Eyes_Only61646 wrote: | supersonicfan01 wrote: | Eyes_Only61646 wrote: | supersonicfan01 wrote: | The bright colors won't really help in getting your point across, unless that wasn't your goal at all. And honestly, enough is enough with Sokka, how many girls like him up to date? 3? 4? Give me a break, they should come up with some other ones. | It wasn't....I just like the pretty colors! Lets see; Tokka, Ty Lokka, Azuka, Soki, Whatever the Yue/Sokka one is, Junka....They basically have him paired with everything with a pulse...A lot like Katara in first season ((She was the only girl on a show full of guys...Poor her...)) |
Actually I reffering to pairing the writers have given hints for, whether those hints were one sided, like Tokka, or both ways like Ty Lokka. Azuka I don't believe to even be feasable, but the writers have gone ahead and made Toph like Sokka, so I don't put anything past them anymore. | ...So? I was reciting the Sokka pairings. Big whoopy. |
And I was pointing out that two of those pairings were fan made, so I'm not counting them toward all the Sokka pairings out there, which even without those two, are still pretty numerous, if only no more than 4 or 5. Stop me if I bore you. |