yay this wasnt locked
a couple of moves for "Thunder Benders" yes i know they dont exist and it wouldnt make sense if they did but this is made up any way
Thunder benders can bend lightning way more powerful than firebenders lighting. Their attacks are similar to firebenders but much quicker
here are three techiniques
Strike: Thunder benders can jump super high into the air and kick slam onto three ground causing the opponent to get struck by actual lightning from the sky.
Teleport: Thunder benders can make themselves get struck by lightning but travel up it when it hits. they can then strike again anywhere they want sending themselves to that spot.
Light sheild: Thunder benders can create a force field made of light.
Polar positon: a very cool attack, skilled Thunder Benders can use electromagnetism to control the poles of the earth and alter them. Not so much that they change the earths atmosphere or change the time of day, but enough to just alter it. Since earthbenders draw their energy from the earth, Thunder benders can control the strength or weakness from an enemy or ally earthbender