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Create your own Fake Avatar* Bloopers 2

  • Avatar of Bensonrocks


    [1401]Feb 4, 2007
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    Ahh, for those of you who didn't understand the part about Candy Mountain, you should watch this Youtube video:


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  • Avatar of clearwater04


    [1402]Feb 4, 2007
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    Thanks, mental teen.?? Maybe if I tried a crossover blooper...

    Guru: Now that you have opened all the chakras, I have one final test for you!

    Aang: What, giving up my soulmate wasn't enough??? What do you want NOW, you stupid old man?

    Guru:??You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with....A HERRING!!

    Aang: Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

    Aang:??Go and boil your bottom, you son of a silly person!

    *goes on in this manner for quite some time*

    Ahh, while he's doing that, let's move on to something else.

    From The Boy in the Iceberg

    Take 1

    Aang:??What war?

    Sokka:?? You're kidding, right?

    Aang: TAAAAAAACCOOSS!!!!!!!!!

    Director: CUT!??It's PENGUIN, not TACOS, Aang!

    Take 2

    Sokka:?? You're kidding, right?

    Aang:?? SPAAAAAAAAMM!!

    Director: CUT!?? Get it right!

    From The Cave of Two Lovers

    Director: Okay, we really screwed up this scene yesterday,??so I want??you two to give it??all you've got!

    Director: ACTION!

    Aang and Katara lean in for the kiss.

    They kiss.

    Aang: Wow, Katara.

    Katara: Wow, Zuko, I mean, Sokka, I mean, Momo, I mean, Appa,??I mean, Iroh,??that was amazing.

    Aang: WHAT!?

    Director: @#$%^&!!! CUT!

    Continued from top.

    Aang:.......I blow my nose at you, you so-called Arthur King!

    Guru: What a strange person!

    From the season 2 finale.

    Katara: I have healing abilities.

    Zuko: It's a frickin' scar, biotch, it CAN'T be healed!

    Katara: Oh my good golly gosh!?? That was some baaad language, Mister!?? I think someone needs a TIME OUT!!

    *Aang bursts in*

    Katara: Golly gee, mister.?? I forgot all about your superpowers!

    Aang: We found a map, to Candy mountain!

    Katara:?? Candy Mountain, Charlie!?? It's a magical place of sweets and joy....and joyness.

    Zuko:?? You DO know there's no such place as Candy Mountain, right guys?

    Aang: Shun the nonbeliever!


    Okay, that was the stupidest thing I've ever done.?? Hope you laughed, though....

    i laughed so hard i cried

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  • Avatar of picketposter41


    [1403]Feb 4, 2007
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    haven't been here for a while

    *cont'd from Season 2 Finale*

    *Aang wakes up*

    Aang: Katara, you b****! You couldn't stop Zuko and Azula?

    Katara: Shut up, mothaf***a!

    Sokka: Shut it! Now where should we go and lose next?

    Earth King: (in a preppy voice) Let's go to the salon and get manicures!

    Toph: *throws Earth King off of Appa*

    Bosco: Free at last!

    Sokka: Let's go to the North Pole.

    Toph: But I can't see there!

    Sokka: *throws Toph off of Appa*
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  • Avatar of clearwater04


    [1404]Feb 4, 2007
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    Azula when she was little

    guard 1; lady azula what are you doing out of your room at this time of night??? Return to your room at once.

    Azula; like i have to listen to yu i can do whatever i want however i want.

    Guard 2; yes yu do young lady now come along wit

    Azula;??touch me again and??you'll regret it.

    Guard 3; and just what do you think you can doyu cutey??wittle girl?firekicks him in the ballz

    Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh hhahshhdhdhfhh********************************** she just burnt my f******** p*****

    Ursa; what is going on here?

    Azula; nothing i was practicing my firekicks and he got in the way.

    Ursa; well i hope it doesn't happen again or it might be more then his ballz you'll loze. Understand

    all 3 yes lady ursa

    she turns to leave and

    azula; stupid bi*****

    ursa; who said that?

    Azula; the guards did

    Ursa fireblasts them to cinders

    Azula; that'll teach u to call my mom a stupid bit**

    Ursa; what is wrong with that girl she's so violent

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  • Avatar of crazy17


    [1405]Feb 4, 2007
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    clearwater04 wrote:

    Azula when she was little

    guard 1; lady azula what are you doing out of your room at this time of night??? Return to your room at once.

    Azula; like i have to listen to yu i can do whatever i want however i want.

    Guard 2; yes yu do young lady now come along wit

    Azula;??touch me again and??you'll regret it.

