killed by those pirates as earlier reported'... or 'my brother, I'm sure he had good reason to do what he did, I must talk to him right away, afterall he is one of the fire nation's top ranking generals'..... Nope, those are definitely negative comments with no love included with them at all.

    But basically its just an opinion and yep, my personal opinion is he is power hungry... always has been, always will be. And like father, like daughter. But of course, nothing will be answered until the next season because I'm sure like they have always done, the writers/creators will tie up their loose ends.

    Zuko has a tendancy to do and say whatever comes stomping into his head first in front of Azulon. Now all we saw was a frown so you have no grounds to say he's disgusted or doesn't love him it means he's not happy with what he did and what he did was act without being told to. Now Ozai knew that Zuko was just going to fail badly infront of Azulon that's why he wasnt' happy and low and behold after Azulon saw Zuko's failure he was mad at Ozai for waisting his time!

    Now let's look at the Agni Kai if Ozai didn't care about Zuko than why would he order him to fight? Let's step back for a minute and recap what happened, after Zuko insulted both the general and his father by speaking out of tern he was told that he had to compete in an Agni Kai when Zuko thought he'd be fighting the old general he stated that he wasnt' affraid to fight him. But when it turns out the be Ozai what does Zuko do he falls on his knees beggs forgivness and crys like a baby. Now where is this all happening? It's happening in the middle of a huge stadium infront of a couple hundred of (we can assume from a few attendence: Iroh, Zhao, and Azula) the most important people in the FN. Now keep in mind that Zuko had said he wasnt' affraid to fight and now he's begging and crying infront of them without even a fight. What was Ozai supposed to do, his son was now guilty of having no respect, being a lier, and now being a coward. If Ozai didn't care about Zuko than he would have scared him the moment he fell on his knees but instead he gave Zuko about two or three chances for him to be a man and fight but Zuko won't. Now we know that the FN is full of bad people I don't think they'd care if Zuko was killed because odds are they know the story as to why this Agni Kai is going on in the first place but all Ozai did is burn him and banish him. Now if Zuko had done the right thing and fought his father the worst thing that would have happend is he would have been scared but he would still be home because standing up for himself wouldn't have shown 'shameful weakness' and thing would more or less be the same.

    As far as the quest for the Avatar is concerned let's look at what we know we know that Sozin, Azulon, and Ozai all spent years trying to find the avatar so obviously they didn't think it was as hopeless as Zhao did.

    Let's look at the season 1 finale comments by Ozai: "Iroh is a traitore and your bother Zuko is a failure."...Is he wrong? Iroh did betray the FN when he attacked Zhao, the fact that Zhao was wrong doesn't matter he attacked the leader of the North Pole invasion. And in the season 2 finale Iroh wanted Zuko to side with the avatar...That's betral right there in black and white! And are you going to say that Zuko isn't a failure? He's had multiple times to capture Aang and every time he's failed. So basically Ozai's only crime there is Speaking The Truth.

    One more thing about the pirates trying to kill Zuko when Iroh was talking to Zhao about the event Zhao was calmly and happily drinking tea then when Iroh said that Ozai would be angry to hear of who really 'killed' Zuko Zhao stopped drinking and got very nervous. Now why would he get nervous if Ozai doesn't care about Zuko? Remember that Iroh and Zhao are two people that know Ozai very well and they know who he does and doesnt' care for and by Zhao's reaction he knew that if it was revealed to Ozai that he killed Zuko that Zhao would be imprisioned or worse.

    My take.

    Ok. This is a very interesting topic to discuss. In fact I like some of your theories here. However there are a few things that might come up in the 3rd season that will prove you wrong.

    Lets look at the family unit as a whole first. We will use theories with first and second born. Then we will explore favoritism and finally I will conclude with what is more than likely happening in the storyline that we don't know yet.

    The family unit was Azulon, his two sons Iroh and Ozai and no wife that we know of. Then Iroh had his son and no wife that we know of. Ozai had Zuko, Azula, and was married to Ursa. One trend that I see here that was broken is a female influence. From what we know we never saw Ozai and Iroh's mother. Therefore in good theory they were brought up by Azulon. So they learned nothing but war from their father whom learned it from his father Sozin (sp?). Now Iroh had his son and they together went to conquer BSS where Iroh lost his son. Ozai still had his kids. The only difference though was Ursa who had compassion if you judge by the turtle duck scene.

