tomtitan wrote: | wiseone_777 wrote: | AllKnowingBeing wrote: | wiseone_777 wrote: | AllKnowingBeing wrote: | assasin61 wrote: | wiseone_777 wrote: | tomtitan wrote: | AnimeAngel90 wrote: | WiseLad wrote: | tomtitan wrote: | bubblygirl wrote: | AnimeAngel90 wrote: | (Sheesh, I take like five minutes to write up a post, and 10 more people post in the meantime, lol. So this post is kinda irrelevant to the previous one, but it does answer the 'why do you like zutara' question) Well, I just think Zutara will happen because I like the couple, and so I see things in the show that can be interpreted as foreshadowing for the couple. I'm not even going to try to explain any of them, because mean kataangers will just shoot them all down straight away However, this is a lot of things that could be foreshadowing for Zutara, and if they weren't foreshadowing they don't have any real purpose. And if they had no purpose other than to lead Zutarians on, I think that's just cruel - esepcially when this has happened throughout the 3 seasons. Like Zuko's small smile when he sees Katara in WAT. As he rarely smiles, you could interpret that as he was glad to see her (even though she attacked him earlier). If it was just some random thing, its just pointless for someone who rarely smiles to suddenly smile at someone who quite happily attacked them (other than to stir up Zutarians). Another reason I like Zutara is because of its fairytale-ness. Yes, Kataang is adorable and like a fairytale too (the hero getting the girl) but I also love the idea of former enemies finding love with each other (Romeo and Juliet, Esmerelda and Phoebus, Oma and Shu, Pochahontas and John Smith, etc etc). People who are supposed to hate each other, and yet slowly recognise the other's better qualities and fall in love. ^_^ So yes, even though I do like Kataang, and it is cute (and....predictable despite how likeable it really is), I honestly prefer Zutara due to the dynamics of their relationship (yes, even though they are enemies it is still called a relationship), and because I just think it would be more interesting if it did happen. So yes, I shall sit here and wave my Zutara flag ^_^ | AMEN!!!! OMG AMEN!! | screenshot please. i do not remember him smiling at katara. | if anything, it is ambiguous he just remembered words from Iroh(might be smiling about that) he probably didn't know who it was at the door(glad one of the gaang was there to talk to him) if he knew it was Kat, it might be a smile because he thought she might be there to tell him she was harsh in the form she "accepted him" when aang asked for her approval earlier and as anime said "other than stir up zutarians", it easily points to something I had been saying the last 2 days MIKE AND BRYAN WANT TO PROLONG THE ZUTARA_KATAANG thing AS LONG AS POSSIBLE | Umm, duh. But if that was their only reason for 'stirring up Zutarians', surely they would have kataang AND zutara moments occuring at the same time? However, after the DOBS kataang kiss, there has been no kataang moments. They have just been focusing on Zuko and Katara (relationship wise - obviously the last two episodes were not focused on those two, but the katara relationship in those episodes had the focus on Zuko). And yeah, I know they don't want kataang moments because they want to prolong Katara admitting her feelings as long as possible, but still, they could have something for kataangers as well. I don't know, I'm not expressing myself very well here at all. Oh well, I don't care. I believe in Zutara, and that's all that matters Zutara rules! | listen, i've been trying to think of a way to say this, but everything i think of sounds stupid. so here goes: they haven't been focusing on zuko and katara's relationship. what they have been focusing on is zuko's relationship with everyone. the entire episode of 312 is about zuko joining the group. the writers of avatar are brilliant writers. in 312 they wanted to make sure that the characters' reactions are as real as possible. sokka met zuko with extreme distrust, until zuko proved himself by helping to beat combustion man. but sokka hasn't had much interaction with zuko, he's just seen zuko trying to kill him. toph trusted him from the beginning, probably because the only time she's ever actually 'seen' him was when they were working together to beat azula. aang wanted to trust zuko but katara and sokka told him not to. when zuko helped beat combustion man he decided that he was right when he said before that they could've been friends, right after zuko saved him from zhao. katara's relationship with zuko is very similar to aang's. like aang, she thought she had a connection with him under ba sing se, then zuko went and attacked her, like when zuko attacked aang at the end of 'the blue spirit'. the difference is, when zuko attacked aang at the end of 113, aang expected it, he had hoped zuko had changed, but knew he was wrong. under ba sing se, katara felt a connection with zuko, they talked about their mothers and zuko talked about how he wanted to control his own destiny. then bam, zuko goes and attacks her, sides with his sister, takes over ba sing se, watches as azula kills aang and goes back to the fire nation. the next time she sees him he's asking to join the group? c'mon, is she really that dumb? it's obviously zuko trying to trick her. well fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. katara wasn't going to buy into zuko's sob story again, she remembers how that turned out last time. she's the only one in the group who's been betrayed by zuko. note: betrayed. sokka and aang (not toph) have been attacked by zuko, but only she's been betrayed. you could argue that aang has been betrayed by him too, but not at the same level as how zuko betrayed katara. naturally, katara isn't going to be gullible enough to believe that he's changed just because he attacks the assasin that he sent. if she did buy it she'd be very gullible. imagine the horror she must've felt when the rest of the group actually chose to accept him! how can they be so stupid! katara must've felt it was up to her to protect the entire group, since everyone else was completely buying into his obvious lie. the death threat was inevitable, 'stay away from my man or i'll whoop yo ass', is her basic message. so they focused on everyone's reaction to zuko's arrival, not just katara's. everyone (besides the 3 stooges) had to have something to say about zuko, because this is a huge decision, they had to have a lot of talking through before they let their worst enemy join them. | So that Zutarians take your 1st sentence improperly, KATARA AND ZUKO DON'T HAVE A LOVE RELATIONSHIP. ONLY ONLY ONLY, A PMSING RELATIONSHIP! | ZUTARA WILL HAPPEN ZUTARA WILL HAPPEN ZUTURA WILL HAPPEN  | I heard if you say that three times you get to see Katara and Zuko kiss. Lol | Puhlease! Zutara can only happen in 2 places, In your mind, and in your dreams, (which takes place in your mind so really it's only one place, but they are in 2 different types of...I won't go into it all, but it's really one place), Zutara cannot happen. It is clearly illogical! | You forgot fan art. | I'm trying to prove a point, not tell everyone where Zutara can be found. ZUTARA WILL NOT HAPPEN. GET USED TO IT!!!!! | i think it's very ironic that on a quote pyramid where i've been intelligently arguing my point with a zutarian you post ZUTARA WILL NOT HAPPEN in big, capital, obnoxious letters. | I've already argued my point. Now people have the right to tell me stuff about Zutara and I can disprove them. So, Ask away, Die-hard Zutarians! |