I am just going to post how annoying I find Katara, and I really don't care what any of you Katara lovers think. First off, Katara is always viewed as beautiful right, cause Aang, Haru, and Jet fall for her like at first sight. That would never happen to anyone, yet she has a total of FOUR hot guys as potential love interests. She tries to be the mother hen, the annoying mother hen of the group. She flips her lid all the time, and she can be jealous to such a degree she steals. And it's like a Mary Sue situtaion, if a Mary Sue does something wrong, she's never blamed for it and is immediately forgiven, same thing with Katara. And in the Deserters, she got to be the princess and acted like a damsel in distress, she laughed at Aang, and was such a wimp when her hands got burned. And I know that must have hurt alot, it's just the way she reacted and was crying that ticked me off, and she even got a RARE new power. She spurns Aang's affections when it is so annoyingly obvious that he loves her, and yet she's too stupid to figure out something so, again, obvious. She became a master even though she only trained for at least a few days, yet she defeated at least a dozen pupils who must have trained for years. And now in season two, she's become even more annoying. She's a damsel in distress in the Avatar State, she is again playing stupid brat with flowers in her hair in the Cave episode, and she's just a Mary Sue in Return to Omashu. She's become a Bending Master in a matter of days, has four hot guy possibilites, is a witch to Sokka in "Jet" and is again a brat, and I wish I could swear because no proper words can express my hatred towards Katara. Haru, Jet, and especially Zuko and Aang are too good for her, except Jet. That slime weasel is perfect for her... thank you. |