    Now as for first and second born thing. Generally people would think that first born is put on a pedestal and the second is not. However look at the culture to which Zuko is living in. Ozai wants to teach Zuko to be strong so that he can run the fire nation one day but he probably figures that Zuko will get killed one day because he does not have the skills that Azula does. So he disregards Zuko in many ways to hope that his son will continue fighting for his love. Now Ozai does care for his son but he wants the person that is going to continue the family legacy (The War) with great honor, skill, and cunning. So he has been preparing Azula for that role. He sees weakness in Zuko and the reason why is because of Ursa. Even Ursa praised him for his attempt to show off his skills to Azulon. So Ozai knows he lost that bond. Which brings me to the next topic of favoritism.

    With favoritism it is well known that fathers get along with their daughters and mothers have more of a bond with their sons. It happens in the real world and in Avatar. It is not until the children are older when the bonds shift. The daughter bonds with the mother because the mother can share more experiences with her. The father and son can relate more to each other too. So it is known that Iroh was favored by Azulon by his reaction to Ozai's request for revocation of Iroh's rights. In reality though it was not necessary to revoke his rights because if Iroh died then the next of kin is the FL. No kids then you have to go to brothers or sisters of the FL. I am not sure how Ozai convinced Azulon but it did happen. Then Ursa went missing and Azulon died. Ozai took the throne. Now Ozai's clear favorite is Azula because she shows strength where Zuko has weakness. So Ozai wants her to rule because she will carry on the war.

    Now this brings me to a theory on everything that has happened. This theory has been discussed on this forum and I have extended to what you are about to read. BEWARE THAT THIS MAY BE A MAJOR SPOILER!!!!

    Ursa is missing. They never said she is dead. So a big sign of what might have happened was with the symbolism of the turtle duck scene. She said that mommy's bite back when one of their children are harmed. So it has been theorized that she had a great bond with Zuko more than Azula. She probably had it not only because of the mother son relationship but because she knew that he might someday be the heir to the throne. So she wanted to teach him compassion in hopes that he would be the one to end the war. When Azulon told Ozai that he needs to kill his first born. She probably heard about it and put herself forward instead. Maybe Agni Kai against Azulon and she lost so she was banished from the Fire Nation. Now because she seemed to keep tight ties with Iroh (Based upon the letter that he sent to her and the kids not Ozai) she may have contacted him to hear about how Zuko was doing. Then when she found out about Zuko being banished she asked Iroh to go with him to continue teaching him compassion and the path of righteousness. I am willing to bet that next season she is going to be revealed and this is what may have happened. She may not have been banished for an Agni Kai but maybe to replace her son not in death but to be banished. That way Ozai did not have a wife to whisper in his ear.

    Edited on 12/15/2006 2:43pm
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  • Avatar of ISpeakTheTruth


    [44]Dec 15, 2006
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    About your last paragraph:

    I too think that Ursa is alive but I'm not so sure about her keeping in touch with Iroh or anyone else for that matter. Ever since Iroh lost his son he took Zuko under his wing as his own and I feel that when Zuko was banished that Iroh followed him without having to be told.

    Also if Iroh knew Ursa was alive wouldn't he have told Zuko this?

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  • Avatar of PrincessAura


    [45]Dec 15, 2006
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    "ISpeakTheTruth" - Zuko has a tendancy to do and say whatever comes stomping into his head first in front of Azulon. Now all we saw was a frown so you have no grounds to say he's disgusted or doesn't love him it means he's not happy with what he did and what he did was act without being told to. Now Ozai knew that Zuko was just going to fail badly infront of Azulon that's why he wasnt' happy and low and behold after Azulon saw Zuko's failure he was mad at Ozai for waisting his time!

    His reaction could be interpreted another way. Clearly Azulon just wanted Ozai to say what he wanted so his frustration could very well have been with the entire show being put on for him?? rather then JUST at Zuko.