    Guard 3; and just what do you think you can doyu cutey??wittle girl?firekicks him in the ballz

    Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh hhahshhdhdhfhh********************************** she just burnt my f******** p*****

    Ursa; what is going on here?

    Azula; nothing i was practicing my firekicks and he got in the way.

    Ursa; well i hope it doesn't happen again or it might be more then his ballz you'll loze. Understand

    all 3 yes lady ursa

    she turns to leave and

    azula; stupid bi*****

    ursa; who said that?

    Azula; the guards did

    Ursa fireblasts them to cinders

    Azula; that'll teach u to call my mom a stupid bit**

    Ursa; what is wrong with that girl she's so violent



    *Crossroads of Destiny*

    Zuko: Yeah, well, you froze me and knocked ME out, so what now?!
    K: *smiles evilly*
    Zuko: o.o *pounds on cave walls* GET ME THE **** OUT OF HEREEE!
    Zuko: *flies against the wall* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! OOF! *falls, unconscious*
    Aang:...I'm early, aren't I?
    K: Yeah. You are.
    Director: Cut!

    *next take*
    Zuko: *cowering* KEEP HER BACK! SHE'LL KILL ME! MACE EVERYWHERE! *sobs uncontrollably*
    Iroh: Oy, what am I gonna do with you? *drags Zuko offset*
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  • Avatar of Frilzer


    [1406]Feb 4, 2007
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    Everyone is at Disneyland

    Aang: ok guys today Disneyland is packed, but we can still get alot of rides in if we say someone is handicapped, and put them in a wheelchair.

    *everyone looks at Toph*

    Toph: Oh come on! So what if im blind! i can still see!

    Katara: But who are we going to have in the wheelchair?

    Sokka: Well Zuko has half his face burned off, maybe half his brain was burned off too?

    Zoku: Say that again, and you wont have a face!

    Katara: Don't worry, Sokka is retarded anyway, hes going in the wheelchair.
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  • Avatar of jadeflower82


    [1407]Feb 4, 2007
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    *Lovely season two episode where they did life in Ba Sing Se from several different points of view*

    [this one in particular from the clipping involving Zuko---]

    The girl who'd taken an interest in Zuko at Uncle Iroh's shop and [upon Iroh's insistence] spent the early part of the evening with our lovely firebending prince---
    [starts of from when she made the move towards kissing him, slight change being---in the blooper, he didn't prevent it]

    Girl: Hey I thought it was staged to be close, but not to go through with it!
    Zuko: I know I'm supposed to play a sort of recluse, but that doesn't mean I really am that way.
    Girl [under breath]: bastard...

    Scenario--their time in the desert during book 2. Sokka is high on cactus juice [only he can get away with that it appears], and since every great show has to have a musical episode to reach fame, this mishap happened that never made it to production (thankfully )

    Sokka [cactus juice messing with his better judgement]
    We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz!!
    Katara: What the---?
    Toph: Happy boy's singing.
    Katara: Ugh.
    Sokka: Trala trala trala trala trala trala trala!!!
    Toph: Make him stop, he's your brother!
    Katara: I know, and I wish he weren't
    Sokka: Off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz!
    Toph: Katara!!
    Katara: If only Aang were here to share in the torture.....
    Sokka: Oh, a mushroom! I wonder if it's friendly [at this point Aang's dust explosion has come into view from afar]
    Katara: Thank you, Aang.

    Concept that popped into mind during last week's episode of Heroes----
    Firebenders have migrated off world, one of whom went to Earth.
    The mother of a certain girl named Claire---and Zuko's mom!!
    She no longer sports the dark hair, and has instead lightened in in order to go undetected while in hiding. With this knowledge known, there's the possibility of the greatest crossover--Zuko gets his mommy back, and becomes a Hero!

    Yeah, that last one is bizarre I couldn't help but think of Firebeneders during that whole scene.

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  • Avatar of jadeflower82


    [1408]Feb 4, 2007
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    Bensonrocks wrote:

    Ahh, for those of you who didn't understand the part about Candy Mountain, you should watch this Youtube video:


    I saw that one a while back.?? It's great, but not on a super slow PC *fights the urge to kick former computer with Win98 on it out the second story window * Thankfully I got to see it on a faster processor
    BTW, loved the blooper involving that. Classic.
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  • Avatar of ChrisVisagie


    [1409]Feb 5, 2007
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    Sokka is busy having a shower

    Aang: (opens shower curtain) Hey Sokka!

    Sokka: AANG!!! I'M IN THE SHOWER!

    Aang: I know but you take for ever and I really need some advice right now.

    Sokka: *sigh* alright but I'm not really comfortable with this. Would you mind closing the shower curtain?

    Aang: Oh sure, not a problem.

