Zuko, why are you dressed like me?
Zuko: Because maybe then I can get some more chicks.
Sokka: But you already have like 1,000,000 fan girls. Not to mention 19 fanboys.
Zuko: Well you're always getting chicks on the show. You've scr3ewed Yue, Toph, Suki, and Ty Lee!
Sokka: Actually... that's only a few of the people I've scr3wed.
What do you mean "a few."
Zuko: Come on. tell me. I'll be cool.
Sokka: Well I kinda f***ed your mom*runs away*
WHAT?!!!!!*chases after him*
*in Katara's room*
Katara: Sokka get the h3ll outta my room!!!
Sokka:*from under bed* I'm hiding from Zuko.
Katara: How come?
Sokka: I f***ed his mom.
You're disgusting.
*I walk into the room eating ice cream*
Me: Mmm! Guys this is REALLY good ice cream*pauses* Sokka what are you doing under the bed?
Sokka: Hiding from Zuko.
Me: F***ed his mom?
Sokka: Yup.*hides again*
*Zuko comes into room*
Zuko: Have you seen Sokka?*sees Katara and mistakes her for Sokka*
There you are you little b1tch!*throws her out the window*
Me: Zuko! That was Katara!!!!
Zuko: Sh1t! No Aang's gonna kill me. Where's Sokka?
Me: Under the bed.
Sokka: Ahh!
Zuko:*throws Sokka out the window*
Sokka: AHHHH!!!!!!!!
Me:*looks out the window* Hey, those people are making out.
Zuko: Really? Where*trips and runs into me and I fall out the window*
Zuko: Crap!... I'm gonna go scr3w Aang and Toph. I've alaways wanted to have a threesome with a couple of twelve year olds.