    Now let's look at the Agni Kai if Ozai didn't care about Zuko than why would he order him to fight? Let's step back for a minute and recap what happened, after Zuko insulted both the general and his father by speaking out of tern he was told that he had to compete in an Agni Kai when Zuko thought he'd be fighting the old general he stated that he wasnt' affraid to fight him. But when it turns out the be Ozai what does Zuko do he falls on his knees beggs forgivness and crys like a baby. Now where is this all happening? It's happening in the middle of a huge stadium infront of a couple hundred of (we can assume from a few attendence: Iroh, Zhao, and Azula) the most important people in the FN. Now keep in mind that Zuko had said he wasnt' afraid to fight and now he's begging and crying infront of them without even a fight. What was Ozai supposed to do, his son was now guilty of having no respect, being a lier, and now being a coward.

    Here's where this argument falls apart. Ozai believeing that refusing to fight someone's own father is cowardice is a flaw in his character, not Zuko's. It shows a complete disregard for Zuko's love for him.

    If Ozai didn't care about Zuko than he would have scared him the moment he fell on his knees but instead he gave Zuko about two or three chances for him to be a man and fight but Zuko won't.

    Once again we have the complete disregard for Zuko's love. And how exactly does timing show caring??? He didn't scar Zuko at the beginning of the fight? So what? He still scarred him. Also, ordering someone to get up and fight is not giving them a chance to do anything. He was walking toward him and would've scarred him anyway. Zuko was no match for his father. Caring would've been to not scar him at all and if he simply felt that Zuko was being shameful in his "weakness" he could've banished him right at the beginning or restricted him to an area where no one could see him within the Fire Nation itself.

    Now we know that the FN is full of bad people I don't think they'd care if Zuko was killed because odds are they know the story as to why this Agni Kai is going on in the first place but all Ozai did is burn him and banish him. Now if Zuko had done the right thing and fought his father the worst thing that would have happend is he would have been scared but he would still be home because standing up for himself wouldn't have shown 'shameful weakness' and thing would more or less be the same.

    None of this is any reflection on Ozai or his "caring" for Zuko. Once again, scarring him, just like thinking he's a coward, shows a complete disregard for Zuko no matter when he did?? it or if Zuko had tried to fight him back.

    As far as the quest for the Avatar is concerned let's look at what we know we know that Sozin, Azulon, and Ozai all spent years trying to find the avatar so obviously they didn't think it was as hopeless as Zhao did.

    Actually that only supports the point that it was hopeless. They'd been trying for one hundred years to find this guy and they hadn't yet, why would anyone think that Zuko could do it now. Besides Zhao is not the only one who thought the search was pointless, Iroh stated as much with the exact same reason I just said and Katara's narration for the first ep said that most believed Aang had died with the rest of the airbenders.

    Let's look at the season 1 finale comments by Ozai: "Iroh is a traitore and your bother Zuko is a failure."...Is he wrong? Iroh did betray the FN when he attacked Zhao, the fact that Zhao was wrong doesn't matter he attacked the leader of the North Pole invasion. And in the season 2 finale Iroh wanted Zuko to side with the avatar...That's betral right there in black and white! And are you going to say that Zuko isn't a failure? He's had multiple times to capture Aang and every time he's failed. So basically Ozai's only crime there is Speaking The Truth.

    I agree here but that really shows nothing good (or bad technically) about Ozai.

    One more thing about the pirates trying to kill Zuko when Iroh was talking to Zhao about the event Zhao was calmly and happily drinking tea then when Iroh said that Ozai would be angry to hear of who really 'killed' Zuko Zhao stopped drinking and got very nervous. Now why would he get nervous if Ozai doesn't care about Zuko? Remember that Iroh and Zhao are two people that know Ozai very well and they know who he does and doesnt' care for and by Zhao's reaction he knew that if it was revealed to Ozai that he killed Zuko that Zhao would be imprisioned or worse.

    Well motivation has to be a factor here. Who said that Zhao would be imprisoned or worse because Ozai cared about Zuko rather then because he'd commited the very serious crime of killing the Prince of?? the Fire Nation? Zuko's power had been diminished in the first season but he hadn't lost the royal status of Prince itself. Everyone, including Iroh called him Prince Zuko. How would it reflect on Ozai and his absolute power to let his son be killed, by pirates no less?

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  • Avatar of ardron


    [46]Dec 15, 2006
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    ISpeakTheTruth wrote:

    OK I???ve noticed that when it comes to Ozai everyone thinks he???s pure evil. I on the other hand don???t see him as an evil man???Not a saint by any means of the imagination but not evil.

