tomtitan wrote: | ||||||||||||
Amen! ^_^ He does need to get his priorities straight.
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
tomtitan wrote: | ||||||||||||
Amen! ^_^ He does need to get his priorities straight.
music4life17 wrote: | ||||||||||||||
Amen! ^_^ He does need to get his priorities straight. |
Shaolina23 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||
Exactly. He just needs to think about the fire lord until he beats him. Then he can get as sappy as a preteen can get with Katara before the next strike appears. The last chraka is not a "no romance zone" for anti kataangers to dance around. The firelord and the avatar pretty much explained that. |
These vids from youtube are as Toph says it:Sweeeet!
It is a series, so make sure you watch them all
the creator of these get 7 internets!
snowprincess456 wrote: |
These vids from youtube are as Toph says it:Sweeeet! It is a series, so make sure you watch them all the creator of these get 7 internets! |
And OMG, Katara says Zuko's name first! Not because Aang is unconscious at the moment and Sokka was halfway across the island, it must be because she loves him!
I feel like I'm watching some bad conspiracy theory...
wiseone_777 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||
just thought i should spark some more life/argueing in this thread
Spike815 wrote: | ||
And OMG, Katara says Zuko's name first! Not because Aang is unconscious at the moment and Sokka was halfway across the island, it must be because she loves him! I feel like I'm watching some bad conspiracy theory... |
waterbender6025 wrote: |
just thought i should spark some more life/argueing in this thread |
I prefer Taang...then again, I don't really want Toph to be with anyone. Not saying that she should die alone living in a house filled with cats, but I think I'd like it better if not every single person in the series ended up with someone when they're still only teenagers (or Toph and Aang's age). My bet is that they'll do a flash forward, kind of like in the last Harry Potter book, and it'll show who ended up with who and how many kids they've got and things like that.
Spacerac wrote: | ||||
assasin61 wrote: |
why isnt zutara an option on da poll thing |
tomtitan wrote: | ||
Then at least give us a Zusokka option!!!
tomtitan wrote: | ||||||
however the point about them is, and i say it time and time again, they spend so much time looking at minute things like that that may or may not be evidence, whilst neglecting the fact that they only have 8 episodes left for zuko to break up with mai, katara to turn pure hatred into romantic love and aang to get over the fact that the girl of his dreams was just taken by a former enemy who he placed his trust in. |
Spacerac wrote: | ||||||||
tomtitan wrote: | ||||||||||
in my opinion, you shouln't form an opinion on a subject until you know everything about the subject, get information from both sides of the argument to make an informed decision on your opinion, otherwise your opinion is worthless. |
AllKnowingBeing wrote: |
Zukataangia will happen! |