Ok, I honestly think he is evil, i mean even if agni kai was political, he was the kimg, he could avoid it! I have a question:
It's obvious he wanted Zuko away from him, he seems to hate him, Why? I mean, he alredy was FL, and remember in Azulon funeral , he said "it was my father's will that I'd take the trhone" (actually I dunno if it was him or a priest)??So if he believed Zuko's IQ wasn't enought to be FL, he can still that stipulate??his will is Azula becoming FLady, why did he humilliated his own son, then?
I have 2 teories:
1??- Zuko reminds him those days when he almost fail to get the trhone, he reminds him Ursa, which makes him unhappy, and, most of all, I think Ozai was the brother that had lucky to be borned, while Iroh borned lucky,(remember??he got really mad when Ozai tried to betray Iroh) ??so Zuko, as the eldest son, remins him all Azulon's hate for him.
2??- (the most improblable, the one I like the most, tought) Ozai fears him for something like a profecy, or an Aunt Wu prediction, about: "Your son is going to be stronger than you, he'll stop this war, before FN Becomes an empire, and he will deathrone you" So he tought that if he let him go, Zuko wouldn't be a menace.
I think that, because I have realised that in each story with a profecy, the actions that people make to avoid them is the reason of they becoming true. For example Macbet, or Harry Potter... And it would be a perfect twist, first we saw Zuko begging for forgivenness, and then Ozai fearing his son.
Also, many people think that Zuko will end Aangs training, but that he'll have to open his owns chakras, as aang did, becoming the most powerful Fmaster/bender. One of Zuko'schakras could be stop fearing his father.??The last chakra, could be stop beliving his father loved him, or that everything can still be the way it was before the banishments, or realizing he is evil.
Edited on 12/14/2006 9:34pm