    ??Now I???ve seen this episode many times and I see it this way. First of all Zuko wasn???t meant to be at that war meeting in the first place so he should have kept his mouth shut for the entire duration. But he not only spoke out of turn but he spoke out against one can assume a very important general and his plan. Now let???s stop and look at the situation. Ozai never said what his opinion was on the general???s plan. Now it is know what happens to people who are out of line in war discussion, an Agni Kai is instigated. We know that this is a normal occurrence because but Iroh and Lieutenant Lee know what the penalty would be. Now keep in mind that when Zuko thought he was going to face the general he said he wasn???t afraid to fight for his honor.

    Now we go to the Agni Kai???And when it is Ozai that Zuko must face he begins to beg for mercy???After just telling everyone in the war chamber he wasn???t afraid to fight. Now many would see Ozai???s temperament towards Zuko at this point as cold and evil. I don???t remember that Ozai gave Zuko Three chances to fight him and all Zuko did was beg for mercy and cry. What was Ozai supposed to do? Just say ???Oh it???s OK Zuko that you completely disrespected me and everyone that was in the War Room and that you have shown the worst act of cowardice I???ve ever seen.????? Ozai had to scar his son it was and Agni Kai for not only Zuko and Ozai???s honor but for the honor of the generals in the war room. He had no choice in that and Zuko forced his hand.

    Now let???s move right after the Agni Kai. Now if Zuko had fought his father the worst thing that would happen to him have been a scar, but he would have never been banished and if anything Ozai may have respected him more for fighting for what he believed in. But no Zuko was a coward in that fight and Ozai had to punish him for that. Now we all know that Ozai had Azula still and that she is a far better fighter and bender than Zuko is and as many people have stated Ozai???s ???Favorite??? since he had Azula he could have killed Zuko but he didn???t. He allowed him to live and not only that but gave him an opportunity to return home. Given catching the Avatar isn???t the simplest task but at least he gave him a chance. And even Iroh said in Avatar State that his Father cares for Zuko and I agree with that.

    Now to the season 1 finale when Ozai said ???Iroh is a traitor and your brother Zuko is a failure.??? ???Is he wrong? Iroh is a traitor because he attacked his superior officer (Zhao) and possibly cost the FN its victory at the North Pole. I???m not saying Zhao was right because he wasn???t but when you attack your superior that makes you a traitor. Now to Zuko, He has had three years to capture the Avatar and he has failed to do that even when given numerous chances in doing so, so Zuko is indeed a failure.

    Let???s take a look at Ozai sending Azula to capture Iroh and Zuko. The key word here is Capture since Iroh is a traitor and Zuko is an embarrassment to his nation if he d them and if he didn???t care for them he would have sent Azula to but he sent her to catch them and bring them back.

    That???s the core of my argument and I???d like to say one last thing.

    Ozai loves his family. From his wife, Azula, and yes even his brother and Son he???s just a hard man who is in the middle of a war.

    ??Any thoughts?

    I agree. You presented your opinion in a very logical and influencial way.

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  • Avatar of tico1125


    [47]Dec 15, 2006
    • member since: 10/24/06
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    ISpeakTheTruth wrote:

    About your last paragraph:

    I too think that Ursa is alive but I'm not so sure about her keeping in touch with Iroh or anyone else for that matter. Ever since Iroh lost his son he took Zuko under his wing as his own and I feel that when Zuko was banished that Iroh followed him without having to be told.

    Also if Iroh knew Ursa was alive wouldn't he have told Zuko this?

    She may have asked Iroh to not say anything until Zuko is purified.?? If he finds out too soon about the truth with his mom then he will have more turmoil within him.?? Now according to the Guru it seems that the Chakras get clouded by inner turmoil.?? That is what stands in the way with Zuko.?? He has had so much conflict within him throughout the whole story.?? So at this point Zuko has a clearer head.?? He is able to think straight and I am betting that Zuko is prepared for Azula.?? Next season he is going to take care of her and show his true good side.?? That is when Iroh will reveal the truth.?? Now this is all speculation but it is very feasible.?? Also keep in mind that Iroh was very close to the kids and Ursa as I pointed out.?? Ursa seemed to have no problem communicating with him in letters when he was at BSS.??
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