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make a technique

  • Avatar of KevMan117


    [21]Jul 20, 2006
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    For waterbending - The water helmet. Completely encapsulates someone's head in water, causing the person to drown/suffocate.
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  • Avatar of DeathandDoom


    [22]Jul 20, 2006
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    Tomb of mud: An earthbender covers the opponent in mud and dries it out, trapping and suffocating them.
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  • Avatar of Pharmacopoeia


    [23]Jul 20, 2006
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    Firebending: Kind of wierd, but it might be cool. If you want to kill someone quickly without alot of mess then sneak up behind them, grab there mouth to keep it closed and then using to fingers shoot fire up there nose and into there brain. I think that would kill them instantly, and there wouldn't be much mess on the outside
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  • Avatar of Pharmacopoeia


    [24]Jul 20, 2006
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    Earthbending: Create a big hole under a person, then smash the walls together. It might not work to well on airbenders, if they are paying attention
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  • Avatar of DeathandDoom


    [25]Jul 20, 2006
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    Air Shotgun: Flinging debre into the air, then propelling them forward with a powerful blast of wind, as the small debree
    flies with the force of a bullet.

    Razor Cyclone:
    The user lifts swords, axes, spears, arrows, and other such weapons into the air, swirls them around into a dust devil, and sends it at an opponent. The opponent becomes trapped in a small cyclone of wirling blades.

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  • Avatar of PLCTheCd


    [26]Jul 21, 2006
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    Most of the attacks I came up with is from an Kung Fu movie and animes. With some attacks original


    Lion's Roar-The Airbender inhales deeply until it fills his/her lungs, then the Airbender yells at his target. The exhalation along with the yell will cause powerful hurricane like winds which blows his/her opponent's way. No pun intended. Ok, so the pun is intended. The louder the yell, the more destructive the attack


    Raining Ice Bullets Of Death-The Waterbender gathers enough water to cause a rain and throws the water in the air as hard as he/she could. As raindrops fell, the Waterbender then freezes the water into icicles which can impale the opponent like a pincushion. The Waterbender him/herself won't be hurt, as along he/she blocks/turns the ice away into water. The rain will last depends on how much the Waterbender gathered.

    Ice Blade-The Waterbender gathers water and freezes it to an icicle, sharp enough to fight and cut. The usefullnes depends on the swordsmanship on the Waterbender.

    Geyser-This move is for expert Waterbenders as the water comes from the ground. The Waterbender spins his/her arms around until the right momentum and shoots the water from the ground. The most experienced Waterbenders can change directions and create more geysers, as the intense water pressure crushes the opponent.

    Earthbending, specifically sand

    Sandstorm-The Sandbender summons a large tornado of sand, burying anyone in his/her midst.

    Cresent Cutlass-The Sandbender??swings his/her arm of hardend sand in a shape of a cresent, anyone who was hit by the sand will have parts of their body dehydrated and shriveled.

    Wasteland-The Sandbender's most powerful move, he/she puts his/her hands to the ground an dehydrates it to the ground. The Sandbender's victims will end up skinnier than a anorexic.

    Desert Coffin-The Sandbender gathers the sand and encloses his/her victim by hardening it.The result is that of a coffin, then the Sandbender can squeeze the pressure until the victim is crushed and explodes like a balloon filled with tomato juice.

    Desert Prison-Similar to Desert Coffin but to a large group of people.


    Dragon's Roar-Similar to the Lion's Roar attack, except the Firebender exhale a large body of flame.

    Rain Of Fire-Similar to the Raining Ice Bullets Of Death but like the name says, rains fire.

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  • Avatar of Airbenderluver


    [27]Jul 21, 2006
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    hmm, mixing air bending and fire bending would be cool, let's seee...

    ah ha! Fire Tornado, a giant whirlwind of fire and air, or has that been done, um...

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  • Avatar of DeathandDoom


    [28]Jul 22, 2006
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    PLCTheCd wrote:

    Most of the attacks I came up with is from an Kung Fu movie and animes. With some attacks original


    Lion's Roar-The Airbender inhales deeply until it fills his/her lungs, then the Airbender yells at his target. The exhalation along with the yell will cause powerful hurricane like winds which blows his/her opponent's way. No pun intended. Ok, so the pun is intended. The louder the yell, the more destructive the attack


    Raining Ice Bullets Of Death-The Waterbender gathers enough water to cause a rain and throws the water in the air as hard as he/she could. As raindrops fell, the Waterbender then freezes the water into icicles which can impale the opponent like a pincushion. The Waterbender him/herself won't be hurt, as along he/she blocks/turns the ice away into water. The rain will last depends on how much the Waterbender gathered.

    Ice Blade-The Waterbender gathers water and freezes it to an icicle, sharp enough to fight and cut. The usefullnes depends on the swordsmanship on the Waterbender.

    Geyser-This move is for expert Waterbenders as the water comes from the ground. The Waterbender spins his/her arms around until the right momentum and shoots the water from the ground. The most experienced Waterbenders can change directions and create more geysers, as the intense water pressure crushes the opponent.

    Earthbending, specifically sand

    Sandstorm-The Sandbender summons a large tornado of sand, burying anyone in his/her midst.

    Cresent Cutlass-The Sandbender swings his/her arm of hardend sand in a shape of a cresent, anyone who was hit by the sand will have parts of their body dehydrated and shriveled.

    Wasteland-The Sandbender's most powerful move, he/she puts his/her hands to the ground an dehydrates it to the ground. The Sandbender's victims will end up skinnier than a anorexic.