    Aang steps into the shower and closes the curtain behind him.

    Aang: So here is my problem, I'm supposed to do this intimate scene with Katara...

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  • Avatar of 5Cartooner9


    [1410]Feb 5, 2007
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    ChrisVisagie wrote:

    Sokka is busy having a shower

    Aang: (opens shower curtain) Hey Sokka!

    Sokka: AANG!!! I'M IN THE SHOWER!

    Aang: I know but you take for ever and I really need some advice right now.

    Sokka: *sigh* alright but I'm not really comfortable with this. Would you mind closing the shower curtain?

    Aang: Oh sure, not a problem.

    Aang steps into the shower and closes the curtain behind him.

    Aang: So here is my problem, I'm supposed to do this intimate scene with Katara...

    LOL! Punchline was great.
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  • Avatar of 5Cartooner9


    [1411]Feb 5, 2007
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    T.V. Screen: And... for our feature presentation... Terance and Philip, Asses of Fire!

    Sokka: WOOOOOOO! Yea!! Go PHIL-ip!
    Katara: WTF!? I wanted to see F**cking She's The Man!
    Aang: I wanted to see Barney!
    Toph: I don't even know why the f**ck I'm even here.
    Sokka: To asslicking bad. Were seeing TERANCE AND PHIIIILIIP!!
    Katara: Go to h3ll.
    Aang, (teary eyed) No barney?
    Sokka: OMG. Just get over it, you imature f@ggot. It's time you learn what a vagina is.
    Sokka: Do you even know what a penis is?
    Toph: Can I go now?
    Katara: SHUUUUT UUPPPP!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!??? You think I have issues??!!
    Toph: O umm..
    Katara: D@mn, can't get these f**ckin lines outta my head.
    Sokka: Ok, do you even know what a nipple is?
    Toph and Sokka: Holy Sh**t.
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  • Avatar of 5Cartooner9


    [1412]Feb 5, 2007
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    picketposter41 wrote:
    haven't been here for a while

    *cont'd from Season 2 Finale*

    *Aang wakes up*

    Aang: Katara, you b****! You couldn't stop Zuko and Azula?

    Katara: Shut up, mothaf***a!

    Sokka: Shut it! Now where should we go and lose next?

    Earth King: (in a preppy voice) Let's go to the salon and get manicures!

    Toph: *throws Earth King off of Appa*

    Bosco: Free at last!

    Sokka: Let's go to the North Pole.

    Toph: But I can't see there!

    Sokka: *throws Toph off of Appa*

    It's about time you got back here. Welcome.
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  • Avatar of 5Cartooner9


    [1413]Feb 5, 2007
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    the_mental_teen wrote:
    *The GAang is still playing World of Warcraft (WoW)*

    Aang: Hey look, I see some dude with the name 'mentalteen'

    Katara: My character is STILL fat.

    Zuko: The f*** does he want?

    *mentalteen walks to them and starts to kill Sokka's player*

    Zuko: OMG, he killed Sokka!

    Aang: You B@stard!

    *mentalteen kills them 2 also*

    Katara: Please don't kill my fat player!

    *She gets killed*

    Aang: *ticked* THAT SON OF A B****!!!

    Zuko: Who is that F****er?

    Sokka: Whoever he is, he's one tough bad@$$.

    *mentalteen is at home, fat, virgin, and is playing like a nerd with stains all over his shirt from drooling while playing*

    NOOWWWW I know where you got that!!! I just saw the South Park episode. I LOVED IT!!!!
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  • Avatar of jadeflower82


    [1414]Feb 5, 2007
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    There, of course was more that really happened in that Cave of Two Lovers, and it was caught on film, but was deemed too graphic for the adience this show is aimed at.?? Have a great day!

    [During the GAang discussion that Sokka brought on while in Ba Sing Se]
    Sokka:?? Hey, wait a minute!! Why in hell should be we call this group of misfits GAang anyways?? I say since half the time I make the decisions, it should be caled the Sokka 5!!
    Katara: Is that something like the Jackson 5?
    Aang: Where'd you get the five?
    Toph:?? I think I'd prefer the Sucker 1.
    Sokka: Hey! where'd tat one come from--what do you mean??
    Toph: well hey Sokka sounds like sucker, plus you suck, and you're ego makes for it being just you--the one and only sucker!
    :Katara: Toph, I actually like that.
    Aang: It does have a good ring to it, doesn't it?
    Sokka: @#&^%$#$@#@%
    Katara: Go suck something Sokka.
    Aang: I'm not gonna coment on that one.
    Toph: Me either.
    Appa [groaning]

    Yup, no life=weird imagination=crap.
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  • Avatar of the_mental_teen


    [1415]Feb 5, 2007
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    5Cartooner9 wrote:
    the_mental_teen wrote:
    *The GAang is still playing World of Warcraft (WoW)*

    Aang: Hey look, I see some dude with the name 'mentalteen'

    Katara: My character is STILL fat.

