Am I the only one who didn't cry? I don't know, maybe I'm just still in shock, but I didn't cry. Right now I feel kind of like the way I felt at the end of Zelda: Twilight Princess (even though I DID cry a little bit at that): numb and empty all of a sudden. It's not the hysterical mourning type of pain, it's just...emptiness. Except the only difference is, this had a happy ending, while TP's ending itself was actually really sad. But even the awesome epicness of the finale doesn't make me feel much better....

I almost cried when I saw Zuko cry, though. THAT was really emotional. Zuko's the kind of person who rarely shows any emotion except anger, and seeing him break down like that hit me really hard. And that look that Katara gave Aang right before they kissed -- it wasn't sad, but just so emotional. I don't know....