Hear hear. The bloodbender needs only a split second to start controlling the opponent's body. Whereas even under the Comet, a firebender either needs time to charge up lightning, or he can throw relatively slow-moving fireballs that can be avoided. Therefore, in a 1-on-1 Agni Kai-style duel, the bloodbender would win hands down. Blink of an eye - and the firebender's paralysed. Another blink - and all water in his body is turned to ice, killing him instantly. There are some things that speak for the firebender, though. He can fly, and attack from a great distance with lightning. If he could manage to evade the bloodbender's focus and stealthily fire a lightning bolt, he could win.
But under strict Agni Kai conditions - bloodbender wins.
In fact, I would love to see bloodbending used to its full potential by some evil waterbender like Hama. Yeah, it's only once a month, but it's so strong you can kill any number of people during this night, and a small team of bloodbenders could march up to a royal palace and kill the king with all his court & honor guards. It could also be made very graphic/torturous (evaporating water from body is a good example, those in the know might remember the "Abi-Dhalzim's Horrid Wilting" necromancy spell). So yeah, bloodbending rules.
P.S. Ever occured to you that bloodbending... once-a-month... both bloodbenders are female... and are really pissed whenever they use it... so uh, you know... can't believe it's unintentional 8=))
Edited on 07/23/2008 4:39am