Hoshie26 wrote: |
One word.Waterbender.We are awesome in that way where science doesnt aply(even if we dug up einstein he could exsplain).We rock.Get over it. |
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
Hoshie26 wrote: |
One word.Waterbender.We are awesome in that way where science doesnt aply(even if we dug up einstein he could exsplain).We rock.Get over it. |
Hoshie26 wrote: |
One word.Waterbender.We are awesome in that way where science doesnt aply(even if we dug up einstein he could exsplain).We rock.Get over it. |
One more time.????
The idea of water being adhesive and cohesive lends itself to the imagination of the idea that waterbending could heal, and that waterbending could cut through metal. Water is cohesive, so it sticks to itself; it could stick together tightly or loosely. Water is adhesive, so it sticks to other things. A healing waterbender would need the external supply of water to adhere to the patient's skin while the waterbender coordinates moving the water beneath the patient's skin with moving the external supply of water.
I could get more eggheaded, fantastically speaking, but I'd need more time than??I believe??I have right now.
cg_619 wrote: |
well the reason the water can cut threw metal and grasp peoples arms??is because??ITS A??CARTOON |
tigerstalksprey wrote: |
okay, airbending, earthbending, firebending, all thats pretty cool w/ me so far, but whats really bugging me about waterbending is a couple of things: 1. in "the drill" how the heck do aang and katara make water DENSE enough to penetrate and CUT THROUGH metal!? 2. in that episode where uncle iroh gets injured by azula, how did katara make the water GRAB onto azula's arm and prevent her from shooting a fireball at aang earlier in the fight? i'm sorry if there has already been a thread on this, please direct me, but the more i think about the concept of water being strong enough to grasp a persons arm, the more it irratates me. water? cmon its the 'softest' stuff in world, it'll runs right off you, you cant even grasp water itself to begin with. i know water is a huge concussive force, such as when waves crash n stuff, but when is it SHARP enough to cut through metal????????? many things arent even sharp enough to cut thru metal. someone with the answers please enlighten me |
Symstar wrote: |
Yep, water benders rule! They dominate... Wish more of them in Avatar had Azula's drive tho.... cause they'd be unstoppable. |
You bumped this thread just to tell a bold faced lie? Cuz Earthbenders run this(whatever "this" is is up to your own discretion). Don't forget: Earth Kingdom is Forever. And Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it.
Eman5805 wrote: | ||
You bumped this thread just to tell a bold faced lie? Cuz Earthbenders run this(whatever "this" is is up to your own discretion). Don't forget: Earth Kingdom is Forever. And Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it. |