    Zuko: The f*** does he want?

    *mentalteen walks to them and starts to kill Sokka's player*

    Zuko: OMG, he killed Sokka!

    Aang: You B@stard!

    *mentalteen kills them 2 also*

    Katara: Please don't kill my fat player!

    *She gets killed*

    Aang: *ticked* THAT SON OF A B****!!!

    Zuko: Who is that F****er?

    Sokka: Whoever he is, he's one tough bad@$$.

    *mentalteen is at home, fat, virgin, and is playing like a nerd with stains all over his shirt from drooling while playing*

    NOOWWWW I know where you got that!!! I just saw the South Park episode. I LOVED IT!!!!

    Dude, that was like 1,000 posts ago, lol, but yes, I did get that from South Park
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  • Avatar of ChrisVisagie


    [1416]Feb 5, 2007
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    Deleted scene from seige of the north

    Pakku: Very good Katara, I think that you are ready to spar against the rest of my pupils. (points to pupil 1) You can go first.

    Pupil 1: ME?!

    Pupil 2: What's wrong, you've done sparred loads of times.

    Pupil 1: Yes but I've never gone against a girl before.

    Pupil 3: Listen, Katara made it clear that she doesn't want any speacil treatment so it will be just like sparring with one of us.

    Pupil 1: Are you sure?

    Pupil 2: Trust me. Just don't look at her chest and you'll be fine.

    Pupil 1: Ok *mutters to self* don't look at her chest, don't look at her chest, don't look at her chest.

    Pupil 1 and Katara stepped into the sparring circle

    Pakku: Begin!

    Pupil 1 freezes up, Katara knocks him away in a single move.

    Pupil 2: What happened?

    Pupil 1: I looked.

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  • Avatar of ozai890


    [1417]Feb 5, 2007
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    Toph - I feel something it's so heavy.
    Sokka - What is it?
    Aang - I feel it too.
    Katara - Hey everyone. What's up?
    Toph - Holy crap Katara, that shaking thing is you?
    Katara - What did you say blind girl.
    Zuko - Hey girls plenty of action over her.
    Iroh - And here.
    Sokka - Don't get involed Iroh.
    Aang - Everyone shut you mouths ok?
    Toph - Why don't you airbender.
    Katara - Don't listen to her, she just a blind jerk.
    Aang - That's it. I'm marring Azula!
    Iroh - What?
    Zuko - She's mine.
    Sokka - Isn't she your sister?
    Zuko - Yea so.
    Toph - Anyway you diserve to die Aang die.
    Aang - Don't you know who I am?
    Katara - The avatar.
    Aang - No, I'm actully Avatar Roku and Kyoshi compined.
    All - Oh sh*t, f**cker
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  • Avatar of clearwater04


    [1418]Feb 6, 2007
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    +_+ why can't i think of something like that
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  • Avatar of ChrisVisagie


    [1419]Feb 7, 2007
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    The Gaang are flying Appa

    Firenation general: (shouting up at the Gaang) Avatar, this is your only warning. Land your bison and surrender peacefully or face dire consequences.

    Toph: (shouting back) Oh yeah? You and what army? (Pause) He has a big army doesn't he?

    Sokka: Yep

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  • Avatar of the_mental_teen


    [1420]Feb 8, 2007
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    ChrisVisagie wrote:

    Deleted scene from seige of the north

    Pakku: Very good Katara, I think that you are ready to spar against the rest of my pupils. (points to pupil 1) You can go first.

    Pupil 1: ME?!

    Pupil 2: What's wrong, you've done sparred loads of times.

    Pupil 1: Yes but I've never gone against a girl before.

    Pupil 3: Listen, Katara made it clear that she doesn't want any speacil treatment so it will be just like sparring with one of us.

    Pupil 1: Are you sure?

    Pupil 2: Trust me. Just don't look at her chest and you'll be fine.

    Pupil 1: Ok *mutters to self* don't look at her chest, don't look at her chest, don't look at her chest.

    Pupil 1 and Katara stepped into the sparring circle

    Pakku: Begin!

    Pupil 1 freezes up, Katara knocks him away in a single move.

    Pupil 2: What happened?

    Pupil 1: I looked.

    No wonder everyone lost to her in one move! That explains a LOT!! And awesome ending, I was laughing hard.

    9 and a half out of 10!!!

    Yeah, I think I'm getting more picky about giving 10's away.
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