    Desert Coffin-The Sandbender gathers the sand and encloses his/her victim by hardening it.The result is that of a coffin, then the Sandbender can squeeze the pressure until the victim is crushed and explodes like a balloon filled with tomato juice.

    Desert Prison-Similar to Desert Coffin but to a large group of people.


    Dragon's Roar-Similar to the Lion's Roar attack, except the Firebender exhale a large body of flame.

    Rain Of Fire-Similar to the Raining Ice Bullets Of Death but like the name says, rains fire.

    Lesse, the Roar is from DBZ, the sand attacks are mostly from Sir Crocodile from One Piece and Garaa of the Desert from Naruto, and the "Bullets of Death" appear to be based off Haku's Ice Needles. Still, intresting list.

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  • Avatar of PLCTheCd


    [29]Jul 22, 2006
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    THanks, and yer pretty close on the ideas of mine!

    The Roar attack was from the movie "Kung Fu Hustle" and I never did thought of Haku's attack until now. Still, glad you liked it!

    PS=Which moves did you like the best?

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  • Avatar of RysanMarquise


    [30]Jul 22, 2006
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    I can only imagine it being a tremendous taboo, but I see no reason why I water bender couldn't learn to rip to blood from a person's body killing them instantly. Attempting to freeze a homeostatic body is difficult, but just pulling out the water is easy.
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  • Avatar of thndrbndr


    [31]Jul 23, 2006
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    Hamster Ball

    EarthBenders and Water benders can suround them selves in a sphere of Earth or Ice making them impervious to all atacks. they then use bending to roll the themseves whilst inside the ball crushing anyone in their path.

    Spikes of Death

    Water benders and Earthbenders can control stalagmites an stalagtites making the staglamites shoot upward and making the stalgtites go downward crushing the opponent (or the other way around I cant remember which one goes up and which one goes downd ?? ) if that doesnt work than the make the Tites or sicles alling in a row and fire them at the opponent like bullets or missiles

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  • Avatar of DeathandDoom


    [32]Jul 25, 2006
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    PLCTheCd wrote:

    THanks, and yer pretty close on the ideas of mine!

    The Roar attack was from the movie "Kung Fu Hustle" and I never did thought of Haku's attack until now. Still, glad you liked it!

    PS=Which moves did you like the best?

    I liked the "Sand Prison" - putting a good twist on an already established move.

    and speaking of Earthbending moves;

    Killer Bling: An emergency weapon for Earthbenders, used when there is no earth to bend. The Earthbender wears a great deal of priceless jewelry, studded with very large gems. In extreme circumstances, the Earthbender uses these gems to protect himself, forming them into spikes, small shields, and other weapons. An obvous downside to this is the vast amount of wealth needed to obtain such jewelry.
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  • Avatar of PrincessZula


    [33]Jul 25, 2006
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    Make a fire/water bending move....

    Imagine Katara's waterwhip, now imagine doing that same thing, but with fire.

    You just use fire as a whip then finish them off with a blast to the chest. Short and to the point

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  • Avatar of DeathandDoom


    [34]Jul 26, 2006
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    Big Boom: The Earthbender focus all his or her strength and hits the ground, creating an explosion of earth and making an enormous crater.
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  • Avatar of Breakflame


    [35]Jul 26, 2006
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    Let's make some defensive moves for the God-modding master benders.

    Drought(Earthbending)- Sends a small layer of rock over and under your skin, preventing Waterbenders from pulling the water out of you and prevents Fire benders from burning your skin.

    Inner Airflow(Airbender) creates a series of currents inside your body. The currents keep everything in place, even when it is being messed with(I.E. Waterbenders messing with your bloodstream or natural water).

    Water Sphere(Waterbender) Creates sphere of water around waterbender. protects indefinitly from fire.

    Air Sphere(Airbender) Much like the Water Sphere. Protects against fire, water, and weaker air.

    Earth Sphere(Earthbender) I think you get the point.

    poor firebenders don't have any good defensive capabilities

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  • Avatar of Pharmacopoeia


    [36]Jul 26, 2006
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    An earthbending move that I don't think would be to hard would be to take a layer of ground someone is standing on, and then flip it upside down, traping the person under. You can then crush them, or leave them trapped.
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  • Avatar of Pharmacopoeia


    [37]Jul 26, 2006
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    Oh, if you were really patient, and wierd you could do this earthbending move:

    You sprinkle a bit of dirt on someone's food or drink or something. Then after they eat it, you form it into a small rock, and then pull it out of there stomach. It would be like being shot from the inside or something.

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  • Avatar of GIVElove


    [38]Jul 26, 2006
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    Pharmacopoeia wrote:

    Oh, if you were really patient, and wierd you could do this earthbending move:

    You sprinkle a bit of dirt on someone's food or drink or something. Then after they eat it, you form it into a small rock, and then pull it out of there stomach. It would be like being shot from the inside or something.

    duude how do you think up this stuff?

    but congrats on ur hundredth post!! idk i would feel kinda special if i had a hundred posts so i felt like saying something...

    ??stop laughing at me!

    Edited on 07/26/2006 1:43am
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  • Avatar of DeathandDoom


    [39]Jul 26, 2006
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    Hows about this one:

    Flaming Manicure: Firebending technique where the user creates small, hot flames coming off each of his/her finger tips.

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  • Avatar of DeathandDoom


    [40]Jul 26, 2006
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    ...what, did people run out of ideas?
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